How to Use gremlin in a Sentence
And yet, who’s to say a gremlin or a crash isn’t waiting for him in Monterey.
—Nathan Brown, USA TODAY, 18 Sep. 2021
But as the opening scenes of the Trump era began to play out, these gremlins are springing back to life.
—Ashley Shelby, Slate Magazine, 2 June 2017
Dear Readers: Tonight’s the night for ghosts, gremlins, ghouls and goblins!
—Heloise, Washington Post, 31 Oct. 2019
The gremlins, the ghosts, the whispers, the doubts, all of them, gone in that one 2-minute and 17-second snapshot of excellence.
—Bob Kravitz, Indianapolis Star, 29 Sep. 2017
Is there a gremlin running around bleeding air from out tires?
—Laura Johnston, cleveland, 22 Nov. 2022
Is there a gremlin running around bleeding air from our tires.
—Laura Johnston, cleveland, 22 Nov. 2022
One woman pushed a small orange gremlin-like figure with Trump's face in a stroller.
—Kim Hjelmgaard, USA TODAY, 4 June 2019
Segovia said later that the statement did not come from his office, but rather from the city — as if gremlins produced it.
—Elaine Ayala,, 22 Feb. 2020
Was this based on some brand-new evidence that the virus mutates like a gremlin, getting worse at night?
—Roxanne Khamsi, Wired, 16 Nov. 2020
My love of being a happy little house-gremlin is why no one could get me on a video call—up until a few weeks ago, that is.
—Patia Braithwaite, SELF, 24 Mar. 2020
Whether that proves to be the case will come down to whether those electrical gremlins are passing flukes or recurring faults.
—Eric Tingwall, Car and Driver, 28 Jan. 2020
Gizmo is a nice pet, until of course one of those things happen and the gremlins wreak havoc on an entire town the night before Christmas.
—Cady Drell, Marie Claire, 4 Sep. 2019
But there is no question that Comey’s testimony will be damning for Trump, his gremlins in the White House, and the party that defends him.
—Clio Chang, New Republic, 8 June 2017
This three-time repeat has put to rest any lingering suspicions of gremlins in the data.
—J. B. MacKinnon, The New Yorker, 27 Mar. 2017
Digital broadcasts are in their infancy, and this one came with a few gremlins.
—Kirk Kenney,, 3 Sep. 2017
More worrying than Japanese fighter planes is an evil presence—a gremlin—that threatens to tear the plane apart in mid-air.
—Jennifer Ouellette, Ars Technica, 9 Dec. 2020
One scaly gremlin bites the head off a gingerbread man, with a whole stack of other men awaiting their execution.
—Tim Carman, Houston Chronicle, 24 Dec. 2019
But with technology comes glitches, and on the first night of its stint at Brooklyn Steel in May, Slowdive was stymied by digital gremlins.
—Finn Cohen, New York Times, 14 Aug. 2017
That’s why the financial problems in the school district keep multiplying like gremlins.
—Otis R. Taylor Jr., San Francisco Chronicle, 15 Jan. 2018
With the race looming the following Friday, the team spent the few remaining hours turning their electrical gremlins into lawn gnomes.
—Emme Hall, The Verge, 24 Feb. 2023
Also at Hotel Madrid and kind of resembling a gremlin is a Baby Yoda mural.
—Jordyn Noennig, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 11 Dec. 2019
The film does land a few, including a primo gag that involves gremlins running a nightmarish airline.
—Barbara Vandenburgh, azcentral, 12 July 2018
Miller’s take on the classic gremlin tale is truly horrifying.
—Joyce Bautista Ferrari, Marie Claire, 1 Oct. 2019
Need to power through dinner and bedtime with children who have seemingly turned into gremlins?
—Anna Thomas Bates, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 3 Jan. 2018
Having taken pole at Mid-Ohio, O’Ward bowed out just past the halfway point with yet another mechanical gremlin.
—Nathan Brown, The Indianapolis Star, 6 Oct. 2022
Aye-aye lemurs look a bit like gremlins, with pronounced, clawed middle fingers, and these primates’ hands have been fascinating scientists for years.
—Joshua Rapp Learn, Smithsonian, 22 Oct. 2019
The herculean effort of moving my body even one tiny inch was rewarded by an invisible gremlin twisting a steak knife even deeper into my back.
—Marisa Cohen, Parents, 12 Aug. 2023
But an electrical gremlin kept the seatback angle locked at a too-relaxed recline, leaving the steering wheel at an uncomfortable distance.
—K.c. Colwell, Car and Driver, 7 Feb. 2023
Over-the-top elements of this architectural style include balconies carved with peering gargoyles and gremlins on gilded buildings.
—Kristin Braswell, Travel + Leisure, 3 Feb. 2024
Another classic, but this one is a non-controversial pick because those gremlins are menacing AF.
—Joyce Bautista Ferrari, Marie Claire, 29 Oct. 2018
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'gremlin.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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