How to Use biomedicine in a Sentence
The award is presented to a top researcher in biomedicine whose work has helped to define their field — and, in the process, helped patients.
—Shraddha Chakradhar, STAT, 21 Nov. 2019
The high-profile failures have cast a spotlight on the problems facing biomedicine in France.
—Tania Rabesandratana, Science | AAAS, 21 Apr. 2021
There’s been no lack of opportunities for leaders in biomedicine to make an impact in the last two years.
—Casey Ross and Katie Palmer, STAT, 23 Feb. 2022
Decoding and harnessing the power of the human immune system is one of the great frontiers of biomedicine.
—Wayne C. Koff, STAT, 6 Oct. 2023
Often, the narrative arc in biomedicine is a quest for disease-causing genes.
—Eric Boodman, STAT, 18 Feb. 2022
Within six months, Ricks had been promoted to run Lilly’s biomedicine unit and Skovronsky was working for him.
—Matthew Herper, STAT, 6 July 2023
In biomedicine alone, more than 1.3 million papers are published each year; in all of science, there are more than twelve thousand reputable journals.
—Ingfei Chen, The New Yorker, 23 June 2021
Uma was a baby when her family moved to San Antonio, where her father joined a research group in biomedicine.
—Richard Sandomir, New York Times, 29 Aug. 2022
On the other hand the world would probably benefit from a sprinkling of foxes within biomedicine as well.
—Razib Khan, Discover Magazine, 10 Oct. 2012
The findings have led some experts to conclude that biomedicine suffers from a replication crisis.
—Jocelyn Kaiser, Science | AAAS, 27 June 2017
What are the applications of ATAC-seq in biomedicine and drug discovery?
—Anika Nayak, STAT, 13 Oct. 2023
And those who do not remember the sometimes irrational exuberance around past advances in biomedicine may be doomed to buy into the hype around today’s.
—Sharon Begley, STAT, 2 Apr. 2018
The life sciences, biomedicine, biotechnology, and related health care coupled with a return of the tourism industry will fuel growth in San Diego.
—Phillip Molnar, San Diego Union-Tribune, 26 Mar. 2021
Between the two of them, James and Lindsay had decades of experience in biomedicine, and a large network of professional connections.
—Daniel Engber, The Atlantic, 6 Oct. 2021
Donna Wilcock, the assistant dean of biomedicine at the University of Kentucky, said more research is needed.
—Berkeley Lovelace Jr., NBC News, 18 Jan. 2023
Donna Wilcock, the assistant dean of biomedicine at the University of Kentucky, said Leqembi should be approved.
—Berkeley Lovelace Jr., NBC News, 6 Jan. 2023
Machines that normally run around the clock for proteomics, the study of cell structures for biomedicine, were interrupted and new control studies for drug discovery were paused.
—Catherine Stupp, WSJ, 3 July 2023
As part of its Made in China 2025 program, China has introduced plans to dominate industries of the future, like driverless cars and biomedicine.
—New York Times, 23 Oct. 2019
In computer science and math, scientists do not cite each other as often as in biomedicine and there are very few young computer scientists with the H-index of 100.
—Alex Zhavoronkov, Forbes, 28 June 2021
But the low number of reports surprises some experts on conflicts of interest in biomedicine.
—Jocelyn Kaiser, Science | AAAS, 30 Sep. 2019
Yet Oransky estimates that in biomedicine, up to 90% of citations to retracted papers don’t mention their fall from grace.
—Charles Piller, Science | AAAS, 15 Jan. 2021
Just as in biomedicine around the world, students of Chinese medicine test into graduate school and conduct experiments.
—Ian Johnson, The New York Review of Books, 20 Oct. 2021
Those major studies are really illustrative of how there’s rarely a problem in biomedicine these days where genomics isn’t somewhere in there playing a role.
—Megan Molteni, Wired, 30 Dec. 2020
This tension arises for the same reasons that O’Rourke lists in her memoir—the complexity of these diagnoses breaks with the reductive logic of biomedicine, which has no good methods available to confirm them.
—WIRED, 1 Aug. 2023
No one is fully healthy or fully diseased, and the language of biomedicine should aim for a humanizing nuance, not polarization.
—Lee D. Cooper, STAT, 5 Mar. 2022
But that pain was real, and led to real setbacks and deformations in American biomedicine that the physical sciences should not now want to emulate.
—Yuval Levin, National Review, 17 May 2021
The absence of this academic credibility and knowledge of the many basics of biomedicine really hurt at the very beginning.
—Alex Zhavoronkov, Forbes, 24 May 2021
The $50 billion in Chinese goods singled out include items in biomedicine, aerospace and new-energy vehicles, among others.
—Yoko Kubota, WSJ, 4 Apr. 2018
In biomedicine, failure is common, and often the scientists who have lived through and learned from the failures in a difficult clinical trial are in higher demand than those who succeeded in a straightforward one.
—Alex Zhavoronkov, Forbes, 14 June 2021
But while scaling back many of his activities, Jacobs has maintained his interest in biomedicine.
—Bradley J. Fikes,, 13 Apr. 2018
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'biomedicine.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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