How to Use constitutionalism in a Sentence


  • At the end of the day, this comes down to originalism, constitutionalism.
    Fox News, 10 July 2018
  • But that wouldn’t look good for a government and a prime minister who professes to be overseeing a new era of constitutionalism and rule of law.
    Yonatan Fessha, Quartz Africa, 4 Dec. 2019
  • In fact, constitutionalism is itself part of the problem.
    Ian MacDougall, Harper’s Magazine , 28 Sep. 2022
  • Our own view was that the Republicans’ point about acting in an election year was secondary to the imperative to advance constitutionalism on the Court.
    The Editors, National Review, 20 Sep. 2020
  • The initiative shows commitment to constitutionalism and respect for property rights and restoring the rule of law.
    Misheck Mutize, Quartz Africa, 5 Aug. 2020
  • But the stark tone of the speech—the broad attack on foreignness, the disregard for notions of liberty, equality, and constitutionalism—shows how that essential chauvinism isn’t far from the surface.
    Jamelle Bouie, Slate Magazine, 20 Jan. 2017
  • His appointment of Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court is an outstanding appointment for avid constitutionalism.
    Scott Kaufman, Orange County Register, 26 Apr. 2017
  • Sajo is an expert in comparative constitutionalism and was involved in the drafting of the Ukrainian, Georgian and South African constitutions.
    Terry Collins, USA TODAY, 5 May 2021
  • Reclaiming the public schools will require a sustained movement akin to the modern pro-life movement or the effort to supplant living-constitutionalism with originalism.
    Anthony Kinnett, National Review, 20 Sep. 2021
  • The theory of living constitutionalism, meanwhile, is rooted in the idea that the Constitution should adapt to the American people’s evolving values, as well as the needs of contemporary society.
    Morgan Marietta, The Conversation, 26 Sep. 2022
  • As a central pillar to American history and constitutionalism for 244 years, IP converges tradition and progress to enrich the lives of citizens and society.
    Lorenzo Montanari, Forbes, 12 May 2021
  • Xi said, and should avoid Western ideas such as constitutionalism, balance of powers or judicial independence.
    Los Angeles Times, 28 Apr. 2020
  • Tocqueville believed the Americans had headed off this trajectory with their localism, their culture of rights, and their constitutionalism.
    Jedediah Britton-Purdy, The New Republic, 22 Apr. 2022
  • Rival theories such as purposivism, pragmatism, and living-constitutionalism empower judges to ignore and override legal texts in order to impose their own solutions to the problems of the age.
    Ed Whelan, National Review, 1 Oct. 2020
  • On the other hand, the usual liberal position – living constitutionalism – is clear.
    Morgan Marietta, The Conversation, 6 July 2020
  • What Marshall did accomplish—anchoring the national government’s power on a foundation of constitutionalism—helped forge the bonds that made possible, a few decades later, Lincoln’s preservation of the Union and emancipation of the slaves.
    Adam J. White, WSJ, 30 Nov. 2018
  • The boundaries between these different conceptions of constitutionalism are not always perfectly clear, of course.
    Yuval Levin, National Review, 17 Sep. 2020
  • The antislavery constitutionalism that Lincoln embraced and helped develop would become the cornerstone for the politics of the Republican Party and in time would ignite southern secession.
    Sean Wilentz, The New York Review of Books, 13 Apr. 2021
  • The new court upholds originalism, which has replaced its rival, living constitutionalism.
    Morgan Marietta, The Conversation, 26 Sep. 2022
  • Few, if any, American politicians have ever succeeded as well as Webster at making constitutionalism so inspiring.
    Fergus M. Bordewich, WSJ, 11 Nov. 2022
  • Will the Right continue to promote freedom, constitutionalism, and American leadership abroad?
    Matthew Continetti, National Review, 22 Oct. 2022
  • The first and perhaps foremost reason for the Founding’s ongoing centrality for American conservatism is that the Founding represents a type of apotheosis of Western constitutionalism.
    Samuel Gregg, National Review, 6 Feb. 2022
  • Ever since the founding, the U.S. sense of identity has been bound up with a sort of civic nationalism or distinctly American creed emphasizing the rule of law, constitutionalism, individual freedom, and limited government.
    Colin Dueck, National Review, 21 Oct. 2019
  • In their view, my arguments are fully reconcilable with common-good constitutionalism.
    J. Joel Alicea, National Review, 3 May 2022
  • The 18th century was a period in which modern constitutionalism, with its particular emphasis on limited government and liberty under the rule of law, began taking on decisive form.
    Samuel Gregg, National Review, 6 Feb. 2022
  • American constitutionalism requires a distinctly republican virtue, and cannot do without it.
    Yuval Levin, National Review, 17 Sep. 2020
  • Trump isn’t going back to early 19th century constitutionalism.
    Jon Talton, The Seattle Times, 17 Feb. 2018
  • Many Chinese who survived the Cultural Revolution – including some party elites – came away with a conviction to prevent a similar catastrophe from happening again, China needed the rule of law, constitutionalism and protection of individual rights.
    Selina Wang, CNN, 14 Oct. 2022
  • While nonoriginalists cheer this as showing that originalism differs little in practice from living constitutionalism, this has led some originalists to deny or disparage the distinction itself.
    Randy Barnett, Washington Post, 8 Oct. 2017
  • In 1851, Douglass announced his endorsement of anti-slavery constitutionalism.
    Timothy Sandefur, National Review, 12 Sep. 2019

Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'constitutionalism.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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