How to Use holy war in a Sentence
holy war
The other was to claim the mantle of the global leader of a holy war.
—Washington Post, 13 Aug. 2021
Solovyov claims that Russia is embroiled in a holy war against Ukraine and the West.
—Jay Nordlinger, National Review, 9 Jan. 2023
Is there a holy war between oval and square devotees and this was the compromise?
—Elizabeth Lopatto, The Verge, 24 Mar. 2023
Russia's war in Ukraine is also something of a holy war.
—Peter Weber, The Week, 19 Apr. 2022
For Torba, this seems to be a welcome challenge, something akin to a holy war.
—Jacob Silverman, The New Republic, 23 Aug. 2021
And at the center of this web are the ayatollahs declaring holy war on the Great Satan (which is us).
—New York Daily News Editorial Board, New York Daily News, 29 Jan. 2024
Paul knows from his own dreams that this sparked holy war he's just started will kill billions (with a B) of people.
—Bryan Alexander, USA TODAY, 5 Mar. 2024
To fight those who aid and abet trafficking—as Exodus Cry claims that Pornhub does—is to wage holy war.
—Melissa Gira Grant, The New Republic, 10 Dec. 2020
Some reportedly described their struggle as akin to the opening salvo of a holy war.
—Desiree Stennett,, 29 Oct. 2021
Officials here fear that the Taliban takeover in Kabul could embolden such extremists to launch a new holy war at home.
—Washington Post, 25 Sep. 2021
Plus the star himself has openly expressed interest in returning to the holy war raging on the streets of Los Angeles.
—Meredith Woerner, Variety, 16 Sep. 2022
Paul’s reluctance to fall into the role created for him isn’t the usual self-doubt, but the dread of someone who begins to believe he’s meant to initiate a holy war.
—Alison Willmore, Vulture, 12 Sep. 2021
These young martyrs in training found the perfect holy war in the American Revolution.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, 5 Sep. 2021
Filling the void were Islamic schools known as madrassas that shaped the minds of future young Taliban fighters, their learning and their childhoods inevitably cut short by the lure of jihad, or holy war.
—Washington Post, 12 Nov. 2021
Following a holy war between Europe and Islam, the world has splintered into a series of miniature nations.
—Aaron Timms, The New Republic, 2 Sep. 2022
Contributors there continue to employ the language of holy war.
—Teri Sforza, Orange County Register, 15 May 2024
QAnon became a holy war, while PoGo remained a game, requiring a willing suspension of disbelief.
—Virginia Heffernan, Wired, 22 Sep. 2020
The series tries to stage a Christian versus pagan holy war while recognizing the multifaceted nature of religious life at the time.
—David M. Perry, Smithsonian Magazine, 24 Feb. 2022
We Guelphs know that more crucial — by far — than any pandemic discussion is the esoteric debate about whether to use guild taxes to support the pope in his holy war against the Holy Roman Emperor!
—Georgia Garvey,, 26 Apr. 2021
Timimi preached that the Sept. 11 attacks portended a global holy war between Muslims and non-believers.
—Matthew Barakat, Star Tribune, 18 Aug. 2020
Many rioters, a largely white group, were motivated by religious fervor and saw themselves as participants in a kind of holy war.
—New York Times, 7 Feb. 2021
And a dozen years later, a holy war of sorts among the group’s adherents and a breakaway Muslim sect culminated in a set of deadly sieges in Washington, D.C., one of the most violent incidents ever in the nation’s capital.
—Edward Kosner, WSJ, 28 Dec. 2022
That the language of spiritual warfare, demonic forces, good and evil is creating exactly the sort of radical worldview that could turn politics into holy war.
—Stephanie McCrummen, Anchorage Daily News, 12 July 2021
Piracy during the early centuries was mainly religiously motivated — Al-jihad fi’l-bahr, or holy war at sea.
—David F. Eisner, National Review, 31 May 2021
Religious leaders endorsed by the state presented the fight against Hitler as a holy war, blending Islamic devotion with Soviet patriotism.
—Jeff Eden, Foreign Affairs, 19 Apr. 2022
But as the movie progresses, Lady Jessica increasingly serves only to deliver communiqués to Paul from his unborn sister, who seems way more concerned with his reluctance to start an interstellar holy war than, say, the development of her own limbs.
—Mary McNamara, Los Angeles Times, 5 Mar. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'holy war.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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