How to Use algebraic in a Sentence
This involves converting the PDE into a set of tractable algebraic equations that are assumed to hold over tiny increments of space and time.
—Quanta Magazine, 19 Apr. 2021
The first volume is a treatment of the algebraic framework needed to understand the calculus in the second volume.
—Evelyn Lamb, Smithsonian, 16 May 2018
The three rearrangements in bold preserve all algebraic relationships among the roots, even beyond these two.
—Quanta Magazine, 3 Aug. 2021
The cryptographic scheme is based on prior work that used a lattice that included an algebraic ring, Dr. LaMacchia says.
—Sara Castellanos, WSJ, 7 Oct. 2020
His starting point was the theory of algebraic equations (such as the quadratic, or second-degree, equations that children learn in school).
—Davide Castelvecchi, Scientific American, 20 Mar. 2018
Far more relevant, according to the algebraic apostates, is 2π, aka tau.
—Randyn Charles Bartholomew, Scientific American, 25 June 2014
The third is multivariate, which revolves around difficult-to-solve sets of algebraic equations.
—Adam Hadhazy, Discover Magazine, 27 Aug. 2014
The André-Oort conjecture is about algebraic varieties, which at their most basic level are just the set (or graph) of all the solutions to one polynomial equation or a collection of them.
—Quanta Magazine, 3 Feb. 2022
In my view algebraic rules are a reference point to be used for thinking about an explaining policy strategy.
—WSJ, 15 Oct. 2017
All the while, a trio of clipboard-wielding students circulate among their classmates — huddled in groups of three on the periphery of the room — asking questions, gesturing at the screens and explaining algebraic concepts.
—Luis Melecio-Zambrano, The Mercury News, 13 May 2024
Wilson instead wrote her master’s thesis on an algebraic topic, a branch of math built on the relationships between numbers.
—Jasper Scherer, San Antonio Express-News, 15 May 2018
But for many algebra students, the jumble of algebraic symbols is still confusing.
—Jonathan Corum, New York Times, 5 Feb. 2020
The hunt will give the students a better understanding of their new campus while introducing algebraic concepts.
—Corbett Smith, Dallas News, 11 June 2021
But also the reassuring purr of the fax machine, which at some point in the 1990s began to stutter out sheets of paper with algebraic formulae and solutions that more talented classmates had found for homework.
—Kansas City Star, 28 May 2024
For all of his algebraic misfortunes, Lewis acknowledged a great debt to mathematics.
—Guest Columnist/,, 6 May 2018
Over the past decades, a field of physics has developed that postulates the existence of mysterious algebraic entities called spin networks.
—Conor Purcell, Ars Technica, 20 Apr. 2020
For as long as Jake Price has been a teacher, Wolfram Alpha – a website that solves algebraic problems online – has threatened to make algebra homework obsolete.
—Claire Bryan, The Christian Science Monitor, 24 Oct. 2023
And in an economics seminar, seniors worked in pairs to graph how the price of movie tickets affected the number sold and devise an algebraic equation to represent that relationship.
—Leslie Brody, WSJ, 23 Mar. 2018
Rather than waiting for assumed upperclassmen algebraic skills, PSI provides a first-year algebra course that delivers the tools physics classes need.
—Charlie Wood, The Christian Science Monitor, 12 July 2017
Within math, they can be used to categorize important algebraic objects called groups, to describe knots, and in myriad other ways.
—Quanta Magazine, 7 June 2024
Homology associates to each shape an algebraic object, which can be used to extract information like the number of holes in each dimension.
—Quanta Magazine, 9 Dec. 2021
My 13-year-old daughter, Mia, is learning all the typical middle school stuff, her schooldays taken up by the ho-hum of algebraic equations, cell division, and research papers about historical events.
—Liz Krieger, ELLE, 10 Aug. 2023
The district, Chesterfield County, began to focus on algebraic reasoning in third grade, increased math time in sixth and seventh grades and started regular meetings of all math teachers from grades three to eight, Spielhagen said.
—Alia Malik, San Antonio Express-News, 26 June 2018
But the justices have waded into algebraic waters before.
—Mark Joseph Stern, Slate Magazine, 9 Jan. 2017
Most matroids don’t have any sort of geometric foundation, which means there’s not actually an algebraic variety to associate to them.
—Quanta Magazine, 5 July 2022
In many cases, mathematicians have found designs, through a combination of brute force and algebraic methods.
—Erica Klarreich, WIRED, 20 June 2015
There is a rather precise dictionary that can, in some situations, help translate a geometric picture to algebraic consequences.
—Quanta Magazine, 22 Nov. 2022
All rational numbers, and roots of rational numbers, are algebraic.
—Dave Linkletter, Popular Mechanics, 22 July 2022
Every rational number is algebraic, and some irrational numbers are too, like 3√2.
—Quanta Magazine, 27 June 2023
And are the things that mathematicians work with—numbers, algebraic equations, geometry, theorems and so on—real?
—Dan Falk, Smithsonian Magazine, 23 Sep. 2020
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'algebraic.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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