How to Use boilerplate in a Sentence
The movie is tense from the start, aided by the fact that the plot is far from boilerplate.
—Alec Dent, National Review, 28 June 2019
Kevin McCarthy stood at the head of the table to give his boilerplate toast.
—Matt Sullivan, Rolling Stone, 2 July 2022
Because the artists used grids to plan these boilerplate wall scenes, even the proportions are the same.
—Bob Brier, Smithsonian Magazine, 24 Oct. 2022
Here’s my boilerplate stance on Fox — good coach, good guy.
—Mark Bradley, ajc, 24 May 2017
The film most certainly does not do that—it’s as boilerplate as any of the others.
—Richard Lawson, HWD, 31 May 2017
If that’s more than diplomatic boilerplate, the U.S. will abide by its treaty and tell Gov. Whitmer to stand down.
—The Editorial Board, WSJ, 10 Oct. 2021
So we’re spared the sort of meddlesome-U.S.-government boilerplate plot that weighed down a movie like Arrival.
—Vulture, 20 July 2022
The first three-quarters of the speech was good but essentially Hall of Fame boilerplate.
—Peter King,, 9 Aug. 2017
Next to the depth of Lacey’s struggle, or Dee Dee’s awakening, the others seem more like boilerplate.
—Matthew Gilbert,, 1 Feb. 2023
The right thing for Aiyuk to do is to not take Waddle and St. Brown’s contracts as boilerplate and ask for something between them.
—Dieter Kurtenbach, The Mercury News, 7 June 2024
Read full email › Even the difference in the boilerplate language at the bottom of each email is striking.
—Lazaro Gamio, New York Times, 18 July 2024
This is a boilerplate season with a few standout episodes.
—Annabel Gutterman, TIME, 26 Sep. 2024
The AGs want to know: Were those terms of service clear and understandable, or buried in boilerplate where few users would even read them?
—Natasha Bach, Fortune, 27 Mar. 2018
Clicking the share icon in the left-rail menu brings up a boilerplate message explaining Tuta Mail, with a link to sign up.
—PCMAG, 25 June 2024
That will pose problems for the many sites and service providers that threw up a boilerplate cookie consent box to comply with GDPR.
—Wired, 1 Oct. 2019
Both contained much of the same boilerplate language, right down to the ballet/ballot typo.
—Rob Kuznia, Bob Ortega and Casey Tolan, CNN, 12 Sep. 2021
Given a chance to comment on dozens of assertions, the team took more than a day and then issued a boilerplate statement.
—Jon Wertheim,, 23 Feb. 2018
That just makes coding a lot faster, where a lot of boilerplate code is being done by the AI, saving humans for human tasks.
—Elizabeth Lopatto, The Verge, 23 Mar. 2023
Add the usual boilerplate about not wanting to be a distraction at such a crucial time.
—Charles Krauthammer, The Denver Post, 11 May 2017
The early back-and-forth from Nevada, home to one of the toughest Senate contests of the year, offered little more than the usual boilerplate.
—Eric Bradner, CNN, 27 Jan. 2022
Maybe the most important part of Biden’s speech were a few lines that might sound like foreign policy boilerplate.
—Walter Shapiro, The New Republic, 22 Feb. 2022
The other 52% of filings shared only the same, vague boilerplate language about the incidents.
—Sam Sabin, Axios, 10 Dec. 2024
The movie’s fight scenes are boilerplate, with no sense of the heroines’ vulnerabilities, no sense of what can be escaped from and what can’t.
—Richard Brody, The New Yorker, 9 Nov. 2023
And these are from form leases, with boilerplate language that is available on the internet.
—Curbed, 25 Aug. 2022
Such a line of questioning forms the boilerplate for all of Murakami’s fiction.
—Jeffery Renard Allen,, 4 May 2017
There were a lot of boilerplate answers that came out of the annual coaches breakfast, as usual.
—Albert Breer,, 29 Mar. 2018
Screenshots show the employee replied with the same boilerplate language.
—Brian Edwards, ProPublica, 17 May 2021
In New York, Prince’s book contract was deviating far from the boilerplate.
—Dan Piepenbring, The New Yorker, 2 Sep. 2019
Also be careful of that boilerplate, standard, $10 or so many trusts list on schedule A.
—Martin Shenkman, Forbes, 13 Apr. 2022
The truth of the North Korea missile crisis is not the boilerplate assumption that China is the key to the solution, but rather that China is by design the root of the problem.
—Victor Davis Hanson, National Review, 14 Sep. 2017
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'boilerplate.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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