How to Use highbrow in a Sentence
No one balances the pleasures of highbrow and lowbrow TV quite like the British.
—Vogue, 29 Oct. 2021
My tastes in wine (like my tastes in everything else) are a hard-to-describe mix of the homespun and the highbrow.
—David Chang, GQ, 23 Sep. 2017
For some, the slime obsession is a little less...highbrow.
—Charlotte Lieberman, Marie Claire, 16 Aug. 2017
The flamboyant curl screamed to be recognized as highbrow but lacked the finesse to pull it off.
—Lawrence Ware, The Root, 7 June 2017
In Washington, the product of highbrow schools became a bit more of a scrapper.
—Manuel Roig-Franzia, Washington Post, 15 Sep. 2020
The highbrow location in Oslo is in keeping with Nio’s image, Li says.
—Yue Wang, Forbes, 4 June 2021
With a mix of world-class museums and a vibrant homegrown arts scene, the city is a refreshing mix of highbrow and low-key.
—Paul Abercrombie, Washington Post, 12 Feb. 2020
Gertner and Dershowitz are longtime friends, but the highbrow exchange had an edge.
—Mark Arsenault,, 20 Apr. 2018
The rest of the drink skews fruity and herbal, thanks to pineapple juice and yellow Chartreuse, a French liqueur that adds a highbrow and slightly medicinal whiff to any cocktail.
—Marian Bull, GQ, 27 June 2018
There’s a highbrow/lowbrow theme to the menu, steered with aplomb by Executive Chef Martha Wiggins.
—Paul Oswell, Condé Nast Traveler, 28 Feb. 2018
All this, plus a new Bachelorette season for our guilty pleasure, and a new Roxane Gay book for our highbrow needs.
—, 2 May 2018
This too primed him for an age when comics went highbrow and genre began to infuse literature.
—Los Angeles Times, 14 Mar. 2022
Its glossy veneer has the appearance of a typical highbrow event.
—Lauren Warnecke,, 14 Aug. 2021
The concept driving Church and State resonates on many levels from highbrow to commonplace.
—Steven Litt, cleveland, 4 Oct. 2020
Over the past few years, younger artists who aren’t as concerned with distinctions between highbrow and lowbrow have started making pieces inspired by Mr. Ross, who died in 1995.
—Kelly Crow, WSJ, 21 Aug. 2018
In fact, the evening—low-key, highbrow, and decidedly unflashy—is much more in keeping with Casiraghi’s preferred modus operandi.
—Town & Country, 30 Nov. 2022
To this collector of vintage plastic, the city is a whimsical assortment of highbrow and lowbrow.
—Michele Filgate, Los Angeles Times, 30 June 2021
How the second location differs from the original Pa'la, the beloved central Phoenix restaurant, is known for its highbrow tapas plates and upscale Italian food served over the counter in disposable plates.
—Andi Berlin, The Arizona Republic, 30 May 2021
Bravo was once a cable network that would broadcast highbrow plays and independent films.
—Emily Fehrenbacher, Alaska Dispatch News, 24 Oct. 2017
Despite the fact that there wasn’t a single book in the family house, his parents encouraged Luijten and his brother to follow their highbrow dreams, which turned out to parallel each other.
—New York Times, 14 Apr. 2021
The distinction between highbrow and lowbrow celebrities was once totally uncrossable, but the Bling Ring was obsessed with these second-tier stars.
—Jessica Goldstein, The Cut, 16 Apr. 2018
If the horror movie is at one end of the spectrum of good taste, deafness has also recently been portrayed in highbrow films as well—although with ambiguous relation to deaf culture writ large.
—Jo Livingstone, The New Republic, 8 July 2021
The highbrow Art Basel fair, known for glamorous parties and celebrity sightings, on Wednesday announced the cancellation of this year’s event amid the coronavirus pandemic.
—From Usa Today Network and Wire Reports, USA TODAY, 5 Sep. 2020
This push-pull between highbrow cuisine and down-and-dirty cooking, between the old ways and the new ones, comes at a particularly complicated moment in the history of food culture.
—Alicia Kennedy, Harper's BAZAAR, 11 July 2022
There’s a similar highbrow-lowbrow thing going on with the typography.
—Wired Staff, Wired, 18 Mar. 2021
Kevin is the yin to Raymond’s yang — two men who clearly have similar highbrow tastes and relatively cold demeanors, but also a deep understanding and love for each other.
—Brian Tallerico, Vulture, 13 Aug. 2021
Not even Hilary’s two highbrow quotations from Auden and Philip Larkin can compensate for this maudlin social consciousness.
—Armond White, National Review, 9 Dec. 2022
The ideas in Hamaguchi’s stories develop emotions — the specter of loneliness — rather than meander toward quizzical, highbrow pathos.
—Armond White, National Review, 29 Apr. 2022
All have the exact kind of highbrow literary credibility that the Swedish Academy once valued.
—Alex Shephard, The New Republic, 9 Oct. 2019
Thong’s new Altitude section is the highbrow pen for Asia’s leading auteurs, making significant films.
—Patrick Frater, Variety, 24 Nov. 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'highbrow.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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