How to Use gory in a Sentence
Fake body parts are the perfect props for this gory scene.
—Kiona Smith-Strickland, Popular Mechanics, 18 Oct. 2017
The store has a kid-friendly area in the front, and displays a gorier scene in the back for teens and adults.
—Jessie Spangler, Aurora Beacon-News, 6 July 2018
No gory horror film stacks up to the terror of the real thing.
—Lincoln Michel, GQ, 26 Oct. 2017
Would-be buyers are even more spooked by the idea of residing in places where the death was gory.
—Lew Sichelman | Andrews McMeel Syndication,, 25 Oct. 2019
But there’s despair in the gory play-to-play details on offense.
—Rich Campbell,, 3 Nov. 2019
This film is the longest in the series, and seems to contain the most frequent and goriest kills.
—Frank Scheck, The Hollywood Reporter, 8 Mar. 2023
Bad smells and dripping blood from the truck led to the neighbors’ gory discovery.
—Juan Montes, WSJ, 14 Nov. 2018
To me, that’s important, not super gory stuff, but it’s fun to be scared.
—Jessie Spangler, Aurora Beacon-News, 6 July 2018
Jones is one of these shoppers, but the gory scene almost turns her stomach.
—Maureen Lee Lenker,, 27 Aug. 2019
As in previous projects about her life, Tina doesn’t skimp on the gory details of what came next.
—David Browne, Rolling Stone, 26 Mar. 2021
Looking for the gory details of the Phillies’ season-opening loss?
—Bob Brookover,, 30 Mar. 2018
Yeah, Parasite gets pretty damn gory, but only at the end of the film.
—Lia Beck,, 10 Feb. 2020
This is only the beginning of the gory drama that will play out over the next couple of hours in this space.
—Tribune News Service, cleveland, 16 Mar. 2022
This is only the beginning of the gory drama that will play out in this space over the next couple of hours.
—Katie Walsh, Los Angeles Times, 16 Mar. 2022
Green’s murder had been staged; a can of Campbell’s soup, no less, was used for gory effect.
—Nick Bilton, The Hive, 19 June 2017
The result is gripping, suspenseful, and, frankly, bloody and gory.
—Eva Holland, Outside Online, 22 Mar. 2018
The problem is less the drills themselves than the gory and senseless manner in which they are conducted.
—John Hirschauer, National Review, 24 Oct. 2019
The backdrop of the glistening Mediterranean adds a special (less gory) touch.
—Gemma Askham, Condé Nast Traveler, 4 Mar. 2018
Then there’s the history of big crashes there, which is both too long and too gory to try to capture in a few paragraphs.
—Brendan Marks, charlotteobserver, 11 Oct. 2017
In the gorgeous, gory tableau, the dying ruler appeared trapped at the center of a bloody web, as though tethered there by entrails.
—Andrea Simakis, cleveland, 28 Dec. 2019
At this time of year, we're inundated with horror films that, frankly, are just too gory to show our kids.
—Meghann Foye, Redbook, 29 Oct. 2014
The action here is crisp and at times extremely gory, in a way that makes very clear -- or should -- that this isn't intended for kids.
—Brian Lowry, CNN, 24 Mar. 2021
The range will include outfits and ideas that will could be clever, quaint, creepy or gory, simple or elaborate or some mix of all the above.
—Peter Dawson, Houston Chronicle, 24 Oct. 2019
This pumpkin look is ideal for those who prefer to stay away from gory Halloween decor.
—Hadley Mendelsohn, House Beautiful, 20 June 2023
And remember, scammers don't walk around in gory masks with fake blood dripping off their teeth.
—Susan Tompor, USA TODAY, 29 Oct. 2017
The film is gory, with revenge through bloodshed an important theme.
—Justin Barrasso,, 9 Mar. 2018
Sometimes a blast can amputate part of a limb or gunshots can produce a gory scene.
—Meredith Cohn,, 21 Apr. 2018
Since this month is Halloween, the category is: scary, gory, but easy to replicate.
—Sarah Novio, Teen Vogue, 28 Oct. 2019
The gory violence, sending digital heads and limbs flying in slow motion, is gorier.
—A.a. Dowd, Vulture, 5 Oct. 2024
The latter seems to be the major force ruling over a godforsaken corner of Ireland where, in one of the film’s gorier sequences, dozens upon dozens of sheep are illicitly slaughtered so their hind legs can be sold for cheap meat.
—Jordan Mintzer, The Hollywood Reporter, 3 Sep. 2019
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'gory.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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