How to Use bombast in a Sentence


  • And, despite Trump’s bombast and lies, these are not the best of times.
    Susan B. Glasser, The New Yorker, 28 Aug. 2020
  • The bombast is a response, a defense, a pose, a stance.
    New York Times, 14 Mar. 2022
  • At his home, the bombast remained, but the smiles were absent.
    Nick Turse, Time, 18 Oct. 2019
  • But beyond all the building bombast, there's a gentler, low-key side to the city, too.
    Maureen O'Hare, CNN, 1 Oct. 2022
  • Still, his criticism was mild compared with the bombast of the past.
    Peter Baker and Somini Sengupta, New York Times, 18 Sep. 2017
  • The protests this weekend were long on dignity and grace and short on bombast.
    Charles P. Pierce, Esquire, 25 Sep. 2017
  • The track's bombast came through loud and clear, and its arena-worthy guitar swells held their own on the high seas.
    Chris Payne, Billboard, 28 Jan. 2018
  • If one strips away all the bombast and bluster, Trump announced a few adjustments to the approach that has been in place for years.
    Stephen Tankel, Fortune, 22 Aug. 2017
  • Utopia is most effective as a survey of 15 years of trends in stadium rap, a sound steeped in the bombast of Ye records.
    Vulture, 2 Aug. 2023
  • Once the show scaled back the bombast, its themes of processing grief and found family struck a clearer chord.
    Thomas Floyd, Washington Post, 16 May 2023
  • Parscale is a striking figure: 6-foot-8, with a trademark Viking beard and a penchant for bombast.
    Peter Elkind, ProPublica, 11 Sep. 2019
  • These threats are bombast, since the young leader is not suicidal.
    Trudy Rubin,, 6 Sep. 2017
  • But Dominion feels no less than two full script rewrites away from living up to the fun and bombast of its best moments.
    Sam MacHkovech, Ars Technica, 8 June 2022
  • Raphael is not for a time of bombast, or of rancor, unless the culture wants an antidote.
    Brian T. Allen, National Review, 2 Sep. 2020
  • Nor was the raw power and sheer bombast that were obvious hallmarks of Gerrard's game from a young age., 5 Sep. 2019
  • Still, those who have been there will tell you that, for a gaming fan, there was nothing quite like the bombast and spectacle of the E3 show floor in its heyday.
    Kyle Orland, Ars Technica, 12 Dec. 2023
  • May should sack him for giving his pro-Brexit bombast interviews to the press, or so all the questions from the press imply.
    Michael Brendan Dougherty, National Review, 3 Oct. 2017
  • As a show, Agent Carter was full of fun and bombast, showing some of what its eponymous lead got up to after losing her love, Steve Rogers.
    Nola Pfau, Vulture, 12 Jan. 2024
  • Jazz is made up of a lot of emotions -- joy, sadness, melancholy, humor, bombast.
    Mike Scott,, 10 Feb. 2018
  • The bleeding memories of her witnesses clashed with the gloss and bombast of the official rhetoric.
    The Economist, 20 July 2017
  • There’s a whiff of camp in his bombast and even in his public persona—the suit and glossy leather jacket that gave the impression of a gentleman fetishist.
    Jeremy Lybarger, The New Republic, 7 Apr. 2021
  • Conductor Mark Elder reveled in both the bombast and the intimacy of the score.
    Heidi Waleson, WSJ, 1 Oct. 2018
  • But the film's producers bog the whole thing down by pulling a Sorrento every step of the way: trying—and failing—to make up for a lack of heart with bombast and geeky cameos.
    Sam MacHkovech, Ars Technica, 29 Mar. 2018
  • But from the outside, such moments can get drowned out by the daily buffet of Trump’s outrageous bombast.
    Philip Eliott / Detroit, TIME, 4 Nov. 2024
  • The beautiful anger and bombast of Charlie Pierce is there, but also elsewhere.
    Paul Daugherty,, 12 Apr. 2018
  • The twist is that amid the bombast and play of Planetarium, the statement may be one of condemnation.
    Spencer Kornhaber, The Atlantic, 8 June 2017
  • Wrestling fans were so caught up in the rivalries and bombast stoked by Mr. Heenan that his life was sometimes in actual danger.
    Matt Schudel, Washington Post, 19 Sep. 2017
  • Portrayed by Melvin Gregg with a mix of bombast and street allure, Skemes comes by his nickname honestly.
    Lisa Kennedy, Variety, 28 Mar. 2023
  • Understand, the bombast also was part of that equation, as well. From Shifty Schaffel.
    Ira Winderman, Sun Sentinel, 9 July 2022
  • Donald Trump’s stance on nuclear weapons has been one of obsessive and reckless bombast.
    Abe Streep, The New Yorker, 27 Dec. 2024

Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'bombast.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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