How to Use boastful in a Sentence
That is but a mere sampling of the boastful claims contained in the video above.
—Dalton Ross,, 1 Feb. 2023
Kira starts, scolding the boastful blonde for not pulling her weight at the birthday party.
—Kristen Baldwin,, 11 Jan. 2022
Some friends have agreed to post on one another’s behalf, so as not to appear boastful.
—Julie Jargon, WSJ, 1 May 2021
The music is the perfect soundtrack to Fieri’s food: dishes that are a little aggro, a little boastful and very much up in your grill.
—Tim Carman, Washington Post, 6 Mar. 2023
Rare are the people who have heard Snyder offer boastful words about himself.
—Joseph Goodman |, al, 10 Feb. 2023
Prosecutors claimed that Barahona returned twice to the scene of the shooting and sent boastful text messages to friends.
—Serena Lin, Austin American-Statesman, 15 May 2024
Their boastful coin may have marked a high point of good feeling among Caesar’s assassins.
—Nora McGreevy, Smithsonian Magazine, 23 Mar. 2022
And forget about boastful labels and logos in the age of quiet luxury.
—Alesandra Dubin, Travel + Leisure, 2 Oct. 2023
The empty floors upstairs are layered with boastful stickers such as the one about the building’s A-plus air filtration system.
—Conor Dougherty,, 17 Dec. 2022
The empty floors upstairs are layered with boastful stickers like the one about the building’s A-plus air filtration system.
—Emma Goldberg Aaron Wojack, New York Times, 17 Dec. 2022
At Fresno, coach Mike Batesole would fine players who used I or me in boastful conversation.
—Sean Gregory, Time, 6 Dec. 2022
Gucci Mane and Young Jeezy rap about their lavish lifestyles and success, with playful, boastful lyrics that reflect the flashy side of Atlanta’s trap scene.
—Walaa Elsiddig, Billboard, 17 June 2024
In my family you were not allowed to be immodest or boastful.
—Tribune News Service, The Mercury News, 28 June 2024
His bombastic style and boastful rhetoric are something people either love or hate.
—Kaely Monahan, The Arizona Republic, 17 July 2024
The fears prompted the health officials to relay their concerns to the White House - leading aides to pare back some of the more boastful language in Biden's original speech, officials said.
—, 21 Aug. 2021
Once the leopard disappeared into the bush, the baboons returned and the four of us laughingly tried to imagine the meaning of their chatter, which sounded boastful now that the danger had passed.
—Tayari Jones, Travel + Leisure, 26 July 2023
Despite their secret, that the viewer will discover little by little, Tony and Noé give their all to life, going from party to party for Tony, the boastful one who lives in the fast lane.
—Trinidad Barleycorn, Variety, 9 July 2022
Canteen Boy is a misfit — always dressed in Boy Scout attire with a baby-talk voice — who is universally mocked but still exudes a boastful pride.
—Geoff Edgers, Washington Post, 16 Mar. 2023
Adhering to the austere values of rural New England, the message is welcoming but not boastful.
—Washington Post, 12 Aug. 2021
We have been programmed to believe that being our own advocate is boastful or distasteful as women.
—Lauren Zajac, Forbes, 5 Mar. 2021
Every Christmas Jackie sends a boastful holiday newsletter that makes her old college friend Charlotte feel like a lump of coal.
—Michaela Zee, Variety, 30 Aug. 2023
On the eve of Election Day in 2016, Donald Trump made a characteristically boastful statement about his base of support.
—Gilbert Garcia, San Antonio Express-News, 6 Feb. 2021
The lyrics describe life for many blue-collar Americans at that time, and the chorus exudes proud patriotism without being boastful.
—San Diego Union-Tribune, 1 July 2022
But the one thing that is clear, according to an intelligence expert, is that the entire ordeal is showing how boastful Chinese officials are.
—Kelly Terez, ABC News, 6 Feb. 2023
One of the show’s interludes features an emcee, full of boastful sass, poking fun at fans’ never-ending pleas and thirst for supporting Renaissance music videos.
—André-Naquian Wheeler, Vogue, 13 June 2023
This dial color doesn’t compete with the big textures happening on the bezel and the bracelet, while the size keeps everything in manageable proportions, resulting in a watch that feels confident, but not boastful.
—Blake Buettner, Robb Report, 21 June 2024
Some in Gonzales County dismiss the online discussions as boastful rhetoric.
—Guillermo Contreras, San Antonio Express-News, 12 Mar. 2021
As a result, women often downplay their accomplishments for fear of being seen as too ambitious or boastful.
—European School Of Management and Technology - Berlin, Forbes, 27 Feb. 2024
In the hierarchy of vital news stories on Tuesday, the ex-President's boastful ramblings pale in significance to the alarming events in Eastern Europe.
—Stephen Collinson, CNN, 23 Feb. 2022
Berlin Alexanderplatz presented Hofmann with a particular challenge because of its rich seam of local dialect and the boastful, big-city idiom known as Berliner Schnauze, as well as constant wordplay.
—David Blackbourn, Foreign Affairs, 28 Feb. 2019
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'boastful.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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