How to Use in default in a Sentence
in default
No payments were missed, and the loans were never found to be in default, Williams said.
—Jennifer Peltz, Fortune, 29 Nov. 2023
Mota said the loan was in default, so the owner was giving up the building to Bayport in order to get free of the debt.
—Alexa Gagosz,, 20 Apr. 2023
The energy drink maker had been in default on its bank debt since March.
—Jeremy Hill,, 13 Oct. 2022
About 16% of borrowers are in default, according to the White House.
—Susan Tompor, Detroit Free Press, 11 Nov. 2022
Judge Jeremy Cook ruled in Spacey's favor and overturned the judgment in default against the actor.
—Sam Tobin, USA TODAY, 8 May 2024
After 270 days, the loan will be considered in default.
—The Salt Lake Tribune, 24 Aug. 2022
Naftogaz – one of the most important companies in Ukraine – is in default on bond payments due this year.
—Kenneth Rapoza, Forbes, 11 Oct. 2022
Country Garden has just weeks to come up with the cash to make interest payments on some of its bonds or join its peers in default.
—Alexandra Stevenson, New York Times, 21 Aug. 2023
SeaWorld remains the only city lessee in default on its lease payment.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, 6 Jan. 2023
Already, Veritas, the largest landlord in San Francisco, is in default on loans for some of its 95 buildings in the city.
—Carolyn Said, San Francisco Chronicle, 15 May 2023
Already, Veritas, the largest landlord in San Francisco, is in default on loans for some of its 95 buildings in the city.
—Carolyn Said, San Francisco Chronicle, 15 May 2023
The company is not in default under the contracts, DeBard said.
—Patrick Danner, San Antonio Express-News, 5 Apr. 2021
But those who were in default need to take certain steps to do so — and complete them before next September to keep their loans out of default for the long term.
—Tara Siegel Bernard,, 1 Sep. 2023
The fine print is considerable on reverse mortgage contracts, and each year, scads of them end up in default.
—Steve Lopez Columnist, Los Angeles Times, 19 Dec. 2020
But those who were in default need to take certain steps to do so — and complete them before next September to keep their loans out of default for the long term, The Times said.
—Robert Higgs, cleveland, 1 Sep. 2023
Moya had been in default on his loans at times, seeing his tax returns get seized and even his wages garnished for repayment on his debt.
—Anne Flaherty, ABC News, 30 June 2023
Russia has until May 4 to meet its obligations or it could be considered to be in default, the agency said.
—Uliana Pavlova, Chris Liakos and Anna Cooban, CNN, 18 Apr. 2022
Five of the office buildings face the risk of foreclosure, according to its public filings, and at least two of its mortgages are in default.
—Konrad Putzier,, 1 May 2023
The developer now has 30 days to pay up before it is officially deemed to be in default.
—Bynicholas Gordon, Fortune, 21 Aug. 2023
Last month, the lenders who hold more than $100 million in debt on the high-rise declared the mortgage in default and began procedures to transfer ownership of the building.
—Steve Brown, Dallas News, 19 Jan. 2021
By not paying off the balance of the $3.6 million loan, Shelbourne is now in default, according to court documents.
—Kenneth R. Gosselin, Hartford Courant, 1 Aug. 2024
What about borrowers who were in default before payments were paused?
—Tara Siegel Bernard, New York Times, 22 Aug. 2023
This month, the convict was granted $100 million in default judgment after Combs failed to respond or appear in court.
—Taijuan Moorman, USA TODAY, 17 Sep. 2024
Failure to pay, or attempting to pay in rubles instead of dollars as required by the bonds, would set the stage for Russia to be placed in default by its creditors.
—Alexander Saeedy, WSJ, 16 Mar. 2022
The mortgage delinquency represents the second time in about a year that a real estate loan for the building has landed in default.
—George Avalos, The Mercury News, 20 Mar. 2024
Nearly one out of five former students is in default, according to the Pew Research Center.
—Joe Nocera and Bloomberg Opinion, Star Tribune, 25 Dec. 2020
Two days later, a separate program, meant to help borrowers in default get back on track, also ceased.
—Zachary Schermele, USA TODAY, 13 Oct. 2024
However, this program is geared to borrowers who were already in default on their loans before the payment pause began in March of 2020.
—Robert Farrington, Forbes, 8 Mar. 2023
Some defendants, including Iran, the Taliban and al-Qaida, already have been found in default.
—Democrat-Gazette Staff From Wire Reports,, 1 Aug. 2024
The filing details the company's convertible notes and loans, with significant portions in default.
—Quartz Bot, Quartz, 19 Nov. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'in default.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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