How to Use doula in a Sentence
Then Hall looked around the room at the nurses and the doula.
—Julia O'Malley, Anchorage Daily News, 7 May 2022
The doula's shifts depend on the needs of the family and the schedule of the doula.
—Pam Skop, Parents, 15 May 2024
The baby slept in a sling wrapped around the doula’s torso.
—Thuc Nhi Nguyen staff Writer follow, Los Angeles Times, 26 Feb. 2023
Reynolds also added her friend, doula and nurse Iva Blackburn, to the call.
—Sara Smart, CNN, 28 Dec. 2022
When Kara Craig’s father was about to die last year, Craig called a death doula.
—Dana Oland, idahostatesman, 21 Mar. 2018
In Kentucky, there are now at least 13 death doulas, by Hunter-Smith’s count.
—Sophia Liang, The Courier-Journal, 12 June 2024
In Kentucky, there are now at least 13 death doulas, by Hunter-Smith’s count.
—Sophia Liang, The Courier-Journal, 23 Feb. 2024
And that's because many are still asking: What is a doula?
—Lauren Valenti, Vogue, 30 Apr. 2019
Grant money also pays the doulas’ salaries for one year.
—Kff Health News, The Mercury News, 3 Aug. 2024
Austin is a former doula and midwife who left the field to have her own children.
—Sarah Feldberg,, 18 Sep. 2019
As an end-of-life doula, Neff sits with the dying and their families.
—Peter Rowe,, 20 May 2018
But another type of doula has emerged -- this time at the other end of life.
—Mackenzie Happe, CNN, 9 Mar. 2021
And this is your first few weeks with your child; a doula sounds much less intrusive.
—Carolyn Hax, Washington Post, 5 Nov. 2022
The doula is the midwife's son, which makes for all kinds of drama—and comedy.
—Jessica Radloff, Glamour, 26 June 2022
Other clients have studied to work as birth or death doulas.
—Next Avenue, Forbes, 16 Dec. 2024
In the wake of her sudden loss, Robinson was inspired to become a doula.
—Rayna Reid Rayford, Essence, 15 Feb. 2024
My mother, the angel of all angels is the best doula ever!
—Angela Andaloro, Peoplemag, 21 Oct. 2022
One of the most prominent death doulas in the U.S., Arthur has guided thousands of people through the end-of-life process.
—Kelly Mickle, TIME, 2 May 2024
Berenice Dimas, a doula and herbalist from East L.A., is full of the wisdom of those who came before.
—Los Angeles Times, 10 Nov. 2021
Tolman was in labor for nearly 36 hours, with Brainard, her mom, and a doula by her side.
—Angela Andaloro, Peoplemag, 13 Jan. 2023
Black women were the most likely to use or intend to use a doula (14% vs. 10% total).
—Maia Niguel Hoskin, Forbes, 20 Feb. 2023
But at home with her doula and midwife, Hosk worked through it with massage and pushing.
—Carrie Battan, ELLE, 10 Nov. 2022
Goldstein, a doula, was a nanny for Gal and Maya Weinstock, who agreed to host the event at their home.
—Ray Sanchez, CNN, 30 Apr. 2022
Others have dropped their doulas in favor of having their partner in the room.
—Ashley Fetters, The Atlantic, 19 Mar. 2020
Meyers, Ashe, and their doula were prepared for a short labor.
—Sarah Spellings, The Cut, 10 Apr. 2018
The prison pairs up pregnant women with doulas from the Minnesota Prison Doula Project.
—Ryan Faircloth, Twin Cities, 8 Sep. 2019
Not long into my doula work, my client and best friend gave birth to her stillborn daughter.
—, 2 July 2019
The actor has been married to singer, actress and doula Domino Kirke since 2017.
—Charles Trepany, USA TODAY, 16 Feb. 2023
Susannah Mills, a painter and end-of-life doula, had left her place an hour earlier and taken her cat to her boyfriend’s house in Silver Lake.
—Stephen Rodrick, Rolling Stone, 13 Feb. 2025
Chris, who is now a death doula and runs a spiritual wilderness retreat for men, has shared stories about his struggles with depression.
—Catherine Pearson, New York Times, 24 Dec. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'doula.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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