How to Use elm in a Sentence
Gone are the canopy of elm trees and the shops on every block.
—Zoë Jackson, Star Tribune, 5 July 2021
They can be found on the trunk of hardwood trees, such as oak or elm.
—Amber Smith, Discover Magazine, 13 Oct. 2022
In the 1400s, Dutch golfers played with smooth wooden balls made from beech or elm.
—Jeff Harper,, 11 Mar. 2021
The subject matter ranged from love and war to elm trees and the salmon on the poet’s plate.
—Lisa Rathke,, 21 Apr. 2023
More than 100 artists will have booths set up beneath the big elm trees.
—Roger Naylor, The Arizona Republic, 10 May 2024
Tote around guidebooks and learn how to tell an elm from an ash.
—Jenna Woginrich, Outside Online, 27 June 2019
Bring chairs and blankets and grab a patch of shady lawn under the big elm trees.
—Roger Naylor, The Arizona Republic, 17 June 2021
This elm tree has been in our landscape for more than 20 years.
—Neil Sperry,, 8 Oct. 2020
Fall is the best time to prune elms; elm bark beetles do not fly in autumn.
—Megan Hughes, Better Homes & Gardens, 23 Oct. 2024
Cedar elm is the best elm choice, with small leaves and decent fall color.
—Howard Garrett, Dallas News, 19 Nov. 2020
The way dozens of birds, for weeks, pecked away at some of the Chinese elm trees where Jones’s body parts landed.
—Leah Sottile, Longreads, 15 July 2019
In the fourth and final season of the pitch-black show business satire, Hader was at the elm of each of the eight episodes.
—Tyler Coates, The Hollywood Reporter, 12 June 2023
Today, the three-block green space, shaded by rare elm trees, is more placid.
—C. J. Hughes, New York Times, 6 Sep. 2017
The core sample hinted at how the site changed over time, from a forest of Scots pine and hazel to one of oak and some elm.
—Gemma Tarlach, Discover Magazine, 20 May 2019
The sycamore, elm, and cottonwood trees bring out the charm and stunning colors many flock to see.
—Sonia Ramirez, Houston Chronicle, 13 Oct. 2020
Wait until late summer to prune trees with large sap flows such as birch, elm, and maple.
—Megan Hughes, Better Homes & Gardens, 23 Oct. 2024
The bar is made with the same elm used elsewhere in the space and crowned with a sleek yet functional stainless steel counter.
—Cassandra Landry, Bon Appétit, 10 June 2019
The most prevalent pollen was cedar and juniper, followed by elm.
—Sarah Brookbank, The Enquirer, 18 Mar. 2021
White elm is scarce now and red elm leaves behind clinkers.
—Matthew Gavin Frank, Harper's Magazine, 3 May 2023
The oldest canoe being made of elm aligns with the prairie ecosystem of the time, Rosebrough said.
—Sophie Carson, Journal Sentinel, 23 May 2024
The antique elm bench infuses age next to the pristine bed.
—Marni Elyse Katz,, 25 Nov. 2022
There's no old elm tree that served as the backstop for front yard batting practice.
—Star Tribune, 13 Feb. 2021
Some trees like the Chinese elms and tabebuias seem to be more shallow rooted and likely to blow over.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 4 Sep. 2019
Some trees like the Chinese elms seem to be more shallow rooted and likely to blow over.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 7 Sep. 2017
To date, the Denos have used 28 types of wood, including walnut, oak, elm, sycamore, sassafras and teak.
—Mike Klingaman, Baltimore Sun, 17 Aug. 2022
Juniper, elm and maple trees are pumping out high levels of pollen.
—A. Camden Walker, Washington Post, 19 Feb. 2023
The neighborhood streets look just the same, except that the over–arching trees are no longer elms, but maples and ginkgos.
—Bulletin Board, Twin Cities, 3 Nov. 2019
The wood paneling in the sunroom came from the last of the estate’s old growth elms, which had fallen to Dutch Elm disease.
—Adriane Quinlan, Curbed, 13 Aug. 2024
Perhaps some of the best options, depending on your soil and its depth, would be cedar elm or pecan.
—Neil Sperry, San Antonio Express-News, 1 Mar. 2018
Nearby there are stands of elm trees, a weeping willow.
—Nathaniel Penn, Popular Mechanics, 3 June 2019
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'elm.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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