How to Use ambit in a Sentence


  • Gradually, Charles widens the ambit of his life to include the end of the block and even the park around the corner., 28 Apr. 2021
  • Of course, the salient issue is the ambit of the president’s duties.
    Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review, 17 Sep. 2019
  • Now over a short span of three years more farmers have been brought under its ambit.
    Time Staff, Time, 15 Aug. 2017
  • The ambit of crimes against women was widened to include stalking, voyeurism and acid attacks.
    Kamakshi Ayyar, Time, 27 Apr. 2018
  • The more that Waters’s legend grows, the larger the ambit for his grievance becomes.
    Dana Goodyear, The New Yorker, 1 May 2017
  • The law also leaves it up to the judge presiding over the case to decide whether the murder fell in the ambit of an honour killing, according to AFP.
    Manavi Kapur, Quartz, 15 Feb. 2022
  • The ambit of my world became no larger than my neighborhood.
    New York Times, 2 Nov. 2021
  • Some tax experts suggest that a sale should not be included within the ambit of the Van Hollen proposal, so it won’t be taxed.
    Martin Shenkman, Forbes, 27 May 2021
  • What was striking about Moral Mondays was their sweeping ambit.
    Matt Ford, The New Republic, 7 Dec. 2021
  • In 1619, René Descartes resolved to transform the study of philosophy—a broad ambit that at the time embraced mathematics and the study of nature.
    David A. Shaywitz, WSJ, 17 Oct. 2023
  • Under the ambit of these rules released in February, the government is also coming down hard on over-the-top (OTT) players.
    Ananya Bhattacharya, Quartz, 18 Aug. 2021
  • And as the satellite-fuel example reflects, the FCC’s ambit extends even into space.
    Peter Elkind, ProPublica, 2 May 2023
  • In Turkey’s case, this deviation came in the form of Ataturk’s inauthentic reforms that placed the country within the ambit of a West that did not accept Turks as equal partners.
    Steven A. Cook, The Atlantic, 25 June 2017
  • Codeless AI infrastructure is an efficient way to reach the ambit.
    Shubham Mishra, Forbes, 7 Dec. 2021
  • The delegation's most substantive event may come outside of the Olympic ambit on Saturday.
    CBS News, 9 Feb. 2018
  • Under the Westfall Act, as construed by federal courts, the ambit of official acts is extremely broad.
    Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review, 12 Sep. 2020
  • The nature and ambit of India’s proposed social exchange, though, awaits clarity.
    Sangeeta Tanwar, Quartz India, 8 July 2019
  • But the full scope of Webb’s audacious scientific ambit is best revealed through two other images—one striking and one subtle.
    Lee Billings, Scientific American, 12 July 2022
  • That is a more ticklish argument: the obstruction laws are complicated and the ambit of presidential power vast.
    The Economist, 7 June 2018
  • If the independent body cannot review these decisions as well, Facebook will be left with a large degree of control over what claims get ventilated and reviewed, and will be able to determine the ambit of the body’s promise of due process.
    Casey Newton, The Verge, 8 Dec. 2018
  • Kaplan’s book follows Gersony all through the rolling ambit of his world travels, and thanks to Kaplan’s own considerable narrative gifts, those journeys are as vivid and compelling as any travelogue.
    Steve Donoghue, The Christian Science Monitor, 10 Nov. 2020
  • Beyond being impactful, your idea should be executable within the ambit of today’s resources.
    Yec, Forbes, 3 May 2023
  • The risk of triggering Article 5 could narrow Russia’s military options and limit the geographic ambit of the war.
    Rajan Menon, Foreign Affairs, 7 Aug. 2023
  • Even in the familiar relationship of an old woman and her cat, Le Guin finds an ambit for challenging moral insight and matter for an inquisitiveness that probes the deep time of evolution.
    Robert Minto, New Republic, 7 Sep. 2017
  • But one thing is clear: Whatever form the independent investigation of Trump’s activities takes, its ambit has to go well beyond the Trump–Russia nexus.
    Yascha Mounk, Slate Magazine, 15 May 2017
  • Commuter-rail projects are outside Byford’s ambit, but the M.T.A.’s ineptitude, or worse, on large projects saps the credibility of everyone working under its aegis.
    William Finnegan, The New Yorker, 2 July 2018
  • As one of the largest agricultural companies in the world, with revenues of more than $85 billion, ADM encompasses a wide variety of businesses, with such items as food, feed, alcohol, cosmetics, and paint in its ambit.
    Nushin Huq, Fortune, 18 Apr. 2022
  • The chairman has adopted an exceedingly paternalistic agenda at the SEC, taking the agency far beyond its ambit.
    Jennifer J. Schulp, National Review, 24 Sep. 2021
  • TripAdvisor has a slightly different problem: Its ambit is so broad that its recommendations have come to represent a safe median, a poll of polls.
    Jenna Wortham, New York Times, 23 Aug. 2016
  • Smith, moreover, has based the charges on the constitutionally fraught issue of a president’s state of mind while carrying out actions that — even if malevolent — were within the ambit of executive authority.
    Andrew C. McCarthy, National Review, 6 Jan. 2024

Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'ambit.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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