How to Use comparator in a Sentence
Then and now, Porsche Macan Turbo is the closest comparator.
—Mark Ewing, Forbes, 21 Oct. 2021
One-third of the subjects, the comparator arm, will receive two full doses of Jynneos given 28 days apart.
—Helen Branswell, STAT, 7 Aug. 2022
For a comparison for that comparator, there are 47 Olympic-size pools in all of Australia.
—Erik Klemetti, Discover Magazine, 1 Nov. 2011
But in a case-series design, there is no control or comparator group.
—Beth Mole, Ars Technica, 11 Oct. 2022
Over the next 24 weeks, this two-drug combo held down HIV as effectively as a three-drug regimen used as a comparator.
—Jon Cohen, Science | AAAS, 24 July 2019
In all of these trials a benzodiazepine is the active comparator.
—Neuroskeptic, Discover Magazine, 7 Mar. 2012
The Helix products cannot serve as comparators to help pan-sarbecovirus vaccines win FDA approval.
—Byjon Cohen,, 30 May 2023
That goes to the fact that Burfict’s suspension is not occurring in a vacuum—it will be used as a comparator for other players who commit wrongful acts on the field.
—Michael McCann,, 2 Oct. 2019
Now, researchers who are aiming for more broadly protective vaccines need the comparators to improve the design of their own candidates.
—Byjon Cohen,, 30 May 2023
The effect size for the comparison of response rate to medications in the comparator and placebo controlled trials was large (Cohen’s d = 1.2).
—Neuroskeptic, Discover Magazine, 10 June 2010
One op amp is wired to two resistors to form an inverting Schmitt trigger: a comparator with two different voltage thresholds.
—IEEE Spectrum, 26 Apr. 2022
Tombaugh made his discovery using a device called a blink comparator, which relies on a simple yet elegant technique: look at two pictures of a star field and compare them.
—Jesse Emspak, Smithsonian, 28 Aug. 2017
For Southwest, an obvious comparator is Ryanair in Europe.
—Ben Baldanza, Forbes, 13 Feb. 2023
Poljak says that Björnsson’s feat is a good comparator because the load on your legs and core muscles in a strong gravitational field feels pretty much like carrying a large weight on your shoulders.
—Michael Allen, Discover Magazine, 20 Sep. 2018
Polyglot India is the nearest international comparator to the EU, but there too debates rage over whether to adopt a sole official language to add coherence.
—The Economist, 15 June 2019
Is the clinical trial placebo controlled or has an active comparator?
—Alex Zhavoronkov, Forbes, 27 Apr. 2021
None of those vaccinated developed the disease after 10 days, even as 16 people in the unvaccinated comparator group did, according to a report in the Lancet.
—Clifton Leaf, Fortune, 19 May 2018
Natanson says scientific results, patient safety, and the informed consent process all suffer when a usual-care comparator is absent.
—Charles Piller, Science | AAAS, 12 Aug. 2021
One room over, Wilson shows me the most impressive new toy in the group's digitization toolkit, one that arrived just three days earlier: A room-sized analog artifact known as an optical comparator.
—Adam Fisher, WIRED, 10 July 2018
Instead of considering the best comparator compound and the easiest way to copy past programs, drug developers need to become more nimble and innovative.
—Richard Ghalie, STAT, 26 Dec. 2019
In med-tech, clinical trials typically use the company’s own past products or a statistical benchmark as a comparator.
—Joe Carlson, Star Tribune, 14 Oct. 2020
The one proposal that passed muster with the board, on a 9-6 vote, was another attempt to develop an alternative to human fetal tissue, using as a comparator fetal tissue that has already been obtained and stored in a biorepository.
—Meredith Wadman, Science | AAAS, 18 Aug. 2020
Traditionally, the safety and effectiveness of new cancer therapies is demonstrated through randomized clinical trials—studies in which patients are randomly assigned to receive either an experimental new treatment or a comparator therapy.
—Amy Abernethy and, WSJ, 12 Sep. 2017
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'comparator.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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