How to Use avionics in a Sentence
plural noun-
There was a square space in the panel where one of the avionics boards had been removed.
—New York Times, 14 Oct. 2022
Wedge had already plugged the last round into the avionics.
—Elliot Ackerman, Wired, 26 Jan. 2021
Girls at the NextGen Workshop learn how to follow schematics to wire avionics for airplanes.
—Emma Barnett, NBC News, 10 Aug. 2022
The avionics computers in the rocket have miles upon miles of cabling and more than 500 sensors.
—, 27 Aug. 2022
Heavier parts, including sensors, avionics, and other items, may still be on the bottom of the ocean.
—Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 16 July 2020
But somewhere above, a pilot bathed in the glow of avionics is looking up from his instrument panel into the night.
—Eric Tegler, Ars Technica, 29 Apr. 2020
This short test flight will validate the integrity of those systems, as well as the software and avionics used to steer the launch and landing of the full-scale vehicle.
—Eric Berger, Ars Technica, 4 Aug. 2020
Those willing to invest the time and energy to build an airplane from a kit can choose many of the components that go into it, from avionics to engines.
—Eric Tegler, Forbes, 15 July 2022
With avionics and other aerospace components needing to be installed, the revival will take a huge amount of time and money.
—Rachel Cormack, Robb Report, 25 May 2022
Altan, who knew the avionics system as well as anyone, climbed a ladder to where the antennas were located on the second stage.
—Eric Berger, Ars Technica, 3 June 2020
Atlan played a key role in the development of the avionics system that guided the Falcon 1 and later Falcon 9 rockets in flight.
—Eric Berger, Ars Technica, 21 Sep. 2020
All the stealth and avionics tech in the world can’t win a fight without weapons, though total armament is one area where new jet platforms lag behind their predecessors.
—Alex Hollings, Popular Mechanics, 6 Dec. 2020
An update of the F-35’s avionics, computer system, and perhaps even an onboard laser weapon would round out what might eventually be called the F-35D.
—Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 20 Aug. 2020
And tomorrow's versions, with still more advanced avionics and more powerful weapons systems, may even make the Blue Thunder look tame.
—Sheldon M. Gallager, Popular Mechanics, 25 Mar. 2021
What emerged was a wide-ranging list of targets, including aviation and avionics.
—Ian Talley, WSJ, 18 Mar. 2022
The aircraft is powered by two magni650 electric propulsion units from magnIX, with a fly-by-wire Honeywell avionics system.
—Michael Verdon, Robb Report, 16 Dec. 2021
Put another way, reuse has saved SpaceX the cost of 189 Merlin rocket engines, dozens of fuel tanks, and many complex avionics systems.
—Eric Berger, Ars Technica, 30 June 2020
In-flight cellphone use was once banned in the U.S. and many other countries over fears that cell signals could clash with onboard avionics and other navigation systems.
—NBC News, 19 Jan. 2022
The joint venture helped GE avoid writing down a struggling avionics unit, according to former and current GE employees.
—Bob Davis, WSJ, 26 Sep. 2018
However, the new boosters have been modernized with improved avionics and made more powerful with the addition of a fifth segment.
—Eric Berger, Ars Technica, 2 Sep. 2020
The impact could extend to aircraft avionics, machine tools, smartphones, game consoles, tablets and televisions.
—Ellen Knickmeyer and Fatima Hussein, Anchorage Daily News, 23 Feb. 2022
Their avionics bays were open, and electronic boxes that operate vital systems, including the starter for the motors, had been ripped out, their components bashed to bits.
—Tribune News Service, Arkansas Online, 5 Sep. 2021
It is made up of engines, a liquid hydrogen tank, a liquid oxygen tank and electronics, avionics and computers.
—Julia Musto, Fox News, 17 Mar. 2021
Northrup Grumman is contributing designs from its Cygnus spacecraft for parts of the lander that will propel it from orbit to the moon and Draper is designing guidance and avionics systems.
—Aaron Pressman, Fortune, 21 Aug. 2020
The college plans to offer training for an airframe and powerplant certificate as well as specialties such as avionics.
—Kelly Yamanouchi, ajc, 9 Sep. 2022
An even more formidable version, the Dauphin, will have advanced avionics and heavier armament.
—Sheldon M. Gallager, Popular Mechanics, 25 Mar. 2021
Kendal, an aircraft maintenance and avionics manager at an airport two counties away, worked through the pandemic.
—Duaa Eldeib, ProPublica, 4 Aug. 2022
The core stage of the rocket includes engines, propellant tanks and avionics, or aviation electronic systems.
—Ashley Strickland, CNN, 28 Aug. 2022
Imagine one day a ship carrying snap-in engines, avionics, and payload packages for simple surveillance drones, then printing the wings and fuselages on demand.
—Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 12 July 2022
The cockpit's avionics are now all functioning normally.
—Jeff Wise, Popular Mechanics, 1 June 2020
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'avionics.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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