How to Use industrialism in a Sentence
There are lessons that don’t come easily for many of us raised in late-stage industrialism.
—Florence Williams, Outside Online, 1 Jan. 2020
Have the promises of human freedom and a meaningful life been betrayed by a bloated and out of scale industrialism?
—Harrison Stetler, The New York Review of Books, 21 Jan. 2020
The hallmark of this kind of goal is quantification, as a well as an overall punitive feeling that has more than a whiff of industrialism and the Protestant work ethic.
—Hazlitt, 8 Mar. 2023
In Pursuit of the Object, at a Proper Distance presents a monument of industrialism as a metaphor for an overwhelming problem.
—Jakob Schiller, WIRED, 6 Mar. 2015
At the center of this fractured saga, whose companion pieces will touch on American utopianism and the birth of 20th-century industrialism, is the eponymous Lydie Breeze.
—Julia M. Klein,, 4 Feb. 2018
When feudalism gave way to industrialism, factory workers did much the same thing.
—Erik Kain, Forbes, 27 Jan. 2023
Fortune shows the prevalence of industrialism in Texas and, even more intensely, its proximity to human life.
—Wired Photo Department, Wired, 21 Dec. 2021
In their own ways, each company has grown to become modern symbols of American industrialism and down-to-earth luxury.
—Laura Burstein, Robb Report, 3 Aug. 2021
The two American brands teamed up to create a modern, urban collection that exudes warm industrialism: think black, white, and gold Moroccan shag rugs, walnut wood desks, and tawny leather couches.
—Elise Taylor, Vogue, 20 Sep. 2021
Another new name on the scene is Elena Velez, who takes inspiration from her Wisconsin roots to create fashion that merges on Midwest industrialism and chic apocalyptic.
—Kristen Bateman, Harper's BAZAAR, 11 Sep. 2022
The Liberal Party’s drive to separate church and state had become viable, as industrialism, nationalism, and secularism rose to prominence.
—Ian Bogost, The Atlantic, 22 May 2017
This is a city at the intersection of minimalism and maximalism, of industrialism and colonialism, of modernity and history.
—Natalie Stoclet, Forbes, 1 Nov. 2021
The poems address race, labor, industrialism, the region’s indigenous people, and the powerful interplay — sometimes cruel, sometimes nurturing — of people on the environment and the environment on the people.
—, 3 June 2021
Under both capitalism and socialism, industrialism was celebrated as bringing modernity and progress, worth the decades of struggle, upheaval, and violence.
—David Sessions, The New Republic, 2 Apr. 2018
Confederates boasted that their antebellum culture was more romantic, natural, pristine, healthy and moral than was the bustle, grime and hyper-capitalism of Northern industrialism.
—Victor Davis Hanson, The Mercury News, 9 Feb. 2017
That changed during the early nineteenth century, when booming industrialism called for new specialists, and inequalities intensified across explosive growth.
—Nathan Heller, The New Yorker, 7 Mar. 2022
Sherrell does not offer statistics to support his assertions about the environmental impact of industrialism, colonialism and capitalism.
—Washington Post, 6 Aug. 2021
The weekend, for example, was invented about a hundred years ago, a compromise struck between religiosity and management culture, and facilitated by the specific economic and political conditions of late industrialism.
—Ian Bogost, The Atlantic, 6 July 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'industrialism.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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