How to Use foolhardy in a Sentence
The brave—or foolhardy—among us can even love to love it.
—Simon Garfield, The Atlantic, 21 Oct. 2024
Yes, this was the right way to Varvarivka, but to try to get there tonight was foolhardy.
—Tim Judah, The New York Review of Books, 29 Dec. 2022
To the west, in Long Beach, a few brave or foolhardy surfers rode towering waves.
—New York Times, 22 Aug. 2021
Why do something that’s foolhardy and ends with him saying the same thing?
—Alex Shephard, The New Republic, 30 June 2022
Plus, the idea of any sort of tank this season is foolhardy simply because of the nature of the draft.
—Matthew Defranks, Dallas News, 12 Mar. 2021
Would buying at the deadline be a dumb, brazen, foolhardy move?
—Dieter Kurtenbach, The Mercury News, 25 July 2024
This is the sort of foolhardy criticism White and UCF has had to endure.
—Mike Bianchi,, 13 Aug. 2019
The confidence of elite NBA players stops just shy of foolhardy.
—Nathaniel Friedman, GQ, 6 July 2017
All of which speaks to the basic truth that freedom is never foolhardy, but the taking of it always is.
—John Tamny, Forbes, 19 Sep. 2021
Day one was an 11-mile ascent to a cabin set up for foolish, foolhardy souls like me.
—Leyton Cassidy, Longreads, 7 May 2024
Avoid taking foolhardy chances with your money as well as your heart.
—Jeraldine Saunders, The Mercury News, 2 Jan. 2017
Historians have assumed that most of Franklin’s men died in 1848 on the foolhardy quest to the Back River.
—National Geographic, 8 Aug. 2019
For brands that want people to trust them, shrugging off those social changes is foolhardy.
—Bynick Rockel, Fortune, 23 Feb. 2024
Smith was asked about certain turning points in the game, which was a foolhardy exercise.
—oregonlive, 6 Nov. 2021
Any other takeaway after the last eight days is foolhardy.
—Shawn Windsor, Detroit Free Press, 27 Feb. 2021
How many more must die or be injured in desperate but foolhardy attempts to fit in?
—Mitch Albom, Detroit Free Press, 12 June 2022
Liebenberg says his foolhardy effort to follow that chase would have killed him, too, if a tracker named !
—Bydimitri Selibas,, 13 June 2024
Even Miss Manners is not so foolhardy as to propose a dress code for college students.
—Judith Martin, Washington Post, 22 Oct. 2019
Staying in Paris went against all my instincts, but going seemed foolhardy.
—Lauren Collins, The New Yorker, 4 May 2020
Insisting that people come back to the office may seem foolhardy.
—Scott Miraglia, Forbes, 25 Jan. 2022
Nevertheless, there are a few foolhardy stars that orbit close to the rabbit black hole.
—Chris Lee, Ars Technica, 2 June 2017
Trump and his inner circle also got badly caught out on a foolhardy bluff.
—Alex Thomas, The New Republic, 26 Aug. 2022
Relying on that alone, especially in the age of Trump, seems foolhardy at best.
—Matt Ford, The New Republic, 10 Sep. 2020
Heroic or foolhardy, the story of the Alamo lives on, and attracts more than one-and-a-half million visitors every year.
—CBS News, 23 Feb. 2020
Of one thing, Sharansky is sure: Trying to appease Putin would be foolhardy.
—Jay Nordlinger, National Review, 12 June 2023
But trying to predict an NFL schedule's strength is foolhardy.
—Jeff Duncan,, 8 Feb. 2018
Philosophies that were born of another drug era have to be reassessed; the idea that there is no role for law enforcement in all this is foolhardy.
—Los Angeles Times, 18 Nov. 2021
In fact, Game of Thrones' great strength is its steadfast commitment to the idea that strict ideology is foolhardy.
—Corey Atad, Esquire, 19 July 2017
Until very recently the joke was always about the foolhardy man who didn't bother to read the instructions.
—Popular Mechanics, 5 Sep. 2017
Riding one of these in the street with cars also seems incredibly foolhardy.
—Washington Post, 4 Apr. 2018
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'foolhardy.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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