How to Use groundwater in a Sentence
noun- There were concerns about contaminated groundwater.
One group was studying the movement of the groundwater through a patch of now-salty soil.
—Jennie Rothenberg Gritz, Smithsonian Magazine, 7 Dec. 2022
Wells and pumps pull groundwater from as deep as 680 feet, and the aquifer’s levels are dropping.
—Ian James, Los Angeles Times, 13 Nov. 2023
In Maryland, groundwater abusers can be fined $5,000 a day.
—Dionne Searcey, New York Times, 2 Nov. 2023
Looking Back 50 Years The one long-term impact of the tests is the groundwater of Amchitka.
—Erik Klemetti, Discover Magazine, 15 Aug. 2023
The sites selected must have a shallow depth to the bedrock, where the groundwater resides.
—Laura Schulte, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 26 Apr. 2022
One of the things that came out of the meetings were concerns regarding groundwater.
—Rachel Ramirez, CNN, 2 May 2023
Cash crops aren’t alone in relying on the groundwater here.
—Susie Cagle, Wired, 12 Apr. 2022
As groundwater levels drop, saltwater seeps in and fills in the gaps in the soil where freshwater used to be.
—Rachel Ramirez, CNN, 2 Sep. 2023
Most of us know about Fondomonte’s sweet deal to pump groundwater on 3,500 acres of state land thanks to this reporting.
—Greg Burton,, 8 Jan. 2023
The pump moves water from the Kings onto Cameron’s grape fields, flooding them in order to recharge the groundwater aquifers beneath them.
—Jake Bittle, WIRED, 6 Jan. 2024
And because the groundwater there is spotty, not all residents have the option of just drilling a well.
—Sasha Hupka, USA TODAY, 19 Jan. 2023
The agency relaunched the process to regulate groundwater this fall, which will take about three years.
—Laura Schulte, Journal Sentinel, 27 Dec. 2022
The region has no other sources besides a bit of groundwater, and takes 90% of its water from the river at Lake Mead.
—Brandon Loomis,, 20 Nov. 2022
Most of the local water supply is in groundwater, and that has been dwindling.
—Henry Gass, The Christian Science Monitor, 5 Apr. 2022
It has been found in the air near PVC factories and hazardous waste sites, and can leach into groundwater.
—Raymond Zhong, New York Times, 15 Feb. 2023
The city now relies on rain to fill a reservoir, and groundwater levels are dwindling.
—Doc Louallen, ABC News, 29 June 2024
Some of it seeped into the groundwater and was pumped through the well in the form of nitrate, which is made when nitrogen and oxygen combine.
—Madeline Heim, Journal Sentinel, 3 July 2024
In the last few weeks, the city installed six deep wells near the coastline to pump out groundwater — the impetus for landslide movement.
—Grace Toohey, Los Angeles Times, 25 Oct. 2024
Navajos made do with groundwater pumped by windmills, and did not build their homes next to each other.
—, 6 Sep. 2022
Freed from infrastructure and given the space and time to breathe, the groundwater and streams have begun to reflow.
—Kathleen Wong, USA TODAY, 8 Aug. 2024
Groundwater comes from one of the city's 22 wells, which can pump up 32 million gallons of groundwater per day.
—Taylor Seely, The Arizona Republic, 10 May 2023
But water from those sources can cost twice as much as local groundwater.
—Pien Huang, NPR, 12 Sep. 2024
Raw sewage — including all its bacteria and pathogens — then seeps from the pit into the ground, groundwater, aquifers and ocean.
—Audrey McAvoy, ajc, 6 Apr. 2023
The groundwater would likely cover the entirety of Mars to a depth of a mile (1.6 kilometers), their study found.
—Ashley Strickland, CNN, 12 Aug. 2024
But the Colorado River, and Arizona’s groundwater, cannot keep up.
—Los Angeles Times, 6 Jan. 2023
State officials hope projects like these will replenish some of the groundwater that was pumped out during the drought.
—Adam Beam, Fortune, 24 Mar. 2023
Pump more fresh water from a lake or river or aquifer than can be replaced by rain, snow melt, or groundwater?
—Jeffrey Kluger, Time, 2 Aug. 2023
The goals of soil testing are to leave a property safe for families, children and pets as well as protect groundwater, wildlife and air quality.
—Kurt Snibbe, Orange County Register, 2 Feb. 2025
But development and pumping of groundwater are taking a toll.
—Greg Allen, NPR, 17 Jan. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'groundwater.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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