How to Use feldspar in a Sentence
Later the region was mined for the feldspar in the granite ledges.
—, 12 Aug. 2019
One of those the-world-and-all-its-banks-are-mine skulls that looks like it’s made of feldspar and weighs a metric ton.
—Virginia Heffernan, WIRED, 30 Mar. 2018
Generations of Spruce Pine miners tossed the quartz aside in favor of the feldspar and mica.
—Sam Farmer, Los Angeles Times, 11 Nov. 2020
The vast majority of the glass was a pale green color, thanks to a composition of quartz and feldspar.
—Marisa Sloan, Discover Magazine, 21 July 2021
With their distinctive bands and sporadic veins of quartz and feldspar, the stones sparkle whenever sunlight strikes them.
—Dan Falk, Discover Magazine, 6 Apr. 2024
The sand reflects the rocky outcrops found inland and along the coast and is composed mostly of grains of quartz, feldspar, limestone and fragmented shells.
—David Bressan, Forbes, 27 Apr. 2021
That technique reveals how much time has elapsed since minerals such as quartz and feldspar in the sediments were last buried, Lai said.
—Katherine Kornei, Discover Magazine, 14 Nov. 2023
The researchers made another trip to the falls, in 2019, and Dr. Duller had planned to use an even more powerful dating technique based on feldspar grains rather than quartz.
—Carl Zimmer, New York Times, 21 Sep. 2023
But what intrigued the researchers was that biotite and feldspar don’t occur together.
—Roger Lewin, Discover Magazine, 11 Nov. 2019
Slate, along with sandstone, quartzite, soapstone and granite, is in the other big group, with stones composed mostly of silicates, such as quartz and feldspar.
—Jeanne Huber, Washington Post, 26 May 2023
The traps are bunkers, and what appears to patrons and television viewers to be the whitest sand in golf is technically not sand but waste from feldspar mines in North Carolina.
—Nick Paumgarten, The New Yorker, 14 June 2019
Oregon sunstone’s feldspar crystals are found in soil and prehistoric lava flows in Lake and Harney counties.
—oregonlive, 2 Mar. 2023
Rhyolitic lava is felsic; the name is derived from feldspar and silica, which are present in high concentrations.
—Gemma Tarlach, Discover Magazine, 24 Nov. 2015
Their research indicates that the DNA molecules can cling to minerals of feldspar and clay, which protect them from further damage.
—Carl Zimmer, New York Times, 7 Dec. 2022
Basalt is the most common rock on Earth, formed directly by crystallization of feldspar, pyroxen, olivine and quartz from a magma rich in iron and silica.
—David Bressan, Forbes, 10 Mar. 2021
Granite is a siliceous stone composed primarily of silicates, such as quartz, feldspar, and mica.
—Caitlin Sole, Better Homes & Gardens, 4 Aug. 2022
Different colors of sand come from different minerals, like khaki feldspar, smoky white quartz, green olivine or black basalt.
—David R. Montgomery, Discover Magazine, 12 July 2024
So instead, Rittenour used light—specifically the luminescence of bits of feldspar buried in the sediment.
—Matt Simon, WIRED, 20 July 2023
The researchers examined zircon, an incredibly resilient mineral, as well as feldspar and quartz from the rock sample, according to Mike Wall at
—Jay Bennett, Smithsonian, 28 Jan. 2019
Bauxite is a complex mix of the minerals gibbsite, boehmite, and diaspore, formed as less stable minerals like feldspar and mica react with water.
—David Bressan, Forbes, 31 Dec. 2022
Some are safe as inclusions in other minerals like plagioclase feldspar.
—Erik Klemetti, Discover Magazine, 6 Dec. 2013
A new paper in Nature tries to quantify some of these questions by looking at the age and compositional data recorded in plagioclase feldspar crystals.
—Erik Klemetti, WIRED, 17 Feb. 2014
The rocky planets all share minerals like olivine, feldspar, pyroxene and magnetite, but only this blue-green world has abundant hornblende, biotite, muscovite … and all those clays — all minerals that require water in their structure.
—Erik Klemetti, Discover Magazine, 5 Sep. 2019
The most common lava rock found at Mount St. Helens is indeed Dacite, composed predominantly of plagioclase feldspar and quartz (pure silicon-dioxide).
—David Bressan, Forbes, 18 May 2021
Connecticut has 304 identified mineral deposits, the most commonly listed are feldspar, iron, and mica.
—Courant Community, 1 May 2018
In the lab, the researchers then peered inside individual sand grain crystals of quartz and feldspar to measure environmental radiation that accumulated over thousands of years in the dune’s dark depths.
—Mindy Weisberger, CNN, 4 Mar. 2024
If there are low-abundance elements in the mineral, like strontium, magnesium and titanium in plagioclase feldspar, then the amount of the element is controlled by the partitioning of the element between the liquid magma (melt) and the crystal.
—Erik Klemetti, Discover Magazine, 2 Feb. 2012
Changing chemical composition of the magma can betray the rapid crystallization of the mineral plagioclase feldspar.
—Erik Klemetti, Discover Magazine, 14 Nov. 2018
This happens when light scatters between microscopic layers of feldspar in the gem, the Geological Institute of America reports.
—Olivia Munson, USA TODAY, 18 June 2024
Those windswept elements would have interacted with others on the far side, forming relatively lightweight minerals such as feldspar, which would have floated on the surface to gradually create that side’s thicker crust.
—Phil Plait, Scientific American, 19 July 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'feldspar.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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