How to Use clipper in a Sentence
In time, hair clippers and binders would do the work of her gaze.
—Alex Marzano-Lesnevich, Harper's magazine, 25 Nov. 2019
Your stylist will have to break out the clippers for this one.
—Devon Abelman, Allure, 1 Sep. 2017
On the season, 13 Clippers have been thrown out at the plate.
—Branson Wright,, 30 June 2017
Dieuguez snuck her a pair of old clippers and trained her as a dog groomer.
—Birmingham Magazine,, 12 Mar. 2018
From the onset, Riri is sitting at the edge of the bed with some hair clippers in hand.
—Carl Lamarre, Billboard, 1 Nov. 2017
Then, use sharp clippers to cut the branch at an angle.
—Halee Miller Van Ryswyk, Better Homes & Gardens, 16 Sep. 2024
Not sure what kind of clipper or grinder will work best on your dog?
—Corinne Sullivan, Woman's Day, 8 Sep. 2022
Use clippers or scissors to cut the tomato off the plant above the bumpy part of the stem to avoid ripping the skin.
—Jeanette Marantos, Los Angeles Times, 1 Sep. 2023
That's because the storm, which is known as a clipper, will move through the area very quickly.
—Joe Taschler, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 11 Feb. 2022
The King Phillip, a clipper ship that wrecked just off Ocean Beach in 1878, can be spotted by land.
—Beth Spotswood,, 4 Sep. 2019
After using the clippers, Saraceno switched to shears to fine tune the cut.
—Erin Clack, Peoplemag, 14 Dec. 2023
Meanwhile, Mandel tried his best with the clippers to no avail.
—Charmaine Patterson, Peoplemag, 11 Apr. 2023
Someone had climbed the telephone pole, with a pair of wire clippers, and cut all four telephone wires to the house.
—Win McCormack, The New Republic, 29 July 2019
The clipper itself has five adjustable functions for the comb from 0.8mm to 2.0mm.
—Tim Kohut, BGR, 17 May 2021
The Jazz beat the Clippers and will face the Warriors in the conference semifinals.
—Paul Doyle,, 1 May 2017
But my curls have never looked better, so for now, the clippers will stay in the drawer.
—WIRED, 19 June 2023
Today's clipper arrives with a light mix of rain and wet snow mixed in, with the best chance of a few slushy lawns and fields north of the Twin Cities.
—Paul Douglas, Star Tribune, 15 Oct. 2020
The Clippers have four new players who were not on the roster last season.
—Denise Coffey, Courant Community, 26 Apr. 2017
Now, with the emergence of this fun and youthful basketball team in Tuscaloosa, his clipper work is part of the show.
—Joseph Goodman,, 19 Feb. 2018
But don’t just impulse-buy a $20 set of clippers on Amazon.
—Aaron Stern, WSJ, 21 May 2020
You precision trim the path and drive edges with a toenail clipper.
—Paul Cappiello, The Courier-Journal, 10 Sep. 2021
With the tea race, the core technology itself—the clipper ship—was short-lived.
—Jeremy Kahn, Fortune, 20 Feb. 2024
In the poor Mbare area, a barber used humming clippers to give haircuts to a steady stream of customers.
—Washington Post, 19 Dec. 2019
Within a decade, the clippers had been largely eclipsed by steamships in global trade.
—Jeremy Kahn, Fortune, 20 Feb. 2024
The shingles were cut from cardboard with a nail clipper and glued with a mixture of floor wax and nondairy creamer.
—Riley Robinson, The Christian Science Monitor, 16 Oct. 2023
Acord notes that a razor (versus sheers or a clipper), will allow your stylist to make sure the hair sits just right.
—Megan Gustashaw, GQ, 24 Oct. 2017
Not just the postman and the barber, but also the aspiring belly dancer, the night clipper, the cat looser, and all the rest.
—Ian Bogost, The Atlantic, 20 June 2018
The latest round of U.N. sanctions bans the supply of metal items, so that explains the clipper holdup.
—Matthew Pennington, The Seattle Times, 28 Jan. 2018
So, put the clippers or scissors down and keep reading for some trauma-free ways to remove gum while keeping hair intact.
—Cody Godwin, USA TODAY, 16 Oct. 2024
The clipper system will be followed by strong winds and Arctic air, driving temperatures down across the eastern half of the U.S.
—David Brennan, ABC News, 4 Dec. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'clipper.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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