How to Use ineffable in a Sentence
In the face of the ineffable, A’s fans have been grasping for metaphor.
—Ellen Cushing, The Atlantic, 1 Oct. 2024
What is the ineffable deficit between very good and great?
—Leslie Felperin, The Hollywood Reporter, 7 Sep. 2022
The ineffable is that which cannot or should not be uttered.
—Ian Bogost, The Atlantic, 4 Apr. 2018
That ineffable quality that drew him to her in the first place?
—Kayleigh Roberts, Marie Claire, 25 Nov. 2018
That will to stardom, that ineffable self-belief, is the key to Fanny’s code, and Michele cracks it.
—Peter Marks, Washington Post, 28 Sep. 2022
There are people who, in the depths of some ineffable despair or rage, desire to exit the world in a hail of bullets and a flood of blood.
—The Editors, National Review, 2 Oct. 2017
But this new Blade Runner is lacking the ineffable thing that a self-aware android might crave most: a soul.
—Richard Lawson,, 3 Oct. 2017
Sometimes an actor seemed to glow with a private, ineffable fire, only to lose the spark halfway through the play.
—Alexandra Schwartz, The New Yorker, 31 Jan. 2022
There's also an ineffable quality to the risk in all this.
—Andrew Sharp,, 2 July 2018
Some ineffable X factor that transcends all of the above?
—Jp Brammer, Los Angeles Times, 7 Feb. 2024
Watch the movie to get a sense of that ineffable ingredient, and the sometimes-subtle ways that Streisand deploys it.
—Globe Staff,, 26 May 2022
When trying to quantify the ineffable allure of the femme française, one obvious trait is right in our faces—and theirs, much of the time: French girl hair.
—Calin Van Paris, Vogue, 25 Sep. 2017
If Liu is a conduit, so too, in some ineffable sense, is Costanzo.
—Sara Holdren, Vulture, 5 Sep. 2024
After a lifetime of her ineffable grace on stage, in film, and on television, Tyson died on Jan. 28 at 96.
—Natalie Johnson, NBC News, 1 Feb. 2021
That ineffable Kylie essence is always present regardless of whether Minogue wrote on a song or not.
—Rebecca Milzoff, Billboard, 29 Feb. 2024
If so, the variations have been endless, the themes ineffable.
—Mark Rozzo, Vanities, 30 May 2018
When Liszt was on the rise, in his teens and twenties, the man of the hour was Sigismond Thalberg, an Austrian pianist prized for his ineffable singing line.
—Alex Ross, The New Yorker, 4 Sep. 2023
The sloth, about the size of a large sheepdog, hung upside down and stared at me with an expression of ineffable sadness on its furry face.
—New York Times, 29 May 2018
There's this ineffable sense of stiffness at lower frame rates that, for certain types of games, is a detriment.
—Wired, 8 Dec. 2019
La’eeb, the ineffable mascot, held a rainbow banner that was on fire.
—Sam Knight, The New Yorker, 3 Dec. 2022
There does seem to be something extra going on with the food these days: crispier dosas, brighter flavors, more of that ineffable taste of home.
—Soleil Ho, San Francisco Chronicle, 28 July 2022
The whole event is a collaboration between the ineffable space of your unique soul and a world made by others; and the end result is a one-of-a-kind encounter.
—Time, 20 Sep. 2023
The object of Hoare’s own quest is less actual whales than Dürer’s access to the ineffable.
—, 26 Sep. 2021
An attempt to capture the ineffable feelings of kids as summer ends falls flat.
—Matthew Lickona, National Review, 13 Aug. 2022
By stirring us so powerfully, birds bring us up against the ineffable in a telling, pathos-laden way.
—Ben Downing, WSJ, 16 Nov. 2018
To me, its defining trait is an ineffable comic sound, as nervy and raucous as the subway during rush hour.
—Jason Zinoman, New York Times, 14 Sep. 2022
But this approach misses the essence of this ineffable concept.
—Ray Kurzweil, Discover Magazine, 25 Sep. 2012
From its honeyed starch to its tangy tartar and savory fillet, the taste of the Filet-O-Fish carries an ineffable umami-ness.
—New York Times, 20 Apr. 2021
Something ineffable in posture or spirit gave them away.
—Greg Jackson, The New Yorker, 3 Nov. 2024
There’s an intangible, ineffable quality to it, but the reviews are glowing.
—Justin Williams, The Athletic, 30 Dec. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'ineffable.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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