How to Use chamber music in a Sentence
chamber music
His is a middle way in what has been called the crown of Brahms’ chamber music.
—Mark Swed, Los Angeles Times, 9 Dec. 2020
The chamber music swells, flags flutter in the background, the bows of the string section dance in unison.
—Mark Lisanti, Vanities, 27 Apr. 2018
Does that help to bridge the gap between solo and chamber music?
—David Allen, New York Times, 21 Feb. 2018
In both works, Chopin seems to be pouring out his pent-up thoughts about chamber music, to the point of overflow.
—New York Times, 4 May 2018
But there's already talk of working with the Phoenix Symphony to launch a chamber music series in the spring.
—Ed Masley, The Arizona Republic, 8 June 2021
The group was praised for redefining the perception of the piano trio and of chamber music itself.
—Robert D. McFadden, New York Times, 6 May 2023
The series will present three performances that span jazz and chamber music.
—, 25 Feb. 2022
Well, there’s always chamber music, which somehow seems a perfect fit for the great outdoors in the town of Hurley.
—Gerald Eskenazi, Forbes, 3 June 2021
Lewis has been on a particularly strong chamber music run in the last 10 or so years.
—New York Times, 22 Aug. 2022
Those stretches of ad hoc chamber music were the concerto’s high points.
—Washington Post, 25 Jan. 2020
In addition to chamber music, the concert will explore folk, jazz and blues. 7 p.m. April 8.
—Beth Wood,, 25 Mar. 2018
The full series, which ranges from jazz to chamber music, choirs and organ recitals, runs from late September through mid-May.
—Christopher Arnott,, 25 Aug. 2021
Much of the score has an intimate, almost chamber music, feel.
—Jon Burlingame, Variety, 3 June 2022
Kempff didn’t stint on Beethoven’s chamber music, either.
—David Mermelstein, WSJ, 15 Dec. 2020
The chamber music reduction of the score is by Ed Windels, a New York composer-arranger.
—Mark Stryker,, 9 Sep. 2020
The result blends jazz, chamber music and hip-hop, such as on this track featuring rapper Kool A.D.
—USA Today, 22 Feb. 2021
The doors to the Big Barn swing open this weekend for two concerts, kicking off the eclectic chamber music festival.
—, 8 July 2021
The 54-year-old Kavakos may have once served as an informal chamber music mentor for Wang, 20 years his junior.
—Mark Swed, Los Angeles Times, 16 Nov. 2021
My son's chamber music group met for the first time the next morning in a sweltering fourth-floor room at Cremona’s Chamber of Commerce.
—Julie Orringer, Travel + Leisure, 14 May 2024
Now the series of free concerts at venues around Northeast Ohio includes both chamber music and works for the full ensemble.
—Zachary Lewis, cleveland, 20 Sep. 2022
At age 10 or 11, Choong was introduced to chamber music by one of her music teachers.
—Beth Wood,, 25 Mar. 2018
This year's festival features a mix of new music and old, symphonies and chamber music, even an opera.
—Rob Hubbard, Star Tribune, 27 July 2021
Not only the piano music or just some chamber music. . . .
—, 10 Oct. 2019
That's not a surprise, given his background in chamber music.
—The Indianapolis Star, 25 Sep. 2022
In an age of too much string overplaying in chamber music concerts, never all evening was this an issue.
—Scott Cantrell, Dallas News, 6 July 2023
The Walkman was the brain child of a Sony executive who wanted a private way to drown out his kids’ pop music and listen to chamber music in peace.
—Los Angeles Times, 29 Aug. 2019
The Walkman was the brain child of a Sony executive who wanted a private way to drown out his kids' pop music and listen to chamber music in peace.
—Mark Swed,, 3 Sep. 2019
The falling leaves, not yet colored, were beginning to strew the grassy surrounds of Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge’s gift to chamber music lovers.
—Jeremy Yudkin,, 11 Sep. 2023
No wonder this piece came out sounding lucid as chamber music, as though each line had been teased apart and individually combed.
—Hannah Edgar, Chicago Tribune, 20 Sep. 2024
Yaniv Dinur is filling Milwaukee's August gap in classical music programming with a chamber music event that could be called site-specific.
—Jim Higgins, Journal Sentinel, 16 Aug. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'chamber music.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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