How to Use collider in a Sentence
Yet the collider had not been turned on nor do videos of the tunnel show anyone present.
—Paula L. Woods, Los Angeles Times, 3 Apr. 2024
Others wanted the United States to help push for the next big collider.
—Adrian Cho, Science | AAAS, 2 Oct. 2020
The incident briefly knocked out power to the collider.
—Jason Daley, Smithsonian, 1 Feb. 2017
In the coming weeks, these groups will be making key steps toward restarting the collider.
—Aylin Woodward and Janet Babin, WSJ, 9 Apr. 2022
However, a muon collider might combine the strengths of hadron and e+e- colliders— and be faster and cheaper to build.
—Byadrian Cho,, 28 Mar. 2024
That linear collider, first built in the 1960s, was once SLAC’s reason for existing.
—IEEE Spectrum, 26 Sep. 2023
Going by the running costs for the Large Hadron Collider, those costs for the new collider would probably amount to at least $1 billion per year.
—Sabine Hossenfelder, Scientific American, 19 June 2020
The collider is located more than 500 feet under the ground straddling the France-Switzerland border.
—Ed Hewitt, USA TODAY, 6 July 2017
As for the detectors, the injectors, the magnets, the thousands of tonnes of ultracold collider?
—Daniel Garisto, Scientific American, 27 Apr. 2022
To chill them, the collider uses 150 tons of liquid helium.
—Manasee Wagh, Popular Mechanics, 22 Apr. 2022
Aczel skillfully weaves two histories: that of the science leading to the Large Hadron Collider, and that of the collider itself.
—Andrew Moseman, Discover Magazine, 28 Dec. 2010
In November 2009, the LHC was also put out of a commission when bird dropped a piece of baguette into the system that keeps the collider from overheating.
—Jason Daley, Smithsonian, 1 Feb. 2017
This month, the scientists behind the FCC released a conceptual design report highlighting the goals of the collider and the process to build it.
—Avery Thompson, Popular Mechanics, 16 Jan. 2019
The collider cannot open up portals to other dimensions.
—Sudiksha Kochi, USA TODAY, 26 July 2022
Since the collider opened in 2008 its maximum energy was eight tera–electron volts (TeV).
—Clara Moskowitz, Scientific American, 26 June 2014
Twelve years have passed since the last major discovery at a particle collider.
—Elise Cutts, Quanta Magazine, 17 Apr. 2024
Libraries are like a kind of social collider: a space intended for people to freely cross paths with ideas and others unlike themselves.
—Melissa Gira Grant, The New Republic, 15 Sep. 2023
It's estimated that the moon collider will use tens of terawatts of energy.
—Caroline Delbert, Popular Mechanics, 16 June 2021
Scientists say the collider is not capable of creating a black hole, and there is no reason to believe one was produced.
—Nate Trela, USA TODAY, 20 Sep. 2017
Gas carried by incoming colliders also set off more star formation in the Milky Way.
—Ann Finkbeiner, Scientific American, 16 Jan. 2024
Gas carried by incoming colliders also set off more star formation in the Milky Way.
—Ann Finkbeiner, Scientific American, 1 Feb. 2024
Scientists observed the antiparticle for the first time in 1970 by producing it in a collider.
—Sophia Chen, WIRED, 14 Dec. 2022
The main body of the collider is a giant ring over five miles in diameter and the entire facility employs thousands of people.
—Avery Thompson, Popular Mechanics, 14 Nov. 2018
So far, though, the small-is-beautiful approach has been no more successful than the big colliders in coming up with new phenomena.
—The Economist, 13 Jan. 2018
One experiment used a particle collider, and the other used a prepared chip maze.
—Caroline Delbert, Popular Mechanics, 18 Dec. 2020
Europe is designing a new particle collider, three times larger than the LHC.
—Lorcan Roche Kelly,, 21 Sep. 2017
Each year after a brief technical stop in the winter, CERN restarts its accelerator complex and the collider.
—Gabrielle Settles, USA TODAY, 1 June 2024
These collisions -- made by smashing the particles together at mind-bending speeds to study them -- were made by the Tevatron collider in Illinois.
—CBS News, 8 Apr. 2022
The scientific case for a next larger collider is therefore presently slim.
—Sabine Hossenfelder, Scientific American, 19 June 2020
Another walks into the massive interior chamber of a large electron collider and leaps to her death.
—Kathryn Vanarendonk, Vulture, 19 Mar. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'collider.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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