How to Use artifice in a Sentence
noun- The whole story was just an artifice to win our sympathy.
- He spoke without artifice or pretense.
And in the Brechtian sense, there was a kind of artifice to the piece.
—Nick Vivarelli, Variety, 5 Sep. 2024
And the stakes of those ends are, for all the artifice, far more real.
—K. Austin Collins, Rolling Stone, 17 Apr. 2021
You're stripped of all glamour and artifice on much of the show.
—Jancee Dunn, Redbook, 17 May 2011
The fireworks, the razzmatazz, the artifice do not add to the sense of occasion.
—Rory Smith, New York Times, 27 May 2017
Still, problems like this take the artifice of the game's facade and throw it right in your face.
—Kyle Orland, Ars Technica, 7 Dec. 2020
That way, the way of Camp, is not in terms of beauty, but in terms of artifice, of stylization.
—Scarlett Newman, Teen Vogue, 2 Apr. 2019
That way, the way of camp, is not in terms of beauty, but in terms of the degree of artifice, of stylization.
—Scarlett Newman, Teen Vogue, 3 May 2019
The film, with its space-food-like artifice, only seems to be made of nothing at all.
—Richard Brody, The New Yorker, 13 July 2022
Time and again in his filmography, the artifice is the very point.
—Chris Vognar, Chron, 19 Apr. 2023
Leaving aside the fake nails and boob implants, with Cardi the artifice is in the artwork.
—Harper's BAZAAR, 7 Feb. 2019
The 2015 ObamaCare repeal votes in the House and Senate were artifice.
—Chad Pergram, Fox News, 1 July 2017
All the artifice and showmanship of singing falls away and the father simply speaks his lines.
—Justin Davidson, Vulture, 24 Nov. 2021
Cameron thrives in the artifice of the digital toolbox.
—David Rooney, The Hollywood Reporter, 13 Dec. 2022
Since turning to books in the wake of unbearable tragedy, Holmes has worked his way back to the artifice of performance.
—Bethanne Patrick, Los Angeles Times, 20 Feb. 2023
But the difference, of course, is that the suffering on those shows is artifice.
—Alexander Woo, The Hollywood Reporter, 21 June 2024
That, to me, is the reason for all the artifice — the obvious high style of my books and their use of the supernatural.
—Mikal Gilmore, Rolling Stone, 13 Dec. 2021
Her crime, of course, was the obvious artifice, the resorting to cheap tricks.
—New York Times, 10 May 2021
Shift position even slightly, though, and the artifice is plain to see.
—Charles Desmarais, San Francisco Chronicle, 25 May 2018
The thing about Weezer, though, is that there’s no artifice between the listener and Rivers.
—Ryan Reed, SPIN, 1 June 2023
The artifice works for the most part, given the nature of this troubled character.
—Chris Smith, BGR, 6 Sep. 2022
Without the teen-drama artifice, what will the show become?
—Zoe Guy, Vulture, 11 June 2024
Beneath all the artifice, though, the same old turkey remains.
—Elizabeth G. Dunn and Matthew Kronsberg, WSJ, 31 Oct. 2018
At their best, Pitchfork’s writers had the clear-eyed ability to cut through the artifice, mythmaking and PR around an artist to get to the heart of a record.
—Hazlitt, 24 Jan. 2024
There is no artifice to it, unlike Austin, which is self-consciously weird at this point.
—Craig Hlavaty, Houston Chronicle, 16 Apr. 2018
It was supposed to be a back-to-the-basics recording without the artifice of studio trickery.
—Tim Riley, Smithsonian Magazine, 10 Apr. 2020
His affinity for shooting in black and white was as well-known as his distaste for ageism and artifice.
—Cady Lang, Time, 5 Sep. 2019
Drag, at its best, is the perfect illustration of that tension between the artifice of gender and its very real social meanings.
—James Factora, Them, 19 Sep. 2024
One thing that defines theater-kid energy in my mind is using artifice to get to an emotional honesty.
—Mikael Wood, Los Angeles Times, 6 Dec. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'artifice.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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