How to Use cesspool in a Sentence
noun- The region had become a cesspool of pollution.
Because the flu is a cesspool of funky flu at the ER right now.
—Howard Cohen, miamiherald, 1 Feb. 2018
In 2016, the state of Hawaii banned the construction of new cesspools.
—Julia Jacobo, ABC News, 21 July 2023
Sewage piled up in pits and cesspools and poured into the city’s harbor and rivers.
—Courtney Humphries,, 28 Apr. 2018
To the rest of the nation, the city of skyscrapers and soaring hopes seemed a cesspool of urban decay.
—Robert D. McFadden, New York Times, 24 Nov. 2020
For the most part, urban rivers are no longer cesspools, and beaches once fouled with sewage are swimmable.
—Madeline Ostrander, The New Yorker, 18 Jan. 2017
The early 2000s were a cesspool of tabloid headlines for celebrities like Lopez.
—Tomás Mier, Rolling Stone, 14 June 2022
The next year, the state passed a law requiring that all cesspools be converted and closed by the year 2050.
—Julia Jacobo, ABC News, 21 July 2023
Maybe the judge presiding will have the courage and intellect to break up this cesspool of crime.
—Jason Fields, Newsweek, 5 Dec. 2024
Twitter is, by and large, a cesspool where trolls and sad bloggers go to shout at and about each other.
—Madeleine Aggeler, The Cut, 24 Jan. 2018
That clearly wasn’t good enough for the cesspool that Cuomo and his office was swimming in.
—Author: Michael Scherer, Josh Dawsey, Anchorage Daily News, 5 Aug. 2021
But much hasn’t changed in terms of its being a fount of knowledge, as well as a cesspool of harassment and trolling.
—Yesha Callahan, The Root, 7 Feb. 2018
The Second Bank of the United States became a cesspool of corruption.
—Jay Cost, WSJ, 8 June 2018
When city officials removed the handle from the pump, which had been dug next to an old cesspool, the outbreak stopped.
—Christian Millman, Discover Magazine, 23 Oct. 2019
Many cesspools were replaced with other types of toilets, but not all.
—Lila Seidman, Los Angeles Times, 30 June 2024
Thank you for pointing out what a toxic cesspool Facebook is.
—Amy Dickinson, oregonlive, 8 July 2023
There are few things that unite the chaotic cesspool that is Twitter more than roasting Kylie Jenner.
—Chelsey Sanchez, Harper's BAZAAR, 17 Oct. 2019
Many homes use rainwater-catch tanks and cesspools or septic tanks.
—Caleb Jones, Fox News, 8 May 2018
And of course the cesspool of right-wing media like Fox News stands ready to throw wrenches into the confirmation process.
—Bruce Bartlett, The New Republic, 2 Nov. 2020
Six years ago, Hawaii mandated removal of all cesspools by 2050.
—Audrey McAvoy, Anchorage Daily News, 10 July 2023
Most Ohioans are not awash in cash to toss into a cesspool of political intrigue.
—Sarah Stankorb, The New Republic, 29 June 2023
Viral screenshots of the interaction prove that beyond the cesspool, there are some good eggs out there.
—Marissa Miller, Teen Vogue, 17 Aug. 2017
The internet can truly be a dark cesspool of the worst that humanity has to offer.
—Kayleigh Roberts, Marie Claire, 14 Dec. 2019
Some people on the cesspool that Twitter can be, have an issue with the Shib Sibs, as they’re widely known, for taking part as siblings in such an event.
—Martin Rogers, USA TODAY, 19 Feb. 2018
Her daughter, Aquillia Grant, has a pipe that spews raw sewage from the back of her mobile home directly into a fetid open cesspool in her yard.
—Connor Sheets |, al, 27 July 2021
The clubby cesspool of entitled white male bigotry has been exposed.
—Roy S. Johnson |, al, 15 Oct. 2021
The petroleum products had escaped from barrels and storage tanks; the sewage from cesspools, which some people still had in the '60s.
—Michael Carey, Alaska Dispatch News, 9 Sep. 2017
And White’s done it without the FBI wire-tapping his phone and without a hint of the cheating and chicanery that pervades the cesspool of college basketball.
—Mike Bianchi,, 3 Apr. 2021
Let’s state the fact not often discussed: Facebook is a cesspool of misinformation, child trafficking, and violent crime.
—Charlie Fink, Forbes, 16 Jan. 2025
At least these are at least attempting some kind of even-handed moderation, unlike the platform formerly known as Twitter, which has become the cesspool of X under Elon Musk’s ownership.
—New York Daily News Editorial Board, New York Daily News, 9 Dec. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'cesspool.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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