How to Use gestalt in a Sentence
The overall gestalt of the approach is that a spy is being placed in the midst of the firm.
—Lance Eliot, Forbes, 13 Aug. 2022
Its gestalt can be summed up like this: Global warming is bad for the world.
—Tom Yulsman, Discover Magazine, 13 Feb. 2013
For some, the gestalt of pandan goes even further back than childhood.
—Samuel Anderson, Vogue, 2 Nov. 2022
When the film doesn’t fit with NASA’s gestalt, filmmakers can’t use the agency’s logo.
—Washington Post, 16 Jan. 2022
There’s a science to the art of this particular fakery, the way the brain builds a gestalt world around selected details.
—Boris Kachka, New York Times, 13 Sep. 2017
So in the gestalt, his films leave compositional rather than human stains on the finished print.
—Stella Ko, CNN, 29 May 2017
While the Adidas logo is nothing more than a shape to a monkey, for us brands have become a nuanced social gestalt.
—Nathaniel Scharping, Discover Magazine, 23 Feb. 2018
But the different themes, the gestalt of the music, the sonic fabric, and the instruments, are determined prior.
—Sonya Alexander, Rolling Stone, 26 Feb. 2023
The gestalt of Latest Music Project, Volume 1 is to sing against the global push toward socialism.
—Armond White, National Review, 19 May 2021
Being able to alter your route on the fly while still maintaining a pleasing gestalt will do wonders for your riding life.
—Eben Weiss, Outside Online, 4 Apr. 2018
That quick, heady gestalt, that immediate rush, is formal.
—Jia Tolentino, The New Yorker, 24 Mar. 2017
Even so, his comments about the possible positive impacts of climate change neatly summed up the gestalt of the conference.
—Tom Yulsman, Discover Magazine, 21 Feb. 2013
Instead, the directors deliver the gestalt of the Chelsea, the overall sensation conveyed by the building, its past and its scaffolded present.
—Daniel Fienberg, The Hollywood Reporter, 12 Feb. 2022
My overall gestalt impression is that the two assistants are pretty evenly matched.
—Alexis C. Madrigal, The Atlantic, 18 May 2017
There’s an irresistible allure to these tales, and even someone who never tore off a layer of skin on the Alpine Slide or fished a drunken lug out of the water can shake his head and smile at the those-were-the-days gestalt of Action Park.
—Jack McCallum,, 1 July 2019
Central to this car’s gestalt is the high level of regenerative braking effect.
—Dan Neil, WSJ, 21 Sep. 2018
In that sense, the performance affirmed Andover's original gestalt.
—Richard McGill Murphy, Town & Country, 7 July 2015
These run as distinctive currents throughout and lend to an overall gestalt as satisfying as a fine musical album that leaves thrum and echo in its wake.
—oregonlive, 6 Apr. 2022
Some ores have a singular taste and smell, their presence pulses in the ambient air and can be pinned down in the word geologists often use: its facies, the gestalt of complex rock formations.
—Paul Theroux, Harper's Magazine, 11 Aug. 2022
It’s an eerie gestalt, a foreboding feeling of unbookiness.
—Ian Bogost, The Atlantic, 14 Sep. 2021
My gestalt is that the window of intervention for a direct antiviral is extremely narrow.
—Adam Feuerstein, STAT, 19 Apr. 2021
That gestalt could be felt throughout SXSW during its opening weekend, when both the film and interactive conferences got underway.
—Ann Hornaday, The Denver Post, 21 Mar. 2017
One woman is sure that the new management will bring new occupants and a new overall attitude, but another argues that the Chelsea’s bohemian excess is baked into its gestalt.
—Daniel Fienberg, The Hollywood Reporter, 12 Feb. 2022
Like the first season, there’s a midseason flashback episode that becomes the gestalt for all the big resolution gestures, and all of it is rooted in character work rather than too-visible external plot devices.
—Kathryn Vanarendonk, Vulture, 7 May 2021
Social media is a gestalt of motivating voices, from friends and family to competitors and influencers, ads and organic posts alike.
—Elissa Baker, Forbes, 21 May 2021
America’s thorny gestalt of the individual thrown against the backdrop of systemic inequality.
—Lisa Kennedy, New York Times, 8 Oct. 2020
Rather than laying out a factoid chronology, Lusztig, with strong, clear-eyed work by Frantzen, captures Richland’s gestalt, interweaving a potent selection of new interviews, archival footage, music and song.
—Sheri Linden, The Hollywood Reporter, 20 June 2023
Ideally, thoughtful people will ponder the opinion and be informed by it, incorporating the information into the gestalt of their personal world view.
—Seattle Times Staff, The Seattle Times, 12 July 2019
The man’s gestalt was designed for accompaniment on harmonica.
—Dan Piepenbring, Harper's Magazine, 14 Aug. 2023
On Twitter, users construct different gestalts of the platform through their own feedback and engagement; in this respect, Musk’s usage pattern is many standard deviations away from what’s ordinary.
—Sheon Han, The New Yorker, 5 Jan. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'gestalt.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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