How to Use condenser in a Sentence
In a walk-in cooler, water was leaking from the condenser to the floor.
—Jacqueline Pinedo, Sacramento Bee, 21 June 2024
There are three condensers on the roof, one in the basement and two inside apartments.
—New York Times, 27 Apr. 2018
The indoor coil is called the evaporator and the outdoor coil is called the condenser.
—Laura Daniella Sepulveda, The Arizona Republic, 11 June 2024
Then steam goes through a condenser, becomes water, and returns to the pump.
—Nick Stockton, WIRED, 26 May 2017
The movement of the springs was converted to voltage by two condensers, one at each end of the keyboard.
—IEEE Spectrum, 1 Feb. 2024
As the gas separates from the liquid, a condenser changes its state back to liquid.
—Matt Kimball, Forbes, 20 Feb. 2024
Carter-Head stills have a basket between the pot still and the condenser that is used to hold a basket of botanicals.
—Joseph V Micallef, Forbes, 1 Oct. 2021
The condenser pan is usually located at the bottom of the unit, Mitchell says.
—Brittany Anas, House Beautiful, 29 June 2023
If there are microspikes in the power level, the condenser can level them.
—Caroline Delbert, Popular Mechanics, 9 July 2020
Then, gently clean the condenser coils and remove any debris from around the outdoor unit.
—Medora Lee, USA TODAY, 3 June 2024
Those vapors are then captured and fed through a condenser, which brings the oil back into liquid form.
—Sarah Bowman, The Indianapolis Star, 13 July 2022
Are the fins on your evaporator or condenser coils bent?
—Emily Sweeney,, 19 July 2019
The dynamic design means the mic won’t pick up much of the room sound as a conventional condenser mic might.
—Mark Sparrow, Forbes, 1 June 2021
If your refrigerator has a grille in front of the condenser coils remove it.
—Patricia Shannon, Southern Living, 20 May 2020
Replacing the condenser and recharging the system relieved us of $1125.
—K.c. Colwell, Car and Driver, 20 Mar. 2020
In a certain sense, the museum has replaced the cathedral as a social condenser.
—Tim McKeough, New York Times, 19 Dec. 2017
The biggest outdoor condenser can get loud, like a central air unit running full blast in summer.
—, 7 Nov. 2021
The former includes a short condenser mic, high-end cable, studio-grade headphone jack, and more.
—WIRED, 5 Sep. 2022
Heating the material up with sunlight forces the water through a condenser, where it can be captured and put to use.
—Nathaniel Scharping, Discover Magazine, 13 Apr. 2017
The floor of the passenger side of Matthew’s car had a puddle in it; water had been seeping in from a broken condenser that Matthew had neither the time nor the money to fix.
—Aaron Gilbreath, Longreads, 22 Feb. 2018
Also known as a condenser, the outdoor unit holds the compressor and condensing coil.
—Gwozniac, oregonlive, 26 Jan. 2023
Dealer techs determined that road debris had damaged the A/C condenser, which set us back $1125.
—K.c. Colwell, Car and Driver, 20 Mar. 2020
The Hansons run their wine through two copper pots then through a 50-plate column still five times and, finally, into a condenser.
—Betsy Andrews, WSJ, 18 Dec. 2021
Some residents, including the current president of the board, have condensers on the roof.
—Ronda Kaysen, New York Times, 27 Apr. 2018
Heat pump clothes dryers push warm air through the spinning tub of clothes to absorb some of the moisture, then pump the air through a condenser to remove the moisture so that it can be cycled back through the clothes.
—Jon Healey, Los Angeles Times, 20 Apr. 2023
Heat rate can be affected by dozens of variables from fuel type to steam-surface condensers and boiler feed pumps.
—The Editorial Board, WSJ, 21 Aug. 2018
Not only is the airflow across the A/C condenser blocked, but the radiator sitting behind it suffers too.
—Bob Weber,, 21 Oct. 2021
The headphone output and the microphone have no discernable hiss, The condenser capsule is very sensitive and can pick up the slightest of sounds.
—Mark Sparrow, Forbes, 24 Oct. 2021
In its initial offering, a luxury sedan called the Air, the air-conditioning condenser lives at the front of the vehicle.
—Aarian Marshall, WIRED, 2 Aug. 2024
The condenser then releases the collected heat outside and reverts the hot refrigerant gas to a liquid.
—Laura Daniella Sepulveda, The Arizona Republic, 11 June 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'condenser.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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