How to Use columbine in a Sentence
At this time of year, Jack-in-the pulpit and columbine bloom on the forest floor.
—USA TODAY, 12 May 2017
Try ferns, clover, the emerging baby leaves of columbine, even cut up some chives.
—oregonlive, 8 Apr. 2020
Wild columbine is a fine choice for a gravelly slope, rock ledge, or rock garden.
—, 29 May 2022
The dry prairie along the bluff top is home to little bluestem, wild bergamot, columbine and silky aster — a colorful display in the spring.
—Chelsey Lewis, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 8 Mar. 2018
The Colorado blue columbine is Colorado's state flower.
—Olivia Munson, USA TODAY, 5 Feb. 2023
In early summer, look to the alpine meadows of Flagstaff and the White Mountains adorned with fleabane, blue flax, paintbrush, columbine and more.
—Roger Naylor, The Arizona Republic, 24 Feb. 2024
One of these plants is the serpentine columbine, or Aquilegia eximia.
—Elizabeth Preston, Discover Magazine, 21 July 2015
Some of these flowering plants include bee balms, columbine flowers, daylilies, lupines and petunias.
—Victoria Moorwood, The Enquirer, 10 Apr. 2023
The works included Colorado’s state flower, the blue columbine, as well as yucca, lupines, mushrooms and other plants.
—Colleen Smith, The Denver Post, 14 Apr. 2017
Coni Sanders, whose father, Dave, a teacher, was killed in the attack, said that a floor tile with an image of the purple columbine flower lay near where her father had been shot.
—New York Times, 7 June 2019
Native columbine, Solomon seal, creeping phlox and wild geranium are not far behind.
—Cori Brown,, 17 Apr. 2021
Ironweed, bergamot, prairie blazingstar, tall Joe Pye weed, Ohio goldenrod and columbine are some of the flowers featured.
—Jennifer Rude Klett, Journal Sentinel, 20 Apr. 2023
For the latter, check out things like bee balms, columbines, lupines, foxgloves, hollyhocks, cleomes, impatiens and petunias.
—Jeff Lowenfels, Anchorage Daily News, 20 Feb. 2020
Regretfully some like the peonies, iris and columbine still do not grow locally but others do.
—Tom MacCubbin,, 11 May 2018
Deadhead columbine to prolong its bloom, which can last into summer for some varieties.
—Southern Living Editors, Southern Living, 14 Feb. 2024
Those columbines grew vigorously on the east side of their house, showing their approval of this sun orientation.
—Margaret Lauterbach, idahostatesman, 5 July 2017
Seeds of most columbine species do not require cold in order to germinate, but hot soil temperatures should be avoided.
—oregonlive, 2 Jan. 2022
This includes classics like quaking aspen, yarrow, big sagebrush, columbine and milkweed.
—Anna Webb, idahostatesman, 23 June 2017
In pastel pinks and purples, an enchanting mix of columbines, lupines and foxgloves bloom in pockets of sun underneath Japanese maples.
—Debbie Arrington,, 2 June 2017
LoPresti studied columbine plants growing in a California reserve to learn more.
—Elizabeth Preston, Discover Magazine, 21 July 2015
After flowering, foxgloves, columbine and delphiniums should be pulled up.
—, 27 Jan. 2018
Camelot foxgloves and Swan columbines are both Louisiana Super Plants selections.
—, 27 Jan. 2018
The sale will include about 45 different plant species, including wild columbine, wild geranium, butterfly milkweed, blazing stars and purple prairie clover, the school district said.
—Jennifer Johnson,, 23 May 2017
On a weekend in July, butterflies fluttered around alpine wildflowers near Hope as people hiked past patches of red and yellow western columbine and brightly colored dwarf fireweed.
—Emily Mesner, Anchorage Daily News, 24 July 2021
Continue to deadhead: Remove faded, dead flowers from cool-season bedding plants, such as foxglove, columbine, snapdragon and dianthus.
—Dan Gill,, 29 Apr. 2018
Good native flowers to consider include wild columbine, wild bergamot, pale purple coneflower, asters and goldenrods, Steinhauer said.
—Jennifer Rude Klett, Journal Sentinel, 18 Aug. 2022
Or try native woodland wildflowers such as perennial lobelia, mayapple, columbine, thalictrum, amsonia, blood root, Solomon seal, and phlox.
— Real Estate, 21 Aug. 2019
Honey Dijon,’ and ‘Sombreuil’ roses, as well as a supporting cast of columbine, bearded iris, Japanese snowberry, honeysuckle, and plum.
—Sunset, 22 Jan. 2018
The McHenrys’ own home garden has grown steadily over the past decade to include a wide array of pollinator and ornamental plants, including lavender, yarrow, fleece-flower, thistle, baptisia, lilies, geraniums and columbine.
—Chris Riemenschneider, Star Tribune, 16 Oct. 2020
These include columbine, bee balm, blanket flower, campanula, lavender, peonies, salvia, speedwell, and tickseed.
—Arricca Elin Sansone, Country Living, 8 Nov. 2022
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'columbine.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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