How to Use heatstroke in a Sentence
And of course, heatstroke is the main cause of death with a dog in a hot car.
—Heloise, Washington Post, 24 Aug. 2019
Tweet with us for the next 12 hours on the dangers of heatstroke.
—Eric D. Lawrence, Detroit Free Press, 15 Aug. 2019
His son picked him up from the fields, and Valdivia died of heatstroke on the drive home.
—Amy Maxmen, CBS News, 30 Aug. 2023
He was found dead from heatstroke, dumped at the side of a road by colleagues.
—The Economist, 3 Feb. 2018
This can lead to heatstroke (more on that to come), which can be fatal.
—NBC News, 29 June 2019
The children ended up being locked in the car for two hours and died of heatstroke.
—Prescotte Stokes Iii, star-telegram, 30 Apr. 2018
Some might feel the effort (and risk of heatstroke in summer) worth it for the stellar views.
—Lisa Morrow, CNN, 10 May 2022
Most of the children that have died from heatstroke are under 3 years old.
—Ryan Osborne, star-telegram, 30 June 2017
This forces the cops to remove their armor or risk heatstroke.
—Cheri Lucas Rowlands, Longreads, 28 Nov. 2022
The small dog died of heatstroke on the way to a veterinary hospital.
—Sophia Eppolito,, 11 July 2018
The children were in the car for two hours and died of heatstroke, authorities said.
—Prescotte Stokes Iii, star-telegram, 16 May 2018
Because a child’s body heats up three to five times as fast as an adult’s, heatstroke sets in swiftly.
—Ellen Byron, WSJ, 28 July 2018
What to do with bolts of nineteen-fifties tweed so heavy that to wear it in a modern office would court heatstroke?
—Adam Davidson, The New Yorker, 20 Mar. 2017
Writing burns you up from the inside out, like a heatstroke but slower.
—Rex Nelson, Arkansas Online, 3 Oct. 2020
Avoid heatstroke: Caretakers should never leave a child alone in a car, not even for a minute.
—Jacob Beltran,, 16 July 2019
Exertional heatstroke, on the other hand, pounces on the young and fit.
—Amy Ragsdale, Outside Online, 18 June 2019
Schools were closed so that kids would not get heatstroke during their commute or on the playground.
—Ross Andersen, The Atlantic, 13 Aug. 2024
People are also encouraged to be aware of the signs of heatstroke.
—Brook Endale, The Enquirer, 12 Aug. 2021
One 16-year-old camper, Kristen Chase, died of heatstroke while at Challenger.
—Jaden Thompson, Variety, 2 Jan. 2024
To take a closer look at the risk of heatstroke, Hall and her colleagues scoured records from veterinary care practices in the U.K.
—NBC News, 7 Sep. 2019
There were reports of heatstroke patients around the area by July 30.
—Michelle Ye Hee Lee, Washington Post, 9 Aug. 2023
Both are signs of heatstroke, the most serious and final stage of heat illness.
—Sarah Trent, Outside Online, 26 July 2022
In nearby Snohomish County, three men between the ages of 51 and 77 died from heatstroke.
—NBC News, 30 June 2021
These longer heat waves increase the danger not just of heatstroke, but also of wildfires.
—Ned Kleiner, Los Angeles Times, 12 July 2024
If a child has suffered a heatstroke, they should be placed in a cool environment and in a bath of cool water.
—Summer Lin, Los Angeles Times, 31 Aug. 2023
The sites offered an escape from the heat, cool drinking water, and staff trained in dealing with heatstroke.
—, 12 Aug. 2021
More than 700 children were found dead in hot cars due to heatstroke in the past two decades, The Washington Post reported.
—Kathleen Joyce, Fox News, 1 May 2018
At least 41 children have died of heatstroke this year after being left in the back seat of a parked vehicle.
—Paul Stenquist, New York Times, 26 Oct. 2017
This leads to a reduction in the air circulation and puts kids at risk of heatstroke and even sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) as their body temperatures reach dangerous levels.
—Hollee Actman Becker, Parents, 2 Oct. 2024
Contact burn patients often also have heatstroke, Ferrari said.
—Lane Sainty, USA TODAY, 10 Sep. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'heatstroke.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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