How to Use anti-racist in a Sentence
Two-hundred thousand dollars or more is a lot to pay for lessons in how to be an anti-racist.
—Bret Stephens, The Mercury News, 4 Jan. 2024
Many protesters took to the streets with anti-racist and pro-Palestinian messages.
—Emma Bowman, NPR, 15 June 2024
Or could the doc have brought us back to the present, highlighting examples of Black women leading anti-racist movements?
—Lovia Gyarkye, The Hollywood Reporter, 19 Sep. 2023
Smith went onto other activism, such as civil rights and anti-racist work.
—Jemma Stephenson, al, 16 June 2023
He was being targeted by the far right for his anti-racist, anti-fascist activism.
—Ali Breland, The New Republic, 26 Apr. 2023
My partner acknowledges their privilege here, and has always been on the same page about teaching our children to be anti-racist.
—Sahaj Kaur Kohli, Washington Post, 12 Oct. 2023
Kendi’s stark provocation that one is either a racist or an anti-racist epitomized the morality play that the right has come to describe as the essence of woke politics.
—Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, The New Yorker, 21 Oct. 2023
John said their business is firmly anti-racist and welcomes anyone hoping to purchase a quality cup of coffee.
—Brenna Gauchat, The Arizona Republic, 13 Mar. 2024
She was inspired and studied Black liberation and anti-racist movements.
—Andrew J. Campa, Los Angeles Times, 15 Aug. 2023
Their experiences and leadership must then be central to our anti-racist movements.
—Rita Omokha, ELLE, 18 July 2023
In one sense, the furious backlash against the anti-racist outpouring of 2020 and the decade-old Black Lives Matter movement can be interpreted as evidence of the success of those endeavors.
—Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, The New Yorker, 22 Jan. 2024
In one of the larger anti-racist demonstrations, in the London neighborhood of Walthamstow, aerial footage shows as many as 8,000 people gathered in solidarity.
—Armani Syed, TIME, 8 Aug. 2024
Starbucks and Pepsi fans likely didn’t find anti-racist causes wrong, just the messaging heavy-handed and poorly executed.
—Michael Serazio, Vox, 29 May 2024
One suggested remedy for white privilege is to be actively anti-racist.
—John MacCormick, Fortune, 9 May 2023
Lloyd can explain it only by analogizing anti-racist pedagogy to brainwashing.
—Merve Emre, The New Yorker, 11 July 2023
For years, Democrats have been drifting toward a policy of neglecting immigration law and the border for supposedly anti-racist reasons.
—The Editors, National Review, 14 Aug. 2023
The school district that includes Charlottesville, Virginia, began devising an anti-racist curriculum after white supremacists gathered there in 2017 for the Unite the Right rally.
—David D. Kirkpatrick, The New Yorker, 2 Oct. 2023
In April 1968, anti-racist protesters and anti-war protesters took over Columbia's Hamilton Hall, as well as several other buildings.
—Kiara Alfonseca, ABC News, 6 May 2024
Existing policies haven’t worked Many institutional policies outline anti-racist and anti-sexist goals, but research shows results have been slow in coming.
—Jennifer R. Grandis, The Conversation, 31 Mar. 2023
To medical schools and academic centers in the country, Dr Blackstock’s call includes a commitment to invest in the pipeline of Black physicians and commit to a meaningfully diverse, inclusive and anti-racist learning environment.
—Madhukar Pai, Forbes, 19 Feb. 2024
Ultimately, the answer to how cities can plan to be anti-racist, address health equity or promote environmental justice rests with concerned constituents and council members crafting a feasible plan of action.
—Catherine Brinkley, The Conversation, 29 Aug. 2023
Darden also recommended that human resources, the central office staff and administrators, all of whom participate in the hiring process, take regular anti-bias, anti-racist training.
—Sherry Greenfield, Baltimore Sun, 19 July 2023
Aguirre Center for Inclusive Psychotherapy is working to address these issues by offering culturally responsive, affirming, and anti-racist mental health care.
—Amy Marschall, Peoplemag, 19 Apr. 2023
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'anti-racist.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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