How to Use denialist in a Sentence
What becomes clear is that all the way back in the 1950s, big tobacco started to build a kind of denialist playbook about the health risks of smoking.
—Kit R. Roane, Scientific American, 17 Nov. 2020
The world has lost precious years in the fight to mitigate climate change, and here too Trump has been a denialist even as the evidence of such change rages all around us.
—Editorial Board Star Tribune, Star Tribune, 9 Oct. 2020
Moore draws a lesson from the eventual defeat of HIV denialists.
—Michael Hiltzik, Los Angeles Times, 17 July 2023
The denialist playbook is now erupting around the coronavirus.
—Sean B. Carroll, Scientific American, 8 Nov. 2020
Nobody can accuse him of being a crypto climate denialist or Big Oil stooge.
—Keith Kloor, Discover Magazine, 20 Nov. 2012
Like the raging denialist in the White House, the cantankerous anarchocommunalist has quit the game after the final score left him short.
—Steven Levy, Wired, 5 Jan. 2021
Many millions of people have voted against crazy climate denialist politicians, yet the structure of the Senate and the power of the fossil fuel industry still stands in the way of meaningful change.
—Liza Featherstone, The New Republic, 27 Jan. 2022
But nearly every other big-ticket election denialist who has run and lost thus far has conceded.
—Prem Thakker, The New Republic, 15 Nov. 2022
One of the main strategies that science denialists use is to hijack people’s attention by creating the appearance of a debate where none exists.
—Anastasia Kozyreva, Fortune, 21 Feb. 2023
In Arizona, election-denialist candidates for governor and secretary of state may pull out a win.
—Philip Elliott, Time, 11 Nov. 2022
My belief is that those who are affected most negatively by the use of name-calling (denier, denialist, warmista, watermelon etc) are in fact those that spout them.
—Keith Kloor, Discover Magazine, 24 Mar. 2011
But with each year, the ranks of climate denialists have thinned, the will to political action has grown, green technology has improved and cheapened, and the pace of its adoption has accelerated.
—Matthew Gavin Frank, Harper's Magazine, 21 June 2023
With comments such as those, Hannity positioned himself squarely on the election-denialist fringe.
—Washington Post, 2 May 2022
The subject of taxes poses a difficult challenge to any inequality denialist.
—Timothy Noah, The New Republic, 22 Sep. 2022
Even in the notoriously climate-denialist US, two-thirds of Americans—including almost half of all Republicans—think the government should do more.
—Rahul Rao, Popular Science, 22 Jan. 2021
Merely for presenting these findings, Clancy was labelled an ally of pedophilia, a trauma denialist.
—Parul Sehgal, The New Yorker, 27 Dec. 2021
The nonprofit also found advertisements for climate-denialist books on the product pages of more scientifically sound climate texts.
—Brian Contreras, Los Angeles Times, 26 July 2021
Threatening to unseat incumbent Senator Maggie Hassan, Bolduc is an election denialist who has repeatedly—and bizarrely—falsely claimed children are using litter boxes in schools.
—Prem Thakker, The New Republic, 2 Nov. 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'denialist.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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