How to Use ark in a Sentence
He's been Noah and all the animals on the ark in the same TikTok sketch.
—Sherry Liang, CNN, 30 Dec. 2021
The music serves as the backdrop for the space ark story.
—John Wenz, Popular Mechanics, 3 Mar. 2017
The music serves as the backdrop for the space ark story.
—John Wenz, Popular Mechanics, 3 Mar. 2017
In the end, the rains stop, and Uta-napishti’s ark, like Noah’s, gets snagged on a mountaintop.
—Joan Acocella, The New Yorker, 7 Oct. 2019
The video ends with him sailing in an ark through a global flood.
—Jon Blistein, Rolling Stone, 12 Jan. 2024
But with enough rain to float off Kentucky’s own ark, the ground is in no mood to be worked right now.
—Paul Cappiello, The Courier-Journal, 9 Mar. 2018
Once the ark was built, God sent a rainstorm that lasted 40 days.
—David R Montgomery, Discover Magazine, 28 Aug. 2012
In the Bible, a dove brings an olive leaf to Noah on the ark, a sign that the world is not entirely destroyed.
—Somini Sengupta, New York Times, 24 Oct. 2017
For now, the planks of Noah’s shattered ark are still bobbing on the surface of the deluge.
—Chris Wiley, The New Yorker, 27 July 2024
To see the show, guests don't have to buy admission to the ark and can only pay the $10 parking fee.
—Scott Wartman,, 26 Oct. 2017
Noah’s ark landed on Mount Ararat after the Great Flood.
—Raffi Joe Wartanian, Outside Online, 8 Oct. 2020
The piece as a whole feels like a kind of ark or boat that travels through your mind in its own expanse of blue.
—Hilton Als, The New Yorker, 13 Mar. 2023
How did all the animals, birds and creeping things fit into the ark?
—Rabbi Avi Weiss,, 4 Oct. 2021
It is said in the movie that Adolf Hitler thought having the ark would make his army invincible.
—John Petkovic,, 13 Sep. 2017
Josh just found a way to tell the story of Passover to the children and somehow bring it around to referencing the ark of the covenant from Raiders of the Lost Ark.
—Pamela Avila, USA TODAY, 17 Apr. 2022
When Irma moves to Georgia, this isn’t going to be like emerging from the ark with Noah to the fresh smell of the verdant new earth.
—Lauren Ritchie,, 8 Sep. 2017
Mark Levin on Hayek and ‘Americanism’ ark Levin is kind of sneaky.
—Kevin D. Williamson, National Review, 28 July 2017
In this text, those humans who escape by the skin of their teeth are the ones who shove the beasts out into the killing ice, who push others away from the ark.
—Helen Shaw, Vulture, 25 Apr. 2022
There are grapevines and cupids, as well as depictions of Noah and his ark, Daniel and the lions and Christ and his apostles.
—Jason Daley, Smithsonian, 5 June 2017
Despite the chill of the day, the interior of the church seemed cozy and welcoming, the kind of space that promises to hold you safe, like an ark.
—Rebecca Mead, The New Yorker, 18 Apr. 2022
Sales of survival kits soared, and there were reports that a man in China built a modern-day Noah's ark.
—John Blake, CNN, 22 Mar. 2020
Farther north is a row of private arks; upscale houseboats all in a row.
—Carl Nolte,, 22 Feb. 2020
In the music video, Lamar is on a voyage to (and through) Africa that starts in an ark-like vessel with a sea of hands waving below.
—Taylor Hosking, The Atlantic, 1 Mar. 2018
Think that Biblical flood Noah was building that ark for.
—Nick Romano,, 3 Nov. 2019
In the Bible, God orders Noah to carry two of every living creature on his ark.
—The New York Times,, 22 May 2017
His mini-spaceship is even like the little ark that carried Moses down the River Nile.
—Jay Michaelson, Rolling Stone, 28 June 2023
When spelling the word out doesn’t work, Pig Latin is another way to keep, say, a potential trip to the ark-pay or oo-zay covert.
—Mark Peters,, 11 Mar. 2018
The site’s logo is stuffed with a fifth grader’s idea of mysticism: the Virgin Mary, a dragon, a tarot card, a winged horse, and Noah’s ark.
—Seth Hettena, The New Republic, 9 Dec. 2019
The ark of history But the march to adaptation is not an unalloyed good.
—The Economist, 19 Sep. 2019
The other day, Ham, who is seventy-two, surveyed the ark from the park’s welcome center.
—Oliver Whang, The New Yorker, 27 Nov. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'ark.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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