How to Use anthropology in a Sentence
That may represent the future, but the past is just a short walk across campus in the stacks of the anthropology library.
—Tim Arango,, 2 May 2023
Jantz adds that forensic anthropology has jumped ahead by leaps and bounds in the decades since Hoodless analyzed the bones.
—Jared Gilmour, kansascity, 7 Mar. 2018
Martin puts her background in anthropology to use in this sometimes vicious study of the women of the UES.
—Washington Post, 15 July 2021
Each was a triumph, and they still are recognized as such, icons of a genre, touchstones of both anthropology and film.
—Sean Flynn, Smithsonian, 23 Feb. 2018
Call it passion, call it cultural anthropology, call it plain old gluttony: The food of a place can speak of its soul when even words fail.
—Cnt Editors, Condé Nast Traveler, 28 Jan. 2016
The idea was to invert anthropology’s othering gaze through a focus on the local and the banal.
—Lili Owen Rowlands, The New Yorker, 17 Nov. 2021
The pivotal step is to validate the true needs of customers through a design anthropology study.
—Expert Panel®, Forbes, 21 June 2021
The ship would have been around 100 feet long on the deck, according to John Bratten, the chair of the anthropology department at the university.
—Sydney Pereira, Newsweek, 24 Jan. 2018
Franz Boas is a towering figure in the world of anthropology.
—Joshua Rapp Learn, Discover Magazine, 9 Jan. 2024
At a time when anthropology was generally viewed as a study of the other, Hurston immersed herself in the lives of her own people.
—Chris Vognar, Los Angeles Times, 17 Jan. 2023
As a 21 year old studying social anthropology at Yale, Katherine Lo got lost on the way back to her hostel during a hike while in the Himalayas.
—Erin Florio, Condé Nast Traveler, 8 Mar. 2018
Schooled in anthropology, Lee works for the Hartman Group, a consulting firm.
—Photographs By Brian Finke Text By Malia Wollan, New York Times, 25 Feb. 2016
At some point the bones went missing, so the mystery of the Nikumaroro castaway rests on Hoodless’s measurements and on the state of forensic anthropology in 1941.
—The Economist, 6 Feb. 2018
Take anthropology, a discipline that emerged as part and parcel of the Western colonial project.
—Elena Maris, Wired, 12 Jan. 2022
Questioning Hoodless’ analysis had less to do with his competence and more to do with the state of forensic anthropology at the time, Jantz said in the paper.
—Amy McRary, USA TODAY, 8 Mar. 2018
For a group project in my medical anthropology class, my classmates and I performed a birthing scene on the professor’s large wooden desk.
—Ruha Benjamin, WIRED, 22 Sep. 2022
According to the Post, Alexander was leaving his Afro-beats dance practice and had an anthropology thesis project on his mind.
—Lucy Diavolo, Teen Vogue, 15 Apr. 2019
Which is why the anarchist writer David Graeber, who died last year, was the black sheep of academic anthropology.
—George Scialabba, The New Republic, 1 Nov. 2021
But now Ryan, a professor of anthropology at the University of Chicago, was worried the time to put pen to paper would never come.
—Siri Chilukuri, WSJ, 7 Oct. 2022
But this bit of craft wisdom—conflict is king—is the handmaiden of a paranoid anthropology, and a limited way of thinking about action and speech.
—Vinson Cunningham, The New Yorker, 2 May 2022
The university, which leases the land from the state, is organizing the work through its anthropology department and with the Paiute Indian Tribe of Utah.
—Courtney Tanner, The Salt Lake Tribune, 23 Aug. 2021
The field of anthropology, which thrived in the last century, has deteriorated in recent years; this is a loss.
—Virginia Heffernan, Wired, 1 Apr. 2020
The time for market research to leverage anthropology is both now and tomorrow.
—Autumn McDonald, Forbes, 28 Nov. 2023
Childs is known for meshing anthropology and exploration in books like The Secret Knowledge of Water.
—Heather Hansman, Outside Online, 8 May 2018
On the campus of Harvard University, this is one of the oldest anthropology museums in the world, founded in 1866.
—Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, 4 July 2018
For Regina Huang, transporting her life from China to the Netherlands for an anthropology degree was a no-brainer.
—Lenora Chu, The Christian Science Monitor, 20 Sep. 2023
The remains were stored on campus until after the professor’s death in 2014, when they were transferred to the anthropology department.
—Michael Hill, ajc, 22 Feb. 2023
Rousseau’s first writings present an anthropology that, in essence, prevails on the cultural Left today.
—John D. Hagen, National Review, 20 Aug. 2020
In the latter, an anthropology student is consumed by her research on a rare female pharaoh that her colleagues dismiss as unimportant.
—Clare Mulroy, USA TODAY, 1 Feb. 2025
The protagonist’s name and her obsession with anthropology likely aren’t coincidental.
—David Fear, Rolling Stone, 7 Feb. 2025
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'anthropology.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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