How to Use creationism in a Sentence
The House passed a creationism bill and passed it onto the Senate.
—Arkansas Online, 11 Apr. 2021
Public funding may be playing a key role in the growth of creationism in Brazil.
—Heslley MacHado Silva, Scientific American, 12 May 2023
Why cicadas are a rainbow of science, and how creationism takes all the beauty out of it .
—Kyle Hill, Discover Magazine, 16 June 2013
Over the years, the outspoken Johanson has clashed with others about science, funds, creationism and more.
—Grant Segall, cleveland, 24 Oct. 2019
Its creationism implication aside, The Good Dinosaur hits all the cross species friendship notes at which Pixar excels.
—Joshua St. Clair, Men's Health, 16 June 2023
At the heart of white evangelical creationism is the mythology of an unbroken white lineage that stretches back to a light-skinned Adam and Eve.
—Allison Hopper, Scientific American, 5 July 2021
In all my years of dealing with Senator Inhofe the subject of creationism and evolution never even came up.
—Keith Kloor, Discover Magazine, 4 Mar. 2010
This is the second time under Bolsonaro that a nominee’s views on creationism have become an issue.
—Herton Escobar, Science | AAAS, 26 Jan. 2020
In fact, the Supreme Court has already overturned a precedent that could give advocates of teaching creationism in public school science classes some hope.
—John Timmer, Ars Technica, 27 Feb. 2023
His likeness stands on the opposite side of the courthouse from a 2005 statue of William Jennings Bryan, the Christian defender of biblical creationism.
—Mark Zaleski, The Seattle Times, 14 July 2017
Our Legislature's passing a bill that creationism must be taught in science in school is redundant.
—Arkansas Online, 10 Apr. 2021
Teaching creationism The League of Women Voters study took a different approach.
—Ann Doss Helms, charlotteobserver, 4 June 2018
The belief in creationism — that life originated and changed through divine creation — is widespread in Turkey.
—Washington Post, 17 Sep. 2017
School choice critics point to the fact that most private school don’t need state accreditation to operate and that some private schools teach creationism in science classes.
—Washington Post, 13 May 2017
The fear of GMOs is like creationism: an unfounded belief based not on facts, but on a form of faith: genetically unmodified food is better.
—Keith Kloor, Discover Magazine, 2 Mar. 2015
Many of the schools that receive voucher money are religious schools that teach creationism in high school science classes or promote Protestantism over other beliefs.
—Annie Martin,, 4 June 2019
How entertainment merged with everything in our culture, how creationism met evolution in public schools — all those things were sparks.
—Christopher Borrelli,, 11 Sep. 2017
Bill Nye, the nerdy supernova that fostered my childhood love of science, has recently gone viral in a video highly critical of the teaching of creationism to children.
—Kyle Hill, Discover Magazine, 2 Sep. 2012
Friends and family members commonly share their reasons for believing in creationism, ghosts, fad diets and so forth.
—Craig A. Foster, The Conversation, 24 Jan. 2023
In a series of decisions, the Court established precedents that, among other things, ended school prayer, ended daily Bible readings, blocked displays of the Ten Commandments and banned the teaching of creationism.
—David French, WSJ, 25 Sep. 2020
Science wins over creationism in S.Korean textbook battle.
—Ed Yong, Discover Magazine, 15 Sep. 2012
Investigation has already shown many of these schools using texts that teach creationism and an ahistorical view of slavery; would that become the norm in Mandel’s dream nation?
—Peter Greene, Forbes, 27 Oct. 2021
Floats lined up nearby, including one from Faith Academy of Freestone, which teaches creationism.
—Molly Hennessy-Fiske, Washington Post, 30 June 2023
This shaped his application of special creationism to humans, in a theory that came to be known as polygenesis.
—National Geographic, 5 Feb. 2017
The legislation is designed specifically to allow creationism to be taught in classes, something the courts have clearly stated is against the law, and which just as clearly is unacceptable in our schools.
—Phil Plait, Discover Magazine, 11 Apr. 2012
Answers in Genesis is dedicated to promoting young-Earth creationism, which holds that the Earth was created in six days, several thousand years ago.
—Charles Bethea, The New Yorker, 1 Oct. 2019
Arkansas lost a court battle over a 1981 law that required the teaching of creationism in its classrooms, and in recent years conservatives have waged battles over how evolution, climate change and other topics are taught.
—Andrew Demillo, Star Tribune, 3 Feb. 2021
Even then, the fossil fish struck a popular nerve, arriving on the heels of the case of a trial in Pennsylvania that ruled against teaching creationism as an alternative to evolution in high school biology.
—New York Times, 29 Apr. 2022
The prime example here is their insistence that the hypothesis of creationism cannot be properly approached by the scientific method in the same way as any other hypothesis.
—Letter Writers, Twin Cities, 27 Apr. 2017
While some archaeologists lament the loss of scientific information, Indian creationism is tolerated out of a sense of guilt over past wrongdoings.
—Keith Kloor, Discover Magazine, 23 Oct. 2014
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'creationism.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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