How to Use historical society in a Sentence
historical society
That was the same impulse that led to the creation of the historical society more than 30 years ago, Ochi added.
—Roxana Popescu, San Diego Union-Tribune, 3 June 2024
The historical society plans to have a meet-and-greet with Shrimp at the historic Nicholson House in the near future.
—Carol Kovach, cleveland, 21 Aug. 2023
The historical society didn’t have any records of shipwrecks found in that area.
—Sarah Kuta, Smithsonian Magazine, 18 Dec. 2023
The plan worked – by the mid-1940s, the number of Halloween police calls had been cut in half, according to the state historical society.
—Maria Aguilar Prieto, CNN, 31 Oct. 2024
But beyond the historical society tours, the resort has no plans to open up to the public, spokeswoman Sara Geen Hill said.
—Lois K. Solomon, Sun Sentinel, 14 Apr. 2023
Each time, crews brought the ship to the surface and put it back into service, according to the historical society.
—Sarah Kuta, Smithsonian Magazine, 6 May 2024
With the new information, Gates and the historical society went out onto the lake aboard the David Boyd, a research vessel, to try to find the minesweepers.
—Frank Witsil, USA TODAY, 18 July 2023
All except a few dozen hardy souls who formed the historical society and began patching the scars of this tumbledown town.
—Roger Naylor, The Arizona Republic, 22 Mar. 2024
When the church closed, the congregation donated the church bell, cast in 1852, to the historical society, along with a donation to help build a tower for it.
—Sam Boyer, cleveland, 14 Aug. 2023
Still, there is the mystery of the Peterson to solve, and the historical society’s research boat will revisit the area where the Curtis and Marvin were found this summer.
—Remy Tumin, New York Times, 16 Apr. 2023
The boats were all located in an 800-foot area that was likely once a shoreline, according to the historical society.
—Julia Binswanger, Smithsonian Magazine, 4 June 2024
Instead, the historical society's events manager has set up a beer garden in the park, to try to cater to the convention's visitors.
—Sarah Volpenhein, Journal Sentinel, 18 July 2024
Soon, the book may be put in an archival box or given to the local historical society for further preservation, Kreiden said.
—Praveena Somasundaram, Washington Post, 24 May 2023
But the local historical society wouldn’t agree to the roof replacement.
—Greg McKenna, Fortune, 20 Nov. 2024
During dive season, the historical society places a mooring buoy to identify the location of the wreck.
—Claire Reid, Journal Sentinel, 20 July 2023
The historical society's new slate of officers and board members will also be elected at the meeting.
—Deb Harvell,, 23 Sep. 2024
The shipwreck site is marked by a historical society mooring buoy, which allows visiting boats to tie-up directly above the site.
—Claire Reid, Journal Sentinel, 20 July 2023
The fort name, according to the historical society, was in honor of the French marine minister who approved Cadillac’s trip, the location and the narrow strait le détroit.
—Susan Selasky, Detroit Free Press, 19 July 2024
In all, Barbera said the historical society’s position has greatly improved with the rental of its building.
—Ricardo Torres, Journal Sentinel, 14 June 2024
In many ways, the historical society said, the discovery of these shipwrecks, sunk beneath the lake's surface, offers a window to the past, because the cold water preserves the artifacts for decades.
—Frank Witsil, Detroit Free Press, 12 Apr. 2023
History of the state is not being erased or hidden; all one needs to do is read a book on Minnesota history or visit the historical society.
—Letter Writers, Twin Cities, 9 Feb. 2024
But that program came to an end for several reasons, according to the historical society — chief among them the building of the Brown Mountain Dam, which required the cabins’ removal.
—Jaclyn Cosgrove, Los Angeles Times, 11 July 2024
The crew records, historical society officials said, we aboard the ship and appear to be lost, but the find might spur relatives who, through family lore, to contact the shipwreck museum.
—Frank Witsil, Detroit Free Press, 1 May 2024
The historical society requires that the text be well-researched and well-documented.
—Journal Sentinel, 25 Mar. 2024
Today, the former train station houses the Mount Airy Museum, run by the historical society.
—Jennifer Donatelli, Washington Post, 12 July 2023
Local artist Barbara Abbott used photos from the historical society as the basis for the seven panels.
—Paul Bersebach, Orange County Register, 30 Oct. 2024
The historical society had attributed the image to Brady.
—Jennifer Schuessler, New York Times, 11 June 2024
The crew records, historical society officials said, were aboard the ship and appear to be lost, but the find might spur relatives who, through family lore, could contact the shipwreck museum.
—Frank Witsil, Detroit Free Press, 1 May 2024
The keeper of the island's lighthouse rescued the crew, according to the historical society, but the ship was abandoned and was eventually covered with sand and forgotten.
—CBS News, 14 Dec. 2023
According to the news release from the historical society, Fountain has been studying remote sensing data in the search for shipwrecks in Lake Superior for the past 10 years.
—Gabe Hauari, USA TODAY, 13 Feb. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'historical society.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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