How to Use gulag in a Sentence
The Uyghurs in the gulag, among others, could attest to this.
— Jay Nordlinger, National Review, 27 Aug. 2020 -
For all his silly tweets, Trump hasn’t opened any gulags (yet).
— Alexander Nazaryan, MSNBC Newsweek, 7 July 2017 -
Mendelevitch was captured and spent 11 years in a gulag.
— Cnaan Liphshiz,, 18 Sep. 2019 -
Mistakes like this promise a one-way ticket to the gulag or worse.
— Peter Rainer, The Christian Science Monitor, 16 Mar. 2018 -
Stalin was a man of gulags and firing squads, a poster villain for the dangers posed by despots.
— Jeffrey Fleishman,, 6 Mar. 2018 -
Nadym, a former gulag camp, is now a booming town of gas workers.
— Anatoly Kurmanaev, WSJ, 29 Nov. 2018 -
More than a million Uighur men and women have been thrown into this gulag.
— Jay Nordlinger, National Review, 20 Oct. 2020 -
Or look at the man who, quite literally, wrote the book on the Soviet gulag.
— Casey Michel, The New Republic, 4 Oct. 2022 -
Here, the gulag is more than merely a memory, and a residual fear hangs in the air even today.
— Anna Nemtsova, The Atlantic, 26 Oct. 2021 -
Which came from legitimate business, so to speak, and which from a gulag camp?
— Jay Nordlinger, National Review, 4 Feb. 2022 -
The story unfolds within a grand but fading hotel; not quite Eloise at the Plaza, but far from Ivan Denisovich in the gulag.
— New York Times, 18 June 2019 -
Somebody might end up in a gulag that way, and Matveev wasn’t interested.
— Keith Gave, Detroit Free Press, 26 Mar. 2018 -
It was founded in the 1940s as a gulag camp for mining tin and uranium, where the prisoners died in great numbers.
— New York Times, 22 Oct. 2021 -
He’s detained by the authorities, tortured, and sent to a gulag.
— Owen Gleiberman, Variety, 24 Jan. 2023 -
No one is sentencing great athletes to the football gulag.
— Paul Daugherty,, 27 Jan. 2020 -
And Trump showered a surfeit of praise on the gulag operator.
— Andrew Malcolm,, 21 June 2018 -
Does handing over two or three thousand dollars help fund the weapons program, gulag fence-mending or the purchase of medicine?
— Siobhán O'Grady, Washington Post, 6 June 2018 -
There is a lot to protest in China: including the imprisonment of more than 1 million Uyghurs in a gulag.
— Nr Editors, National Review, 23 Jan. 2020 -
He was arrested and detained in Russia in 2019 and spent nearly three years in a Russian gulag.
— Dallas News, 14 June 2022 -
This at a time when the penalty for such an offense could be death by execution, or almost certain death in the gulag.
— Michael Brendan Dougherty, National Review, 2 July 2019 -
Hopper is far from dead, however, and is being held at an icy gulag in Russia.
— Antonio Ferme, Variety, 15 May 2022 -
But in fact this gulag exists right here in lower Manhattan.
— Dareh Gregorian, NBC News, 10 Aug. 2019 -
This former professor, a survivor of the Holocaust and gulags, is one of the collection’s highlights.
— Leah Mirakhor,, 8 June 2018 -
His grandfather, a peasant, was declared an enemy of the working class and sent to one of this region's many gulag prison camps.
— oregonlive, 5 Oct. 2019 -
The North Korean gulags are work gulags; the prisoners are forced to work and live in what look like North Korean villages.
— Popular Mechanics, 26 Dec. 2014 -
For his activism, he was sent to a prison camp on the Coco Islands, a tropical gulag archipelago in the Bay of Bengal.
— New York Times, 2 July 2021 -
The people who have those markers, who are seen as unsafe for a long time were being shipped off to a gulag of re-education centers.
— CBS News, 4 Jan. 2023 -
Vladimir Putin's Russia has settled into one-man rule, minus perhaps the worst of the Soviet gulag state.
— John C. “chuck” Chalberg, Star Tribune, 23 Jan. 2021 -
Today tens of thousands of North Koreans are believed to languish in gulags and the state allows no dissent.
— Jonathan Cheng, WSJ, 22 Sep. 2017 -
Several of the women and their family members – their loyalty now suspect – were sentenced to long prison terms in the gulags.
— Terry W. Hartle, The Christian Science Monitor, 20 Nov. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'gulag.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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