How to Use dialectical in a Sentence
To our dialectical guide, this could go one of two ways.
—Malcolm Harris, New Republic, 15 May 2017
The upshot of the film is a little murky, which is the risk of such a diffuse, dialectical approach, and certain details could be clearer.
—Ben Kenigsberg, New York Times, 21 June 2018
Marxists would say Trump and the left-wingers relate to one another in dialectical terms.
—Matthew Continetti, National Review, 2 Sep. 2017
Sadly, this is not a moment for nuanced dialectical dramas — and certainly not for ones with such a huge cast.
—Charles McNultytheater Critic, Los Angeles Times, 28 Nov. 2022
The erotic scenes are dialectical as well as hot; the meetings have a wanton, feverish energy.
—A. O. Scott, New York Times, 19 Oct. 2017
The relationship between the two moments is dialectical: The aural noise and visual integrity of the first scene are reversed in the second.
—New York Times, 7 June 2018
But Morgan’s never been one to let dialectical coherence get in the way of his sanctimony.
—Jeremy Egner, New York Times, 27 Mar. 2016
The dialectical intelligence that shines in his plays is evident in the way his every utterance is subject to second thoughts.
—Charles McNulty,, 30 Mar. 2018
Some cultures are better than others at dialectical thinking—and my wife is right that Americans tend to be especially weak at it.
—Arthur C. Brooks, The Atlantic, 19 Jan. 2023
For a French director such as Rohmer, a woman’s knee was the crux of an elegantly dialectical erotic comedy.
—Richard Brody, The New Yorker, 25 Sep. 2021
There’s an appreciably dialectical sense of purpose to this framing that goes beyond the usual cat-and-mouse genre formulations.
—Justin Chang, Los Angeles Times, 3 Nov. 2022
The romance that surges through the story is his principal tool of historical analysis, setting facts and feelings into a dialectical dance that doesn’t conclude when the story ends.
—New York Times, 6 May 2020
Fans are often aware of the tensions their dialectical status as (anti)capitalists creates between themselves and media producers.
—Nancy Baym, WIRED, 10 July 2018
Not without a cost Therapists trained in dialectical behavior therapy can be expensive and hard to find, and are often booked solid.
—Matt Richtel,, 27 Aug. 2022
My clear designer see-thru [sic] tote bag: tampons, dialectical behavioral therapy workbook (used), old receipts from a bodega, a dollar that’s ripped in half.
—Sophie Kemp, Vogue, 10 Dec. 2019
Liberalism has evolved in a dialectical fashion as people’s concerns have changed.
—Alan S. Kahan, Foreign Affairs, 12 Dec. 2023
This dialectical mission is responsible for the spiraling self-consciousness that is the most distinctive (and, to some readers, the most annoying) aspect of his writing.
—Adam Kirsch, Harper's Magazine, 14 Aug. 2023
A philosopher — Jacques Derrida, say, here seen crossing Houston Street a few years before his death — might wax eloquent on the dialectical interpenetration of presence and absence.
—A. O. Scott, New York Times, 8 Sep. 2016
The ideological vanguard of the Bernie Sanders movement emerged from the 2016 election overflowing with dialectical certainty.
—Jonathan Chait, Daily Intelligencer, 29 Sep. 2017
These assorted dialectical face-offs give Binet another way to take an angle on theory.
—Sven Birkerts, New Republic, 20 Sep. 2017
For example, one of my zines is about dialectical behavioral therapy.
—, 1 Oct. 2021
There is something almost dialectical about the contrast between the parents on one hand and Nancy on the other, between Cameron and Buscemi’s open, guileless performances and Riseborough’s flat, affectless line readings.
—Justin Chang,, 7 June 2018
Where in China's increasing dialectical sense, the U.S. is an implacable enemy out to subvert China's rise.
—CBS News, 26 Oct. 2022
This might be cause for some disappointment, since Peele’s keen dialectical perspective on our collective American pathologies has been a bright spot in an era of franchised corporate wish fulfillment.
—New York Times, 20 July 2022
Like the aesthetic advances that preceded it, the Zoomification of movies will be the product of what has always been a dialectical relationship between technology and creators.
—Ann Hornaday, Washington Post, 2 Apr. 2020
Hazanavicius begins his film as Godard’s playful, polemical pastiche of dialectical discussion and mock agit-prop theatrics opens with a thud at the Avignon Film Festival.
—Peter Keough,, 25 Apr. 2018
Trained as a lawyer (and the son of a prominent Austrian prosecutor), Preminger established a dialectical method for filming scenes of conflict, holding opponents in tense and unstable balance.
—Richard Brody, The New Yorker, 1 May 2020
Del Noce indicts the sweeping changes of secularism, eroticism, and relativism as the inevitable outcomes of Marx’s dialectical victory over religious and liberal foes.
—Richard M. Reinsch Ii, National Review, 17 Feb. 2022
Much of history before the modern era has consisted of an almost dialectical synthesis between the steppe periphery and the agricultural lands beyond the limes of civilization.
—Razib Khan, Discover Magazine, 6 Oct. 2013
The clinic provides dialectical behavior therapy, or DBT, a form of talk therapy that aids in emotional regulation, for local youth and their families.
—Isha Trivedi, The Mercury News, 7 May 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'dialectical.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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