How to Use effete in a Sentence
The guns were symbols of outdoorsmanship, both rugged and effete.
—Washington Post, 12 Apr. 2022
Zimmer is an effete, hapless bozo, which lets Mr Carell put pathos and need front and centre.
—The Economist, 25 June 2020
If Chuck in South Orange wants his red meat, then who are those effete Times editors to serve him veggie wraps?
—Will Oremus, Slate Magazine, 14 Apr. 2017
On the surface, a Pittman painting might seem to conjure effete mannerism.
—Los Angeles Times, 13 Sep. 2019
Viewed from the south, San Francisco is a pretentious and prettified crackerbox of a city, foggy and filled with a bunch of weirdos and effete snobs.
—Los Angeles Times, 8 Oct. 2021
Day's Sir Harcourt, with his ebony-dyed locks and effete manners, shares lineage with the fops of Restoration comedy.
—Kerry Reid,, 27 June 2017
Haynes is an effete pop-nerd who imitates pop-culture precedents.
—Armond White, National Review, 15 Oct. 2021
If anything it was meant to signal a reminder that to me the best indie pop is not introspective, cardigan-clad and effete but loud, unhinged and vital.
—Natalie Weiner, Billboard, 14 July 2017
Even effete artists have to track inventory and control labor costs.
—Michael Taylor,, 12 June 2020
The Nero meme leaves the impression of an effete dilettante, confident in his own genius only because nobody had the guts to tell him otherwise.
—Gaia Squarci, Smithsonian Magazine, 18 Sep. 2020
For you effete coastal residents who are unfamiliar with the delights of flyover country, DQ means Dairy Queen.
—George Will, Twin Cities, 20 Oct. 2019
Here, in a nutshell, is the Romantic idea of Nature: Human society is stale, predictable, effete.
—Martha C. Nussbaum, The New York Review of Books, 17 Nov. 2022
The early part of the film, filled with Elliott’s effete insults, simpering and whining, doesn’t establish an endearing mood.
—oregonlive, 27 Mar. 2020
There, Janetti often pokes fun at the royals, and developed a persona for his version of Prince George—a sassy, effete royal commentator.
—Annie Goldsmith, Town & Country, 3 Aug. 2021
The former investment banker is attacked both by Le Pen and his critics to the left as an effete figure ruling for the rich, disconnected from the concerns of ordinary French workers.
—Washington Post, 7 Apr. 2022
Benjamin Pelteson plays Isaac, the art curator as sophisticated to the point of effete.
—Joanne Ostrow, The Know, 11 Apr. 2017
The French nobles are effete and opportunistic, and serve an unworthy monarch: at Timbers’s request, the Dauphin’s cape has been altered to include a hoodie with dangling white drawstrings.
—Rebecca Mead, The New Yorker, 20 Mar. 2017
Usually interpreted as a mannerism of effete tea-drinkers, the pointed pinky is actually a threat aimed at gays, who were forced to wear pink triangles by the Nazis.
—James Lileks, National Review, 19 Dec. 2019
It’s also Östlund’s overstated Kubrickian misanthropy — an effete response to everything that has gone wrong in the world lately.
—Armond White, National Review, 26 Oct. 2022
The political orientations remain the same each time, which seems a bit trite—the effete lib having his soymobile rescued by some diesel-guzzling alpha.
—Rafil Kroll-Zaidi, Harper’s Magazine , 17 Aug. 2022
So at least Belichick has experience overcoming an effete ground game.
—, 31 Oct. 2019
Francis is portrayed as snippy and effete, but his politics are more uncompromising than Bernie Sanders’.
—Los Angeles Times, 3 Nov. 2021
The American right believes in an all-powerful security state that doesn’t let effete concerns about civil liberties get in the way of serving justice and protecting the homeland.
—Eric Levitz, Daily Intelligencer, 1 Mar. 2018
This is still the party of Donald Trump, whose own slightly effete personality belies his constant demands for proof of toughness and masculinity.
—Jacob Silverman, The New Republic, 4 June 2021
Franz Xaver Winterhalter’s 1854 portrait shows him looking mightily effete, decked out in rich silk brocades but sans armband with diamond.
—Henrik Bering, WSJ, 8 Sep. 2017
Complaining about accommodations or a decline in spoon-feeding plays into the hands of Trump, who can paint the media as a bunch of effete whiners and dole out exclusive interviews to Breitbart and Sean Hannity.
—, 17 Jan. 2017
Tulip glasses, snifters, and even wine glasses are a step up, nominal signs that a bar cares about, or at least has considered, an elevated beer experience. Don’t worry about feeling effete drinking beer from one of these glasses.
—Justin Kennedy, GQ, 22 May 2017
The director downplays the effete character’s flashy sense of showmanship (to a degree), instructing costume designer Mariestela Fernández not to overdo it with the sequins.
—Peter Debruge, Variety, 20 Jan. 2023
Given that few people who are not effete, refined liberals go to the theater in contemporary America, this was an alienating strategy.
—Aaron Gilbreath, Longreads, 17 Jan. 2018
Much like Texans, residents of the last contiguous state to enter the Union have long evinced a certain pride in their nearly uninhabitable territory, insofar as doing so confers a toughness that their effete neighbors to the west may lack.
—Robert Draper, New York Times, 15 Aug. 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'effete.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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