How to Use digitization in a Sentence
While the concept has been around for a long time, the rapid rise of digitization in recent years has unlocked a whole other world.
—Jon Stojan, USA TODAY, 1 Sep. 2023
In a way, that is the promise and consequence of digitization—everything is bits, software eats the world, and so forth.
—Ian Bogost, The Atlantic, 12 Jan. 2022
Fortune: What are some of the cost savings related to the digitization process?
—Sheryl Estrada, Fortune, 4 Nov. 2022
But the digitization of records has been a boon to historians, and slowly a fragmented picture of Clark’s life has emerged.
—Jeanette Marantos, Los Angeles Times, 11 Aug. 2021
That shift is, of course, closely related to the digitization of banking.
—Erin Slater, Forbes, 28 Nov. 2023
But Banas believes the pharmacy deserts will only grow, and lead to an increase the number of apps and digitization.
—Kevin Williams, CNBC, 11 Oct. 2024
What gives: Goldman attributes the gains to the benefits of digitization.
—Julia Horowitz, CNN, 13 July 2021
But while Afghan film digitization efforts have been ongoing since the fall of the Taliban, funding and equipment shortages have slowed the process in recent years.
—Jeva Lange, The Week, 18 Aug. 2021
Now this urban folk art form is giving way to digitization.
—Sara Miller Llana, The Christian Science Monitor, 6 June 2024
So the automation, digitization, that process takes a very long time.
—Fortune Editors, Fortune, 20 Dec. 2023
The final rolls of microfilm are scanned as the church completes a major digitization effort that began more than 20 years ago.
—David Noyce, The Salt Lake Tribune, 23 Sep. 2021
While the structural shift toward greater digitization will drive the theme in the long run, valuations are also a bit high, making the risk-to-reward trade-off a bit less attractive for the near term.
—Trefis Team, Forbes, 10 Sep. 2024
At the center of the short film was the digitization of county records, which helped Reyes win an appeal to avoid a conviction by getting treatment instead of a decadeslong sentence.
—Arturo Conde, NBC News, 7 Oct. 2023
The war in Ukraine is the first conflict of its scale and scope to happen in the era of mass digitization, with an almost unlimited ability to store and record information.
—WIRED, 10 July 2023
Many urgent cares have always been equipped with state-of-the-art technology to provide the best care to the patient, but the digitization of healthcare is only increasing.
—Sean Hart, Forbes, 28 Mar. 2022
Cities have got better over the past two decades at responding to common crises, such as Covid-19, which also required rapid, mass digitization of services.
—Peter Guest, WIRED, 16 Feb. 2024
Crucial systems work better, many types of corruption have been reined in and digitization of commerce has opened up new arenas for growth.
—Alex Travelli, New York Times, 2 Jan. 2024
While the structural shift toward greater digitization will drive the theme in the long run, valuations are also a bit high, making the risk-to-reward tradeoff a bit less attractive for the near term.
—Trefis Team, Forbes, 23 Feb. 2024
But this digitization doesn't mean the ATF has created a searchable database.
—Daniel Funke, USA TODAY, 9 Feb. 2022
Lack of funding means the vast majority of digitization work on the continent relies on grant and donor funding.
—Carlos Mureithi, The Christian Science Monitor, 18 Jan. 2023
Given the rapid progression of healthcare digitization, this needs to change.
—Sharief Taraman, Forbes, 24 Sep. 2024
Yellen has said that budget cuts could also slow down the digitization process and hamper efforts to improve customer service.
—Ashley Belanger, Ars Technica, 2 Aug. 2023
Many dealers are protected, to some degree, from the chilling winds of digitization.
—Aarian Marshall, WIRED, 27 Feb. 2023
Germany already has a plan to supercharge the use of robots and AI in job functions that face a talent shortage or that can be supported by digitization.
—Prarthana Prakash, Fortune Europe, 29 May 2024
Wu-Tang auctioned off the album, which was both lambasted as an elitist stunt-art hoax and embraced as a shrewd protest against digitization’s erosion of music’s value, for half that price in 2015.
—Elias Leight, Rolling Stone, 20 Oct. 2021
Share Tech The digitization of cars is helping to give some chip makers a lift Chip sales that have declined across many customer segments are still enjoying one area of rising demand: cars.
—Asa Fitch, WSJ, 5 Mar. 2023
There has been mass digitization of archival newspapers since 2005.
—Bill Swank, San Diego Union-Tribune, 16 Feb. 2024
These digitization efforts are arriving just as the documents’ fate hangs in the balance.
—Molly Glick, Discover Magazine, 3 Feb. 2022
With digitization on the rise all over the world, every country needs a lot more engineers, especially tech professionals.
—David Faris, Newsweek, 29 Dec. 2024
But the digitization will undoubtedly ripple through the Netherlands, which is still reckoning with this dark period of its history.
—Sarah Kuta, Smithsonian Magazine, 9 Jan. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'digitization.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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