How to Use habitat in a Sentence
Signs also warn that the area is a habitat for the plover and the least tern.
—Saumya Gupta, Los Angeles Times, 1 Aug. 2023
The door is hinged to swing into the habitat, and must be pushed open by R5.
—IEEE Spectrum, 23 Jan. 2023
The trees provide the ants with habitat and nectar to eat.
—Popular Science, 25 Jan. 2024
Zoo staff searched near the habitat and the rest of the property but could not find them.
—Natalie Neysa Alund, USA TODAY, 1 Feb. 2023
Birds that once flocked in droves to Owens Lake lost their habitat and food source.
—ArcGIS StoryMaps, 11 Oct. 2022
The chick was about the size of a lime at birth and is now thriving at the aviary's Penguin Point habitat.
—Amanda Taylor, Peoplemag, 7 Oct. 2022
Explore the grounds to find some slimy friends and observe them in their habitat.
—Charlotte Observer, 1 Feb. 2024
Tigers in the wild face pressure because of a loss of habitat and poaching.
—Karen Kucher, San Diego Union-Tribune, 14 Sep. 2023
Once their wings grow, the herds become flying swarms in search of more food and habitat.
—National Geographic, 12 Jan. 2023
The group will look for plant and animal species that call scrub habitat their home.
—Joe Rassel, Orlando Sentinel, 15 Jan. 2025
Ransom said grizzlies turn over soil, spread seeds and can move and thrive in a lot of habitats.
—Evan Bush, NBC News, 28 Apr. 2024
Water depth and the type of habitat — rocky, sandy or coral reef — also played roles in the approaches the whales took.
—Randi Richardson, NBC News, 1 Oct. 2024
In its native habitat — that is, the homes and bakeries of Colombia — pandebono is a shape-shifter.
—Tim Carman, Washington Post, 10 July 2023
Still, years of pesticide use has killed a lot of that milkweed, and monarch habitat along with it.
—Laura Baisas, Popular Science, 31 July 2024
Six trails wind through the park and provide access to fall colors, wildlife and the Verde River habitat.
—Lauren De Young, The Arizona Republic, 28 Sep. 2024
The zoo closed as a search for her got underway, and she was found later that day near her habitat.
—Jamie Stengle, ajc, 1 Feb. 2023
Other species may not be able to outrun the rapid changes in their habitat and could simply die off.
—Elizabeth Rayne, Ars Technica, 14 Nov. 2023
Toyon is a stand-out habitat plant and screening plant.
—Viveka Neveln, Better Homes & Gardens, 10 Oct. 2022
The store stocks food for both small and large pets as well as habitats for birds, dog collars and litter boxes.
—Hank Beckman, Chicago Tribune, 9 June 2023
And when stacked, the cavities that form between the blocks act as habitats for marine life.
—WIRED, 28 Mar. 2023
Emperor tamarin monkeys are most likely to stay close to home, so the zoo searched near their habitat and across the grounds.
—James Hartley Fort Worth Star-Telegram (tns), al, 30 Jan. 2023
Zoo officials said the monkeys would likely stay close to home, but staff searched near the habitat, as well as the rest of the zoo, and could not find them.
—Jordan Mendoza, USA TODAY, 31 Jan. 2023
Students will also take home a milkweed plant to be used to start their own habitat.
—Ana Rocío Álvarez Bríñez, The Courier-Journal, 25 Mar. 2023
There are more than 70 species of mangrove, adapted to hot habitats with soil low in oxygen.
—Michael Adno, Scientific American, 25 June 2024
Their larval stage is their only chance to move around and find that perfect habitat.
—Laura Baisas, Popular Science, 14 Mar. 2024
Gray wolves can survive in a wide range of habitats and conditions.
—Will Sullivan, Smithsonian Magazine, 5 Dec. 2023
The shorebirds nest and feed along coastal sand and gravel beaches, blending in with their habitat.
—Frank Witsil, Detroit Free Press, 21 Apr. 2023
Many of the animals birthed there bring benefits to habitats far away.
—Smithsonian Magazine, 10 July 2023
They should be allowed out of their habitat or enclosure at least once every day for about two hours.
—Dan Perry, Newsweek, 28 Feb. 2025
Together with its tributaries, the North Yuba River can provide between 40 and 50 miles of ideal habitat for spring-run Chinook salmon, experts say.
—Sarah Kuta, Smithsonian Magazine, 28 Feb. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'habitat.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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