How to Use ham it up in a Sentence
ham it up
But this week, the star behind the queen was determined to ham it up and have fun.
—Dave Quinn, Peoplemag, 2 Sep. 2022
Some ham it up for the paparazzi, or dress for the occasion.
—Sarah Spellings, Vogue, 16 Apr. 2021
Like many of the other portrayals on this list, when the legend is better than the truth, ham it up.
—Tim Moffatt,, 1 July 2022
Insider Tip: Grab a seat on the front deck and ham it up with the locals, eavesdropping on the town gossip.
—Michelle Gross, Travel + Leisure, 10 June 2023
Insider Tip: Grab a seat on the front deck and ham it up with the locals, eavesdropping on the town gossip.
—Michelle Gross, Travel + Leisure, 10 June 2023
On stage and off, people perform, act, ham it up, stage scenes, direct those around them, inhabit roles they’re cast in by others.
—Priscilla Gilman,, 3 Aug. 2023
Other councilmembers looking to ham it up with Sawant struggled to find such common ground.
—Andrew Schwartz, The New Republic, 3 Dec. 2021
Looking for love With a striking resemblance to the cutest potato anyone has ever seen, Hamster sure loves to ham it up.
—The Republic, The Arizona Republic, 15 Oct. 2022
Employees can experiment with make-your-own hot chocolate, cider and s’mores and ham it up in a 360-degree photo booth.
—Taylor Telford, Washington Post, 10 Dec. 2022
As directed by Grant Preisser, the performers ham it up as needed, but their singing is no laughing matter.
—Matthew J. Palm,, 18 Dec. 2020
This year’s Pork Fest parade offered plenty of opportunities to ham it up.
—Doug Ross, Chicago Tribune, 28 Aug. 2023
Young Megan, eyes twinkling, would ham it up for the crowd, doing her best Jim Carrey impressions (allllrighty, then!) to draw attention and laughs.
—Ryan McGinley; Styling By Yashua Simmons, Harper's BAZAAR, 19 May 2021
These cookie-cutter roles are filled by Stanley Tucci and Lesley Manville, respectively, the only two actors who seem aware of the silliness around them and ham it up accordingly.
—Alison Herman, Variety, 28 Apr. 2023
These cookie-cutter roles are filled by Stanley Tucci and Lesley Manville, respectively, the only two actors who seem aware of the silliness around them and ham it up accordingly.
—Alison Herman, Variety, 28 Apr. 2023
Attendees will also have the chance to indulge in additional mouthwatering munchies, collect tons of seltzer swag, and ham it up for ‘gram worthy epic photoshoots.
—Amber Love Bond, Forbes, 6 Oct. 2021
Most of the returning performers ham it up as much as possible, making this ambitious and absurd endeavor — basically, turning a meme into a bloated but fun, moving, and self-aware nostalgia trip of a movie — work.
—Carrie Wittmer, Rolling Stone, 18 Dec. 2021
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'ham it up.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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