How to Use expressionism in a Sentence


  • There's none of Aronofsky's trademark expressionism, present in past films like Black Swan and mother!
    Brianna Zigler, Chron, 19 Dec. 2022
  • Back then, when Mr. Katz was in his mid-20s, such works were a daring departure from the reigning abstract expressionism.
    Alexandra Wolfe, WSJ, 7 Apr. 2017
  • Roberta’s wild, self-destructive expressionism feels like new ground for her, and the change in mode and class sometimes fits her awkwardly.
    Vinson Cunningham, The New Yorker, 20 Nov. 2023
  • At times Lee seems to be trying, with mixed success, to channel the shadowy digital expressionism of Michael Mann.
    Los Angeles Times, 10 Oct. 2019
  • His screen work, however, tends to tamp down on the physicality and rely on his lantern-in-the-dark eyes and tempered expressionism.
    David Fear, Rolling Stone, 17 Mar. 2022
  • The novelist Thomas Mann thought that German expressionism and Nazism both sprang from the same root of emotional self-abandonment.
    Sebastian Smee, Washington Post, 22 June 2023
  • Fran Rushing, a retired professor from San Jose, will cover abstract expressionism to pop art in her last talk of the series March 30.
    Khalida Sarwari, The Mercury News, 24 Mar. 2017
  • But the toughness of German Expressionism can be a hard sell, particularly to Asian buyers.
    Scott Reyburn, New York Times, 30 June 2017
  • Abstracting from life was also striking the art world during this time, with abstract expressionism giving way to color-field painting and pop art.
    Gayle Clemans, The Seattle Times, 15 May 2017
  • Her approach was influenced by German expressionism, which encouraged the inner feelings of the artist to seep into the portrait.
    Sam Whiting, San Francisco Chronicle, 25 June 2021
  • Strauss’ 1880 String Quartet in A major hardly hints at lush romanticism and sometime raw expressionism to come.
    Scott Cantrell, Dallas News, 6 July 2023
  • Schoenberg’s heroes were Brahms and Wagner, and his style of expressionism grows straight out of Romanticism.
    Jesse Hamlin, San Francisco Chronicle, 29 May 2018
  • Görner says that, as a young man, the artist was especially wary of Egon Schiele, whose own take on expressionism vied for attention and notoriety with Kokoschka’s.
    J.s. Marcus, WSJ, 7 Dec. 2018
  • I wasn’t impressed with most of it, resembling something done on LSD which is less interesting when the drug wears off – a weak abstract expressionism with distorted apparitions here and there.
    Bruce Sterling, WIRED, 10 Jan. 2011
  • The Singer Laren's collection has a focus on modernism such as neo-impressionism, pointillism, expressionism and cubism., 8 May 2020
  • The Singer Laren’s collection has a focus on modernism such as neo-impressionism, pointillism, expressionism, and cubism.
    Mike Corder,, 30 Mar. 2020
  • Finally, Gwen Chasan is an Arlington artist who paints with watercolor and acrylic to create works that bridge expressionism and realism., 13 July 2021
  • With some ensembles, the angular expressionism of the Bartok Fourth (1929) pushes the music into ugliness.
    John Von Rhein,, 21 Oct. 2017
  • Bennett, who’s 40, gives students a healthy dose of German Expressionism alongside the nuts and bolts, from basic screenwriting to advanced postproduction techniques.
    Erik Himmelsbach-Weinstein, Los Angeles Magazine, 10 July 2017
  • With a twist-ending that’s been catching audiences unawares for nearly a century (it was released in 1920), this classic of German expressionism from director Robert Wiene is the wellspring from which so much of movie horror flowed.
    Chris Kaltenbach,, 27 Oct. 2019
  • Pieces such as these, Hickson said, were a break from the nonrepresentational abstract expressionism.
    Susan Dunne,, 4 May 2017
  • The most beguiling Azilal recall a palette of modern expressionism.
    Carmen Rosy Hall, Vogue, 22 June 2018
  • This was not really the kind of exhibition for her museum, which primarily focused on the Dada art movement — an absurdist form of expressionism that rose in reaction to the horrors of World War I.
    Ruby Mellen, Washington Post, 8 Nov. 2019
  • Buvala's work incorporates abstract with expressionism mainly using charcoal on paper and found objects such as wood, glass, metal and more.
    Laura Hinderman, Daily Southtown, 16 May 2017
  • Abstract expressionism is, as a movement in American art, an aberration.
    Brian T. Allen, National Review, 22 Aug. 2020
  • Inspired by the intense experiences of World War I, filmmakers in 1920s Germany began experimenting with expressionism on the movie screen.
    Jodi Cilley, San Diego Union-Tribune, 20 Oct. 2021
  • The museum houses the collection of American couple William and Anna Singer, with a focus on modernism such as neo-impressionism, pointillism, expressionism and cubism.
    USA TODAY, 31 Mar. 2020
  • Kustiyah’s beautifully painted portraits, still lifes, and landscapes are pervaded by a soft, lyrical expressionism.
    Steven Litt, cleveland, 22 Jan. 2023
  • The other, a vertical scroll by the renowned 16th-century landscapist Wen Boren, illustrates a contrasting principle, that of the scholar-artist-poet using nature as a vehicle to reflect internal states, an early kind of expressionism.
    Melik Kaylan, WSJ, 8 Sep. 2017
  • Expressionism is a style meant to release and reveal emotion, not especially capture visual reality.
    Doug MacCash,, 20 May 2017

Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'expressionism.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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