How to Use airpower in a Sentence
The Kurds didn’t have their own airpower; the Americans were in the fight.
—Joshua Yaffa, The New Yorker, 31 July 2023
The context for this airpower surge is the same as always.
—David Axe, Forbes, 4 Oct. 2021
From that point airpower could reach anywhere on the high seas.
—David Hambling, Forbes, 17 Sep. 2024
Plea for peace, threaten more airpower, or insist the main cities will hold?
—Ivana Kottasová, CNN, 12 Aug. 2021
This may have been a sustainable project—the Taliban were unable to capture cities in the face of U.S. airpower.
—Anand Gopal, The New Yorker, 6 Sep. 2021
Instead, both the existing and new squadrons will remain in place to double the airpower on hand.
—Tara Copp and Lolita C. Baldor, Los Angeles Times, 30 Sep. 2024
So far, automation has focused on naval power and airpower in the form of sea and air drones.
—Mark A. Milley, Foreign Affairs, 5 Aug. 2024
In the months leading up to the Normandy invasion, targets up and down the French coastline were bombed and strafed by allied airpower.
—Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 6 June 2019
Dozens of people have already been killed in the fighting, which has involved artillery strikes and airpower.
—The Economist, 28 Sep. 2020
Kim Jong Un would be giving up the one thing that keeps him from being buried alive in a bunker by American airpower, all in exchange for a promise.
—Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 1 May 2018
The regime also switched to the indiscriminate use of airpower.
—Muhammad Idrees Ahmad, The New York Review of Books, 7 Sep. 2018
So the motorcycles range out in front of the armored spearheads, in front of the airpower looking for weaknesses in the enemy lines.
—Fox News, 23 Apr. 2018
The eastern half of the city was recently liberated by Iraqi forces, helped by U.S. airpower.
—Trudy Rubin, Twin Cities, 19 Mar. 2017
Knocking these down, or forcing them to fly farther behind friendly lines, would deal a major blow to U.S. airpower.
—Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 28 June 2019
Assad’s forces, meanwhile, can now begin a potentially fierce fight to reclaim the city as a whole with the backing of Russian airpower.
—Jared Malsin, Time, 5 Sep. 2017
Defeating Moscow, of course, would require a lot of airpower.
—Elaine McCusker, Foreign Affairs, 13 Dec. 2024
Removing the airpower option would be a foolhardy choice.
—Dave Deptula, Forbes, 23 June 2021
But because U.S. airpower is so overwhelming, even opponents who have jets have mostly chosen not to match them up with ours.
—Heather Hurlburt, Daily Intelligencer, 19 June 2017
Iraqis also say fighting for the dense, urban spaces of western Mosul requires more airpower, even if that means more civilians will die.
—Tim Arango, New York Times, 27 Mar. 2017
The Tatmadaw has the advantage of airpower and automatic weapons.
—David Rising and,, 30 Dec. 2021
Shane Arnott, who directs Boeing’s airpower teaming system program, said in a video.
—Rob Verger, Popular Science, 15 May 2020
Israel is hardly the first country to err by placing excessive faith in the coercive magic of airpower.
—Robert A. Pape, Foreign Affairs, 6 Dec. 2023
And Gates nudged the Air Force earlier this month to think beyond high-end aerial combat when visualizing the future of airpower.
—Spencer Ackerman, WIRED, 18 Mar. 2011
The report makes clear that Turkey has only one real solution to maintain its airpower.
—Michael Peck, Forbes, 4 May 2021
At the core of this was the development of both a significant globe-spanning navy and, increasingly, airpower.
—Robert Bateman, Esquire, 13 Apr. 2017
Saeed Ahmad, a 25-year-old policeman in Arghandab, said his unit won’t hold out for long without airpower or a significant influx of heavy weaponry.
—WSJ, 7 June 2021
Large drones are easy enough to acquire or build that Ukrainian forces are not waiting for the military procurement process to deliver, but are assembling their own airpower on the spot.
—David Hambling, Forbes, 20 Dec. 2022
These flights remind everyone on the ground that American airpower is still overhead and can intervene in case fighting breaks out.
—Kyle Mizokami, Popular Mechanics, 19 Aug. 2021
Just as airpower eventually killed off the great men-of-war that had ruled the waves for millennia, so cyberweapons might strip other weapons or tactics of their utility.
—Kenneth M. Pollack, Foreign Affairs, 19 Apr. 2022
And a ground campaign would ultimately be necessary to clear fighters, weapons caches, and launch sites village by village and tunnel by tunnel, a departure from the recent approach of using just airpower and artillery.
—Dana Stroul, Foreign Affairs, 23 Sep. 2024
Some of these examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'airpower.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.
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