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Words that Rhyme with transections
3 syllables
- affections
- collections
- complexions
- confections
- connections
- connexions
- corrections
- defections
- deflections
- detections
- directions
- dissections
- ejections
- elections
- erections
- infections
- inflections
- inflexions
- injections
- inspections
- objections
- perfections
- projections
- protections
- reflections
- reflexions
- rejections
- selections
- dejections
- abjections
- adjections
- advections
- annexions
- aspections
- bijections
- bilections
- blade sections
- bolections
- convections
- cross sections
- disjections
- evections
- insections
- invections
- midsections
- neglections
- prelections
- profections
- prosections
- prospections
- provections
- refections
- relections
- right sections
- school sections
- sports sections
- subjections
- surjections
- thin sections
- trajections
- transfections
- type sections
4 syllables
- imperfections
- insurrections
- interjections
- intersections
- predilections
- recollections
- disconnections
- introspections
- resurrections
- stage directions
- air injections
- aircraft sections
- anteflexions
- back projections
- by-elections
- bye-elections
- channel sections
- circumspections
- clamp connections
- co-directions
- co-infections
- codirections
- coinfections
- conic sections
- cross directions
- cross infections
- cross-connections
- disaffections
- disinfections
- disinsections
- dorsiflexions
- extrospections
- genuflections
- golden sections
- grain directions
- hemisections
- inconnections
- indirections
- insubjections
- intellections
- introflections
- introflexions
- introjections
- irreflections
- irreflexions
- kin selections
- map projections
- mass selections
- microsections
- midship sections
- misconnections
- misdirections
- nonconnections
- nonelections
- oblique sections
- open sections
- preinfections
- preselections
- quarter sections
- rear projections
- reconnections
- redirections
- reelections
- reinfections
- reinjections
- resubjections
- retrofections
- retroflections
- retroflexions
- retrojections
- retrospections
- self-directions
- self-protections
- self-reflections
- self-selections
- star connections
- stem corrections
- sub-collections
- subcollections
- tee connections
- venisections
- vivisections
- wind directions
- yeast infections
5 syllables
- interconnections
- special collections
- author's corrections
- autoinfections
- background projections
- board of elections
- breakthrough infections
- caesarean sections
- cesarean sections
- conic projections
- consent elections
- counterselections
- delta connections
- double detections
- droplet infections
- equal protections
- fire directions
- fire protections
- focal infections
- fuel injections
- homestead selections
- hypercorrections
- hyperinfections
- incircumspections
- inner-directions
- interreflections
- intraselections
- irrecollections
- khaki elections
- machine directions
- microdissections
- microinjections
- microprojections
- misrecollections
- optical sections
- orthoselections
- other-directions
- outer-directions
- overcorrections
- overprotections
- piloerections
- polar projections
- principal sections
- process projections
- rental collections
- retroinfections
- retroreflections
- rolling inspections
- serial sections
- short arm inspections
- showdown inspections
- social selections
- solid injections
- superinfections
- total reflections
- vertical sections
- water injections
6 syllables
- general elections
- cabinet projections
- caesarian sections
- cathodic protections
- cesarian sections
- contested elections
- dimetric projections
- electroresections
- geologic sections
- globular projections
- gnomonic projections
- horizontal sections
- mercator projections
- natural selections
- optical corrections
- organic selections
- primary infections
- radioprotections
- regular reflections
- robinson projections
- segmental resections
- selective reflections
- sexual selections
- specular reflections
- stereoprojections
7 syllables
- artificial selections
- auxiliary inflections
- channelized intersections
- conscientious objections
- controverted elections
- coronal mass ejections
- cylindrical projections
- elliptical projections
- equitable elections
- homolosine projections
- hypodermic injections
- isometric projections
- open-delta connections
- orthogonal projections
- orthographic projections
- polyconic projections
- secondary infections
- sinusoidal projections
- suipestifer infections
- trapezoidal projections
- undervoltage protections