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Words that Rhyme with middle scots
1 syllable
- blots
- botts
- clots
- cots
- dots
- ghats
- hots
- knots
- lats
- lots
- mots
- nots
- plots
- pots
- rots
- shots
- slots
- spots
- squats
- thoughts
- tots
- trots
- yachts
- cotts
- grots
- noughts
- oughts
- plotz
- shotts
- stotts
- swats
- aughts
- autes
- bahts
- bhats
- chotts
- claughts
- clauts
- cottes
- flaughts
- flots
- fraughts
- g-spots
- khats
- laagtes
- lhotse
- lottes
- maughts
- mottes
- naughts
- notts
- phots
- quats
- rotse
- saughts
- snots
- spaatz
- stots
- tauts
- twats
- watts
- waughts
2 syllables
- allots
- boycotts
- croats
- despots
- dreadnoughts
- ersatz
- feedlots
- gunshots
- hotspots
- onslaughts
- robots
- snapshots
- sunspots
- teapots
- woodlots
- barotse
- crackpots
- eyespots
- fleshpots
- inkblots
- mascots
- nightspots
- potshots
- screenshots
- slingshots
- ablauts
- ach-lauts
- akhrots
- anlauts
- arnauts
- ascots
- auslauts
- backlots
- barats
- bayotts
- blackpots
- bliauts
- boughpots
- bowknots
- bowpots
- bowshots
- buckpots
- buckshots
- bullshots
- burrknots
- cahots
- campshots
- capots
- carots
- carottes
- cedrats
- cheap-shots
- chorwats
- churchscots
- churchshots
- crock-pots
- crockpots
- dashpots
- diquats
- dogtrots
- drawknots
- drylots
- dukats
- earshots
- eelpots
- elf-shots
- eyeshots
- fearnaughts
- fearnoughts
- findspots
- five-spots
- flightshots
- foreshots
- forethoughts
- four-spots
- fox-trots
- freakpots
- fusspots
- garottes
- giglots
- globe-trots
- grapeshots
- gutshots
- half-knots
- headshots
- highspots
- hoofrots
- hotchpots
- hotnots
- hotshots
- ich-lauts
- inkpots
- inlauts
- islots
- jackpots
- jo-jottes
- keyslots
- khoshots
- kiaats
- kirkshots
- lightscots
- loquats
- marcots
- methoughts
- mid-shots
- moonshots
- mouthrots
- need-nots
- net-knots
- one-shots
- out-lots
- paintpots
- pindots
- pinspots
- plumcots
- pumpknots
- re-spots
- respots
- rumpots
- sandlots
- saucepots
- schiotz
- sexpots
- sharp-shots
- sifflots
- sight-shots
- slipknots
- slungshots
- smallshots
- starshots
- stewpots
- stinkpots
- stockpots
- ten-spots
- three-spots
- topknots
- tosspots
- touch-me-nots
- trackpots
- try-pots
- tsetsauts
- twit-twats
- two-shots
- two-spots
- unknots
- upshots
- washpots
- whatnots
- why-nots
- wool-hats
- zakats
3 syllables
- afterthoughts
- apricots
- argonauts
- astronauts
- cosmonauts
- huguenots
- kilowatts
- megawatts
- wyandots
- aeronauts
- entrepots
- flowerpots
- gigawatts
- guillemots
- haricots
- lingayats
- milliwatts
- monocots
- acepots
- advocaats
- aerobots
- ahousahts
- aquanauts
- baccarats
- bibelots
- boregats
- bundesstaats
- cachalots
- cachepots
- camelots
- candiots
- cannon-shots
- carry-cots
- chassepots
- checkerspots
- coffeepots
- counter-shots
- countershots
- cybernauts
- cyphonautes
- diddly-squats
- doodley-squats
- doodly-squats
- dumagats
- eschalots
- fireflaughts
- firepots
- forget-me-nots
- forty-knots
- forty-spots
- furzechats
- galipots
- gallipots
- glaucodots
- good-for-naughts
- have-nots
- honeypots
- hydronauts
- juggernauts
- kitamats
- limequats
- lunarnauts
- magahats
- merrythoughts
- microdots
- microwatts
- milliphots
- mollycots
- nacarats
- nanobots
- oceanauts
- ocelots
- overpots
- overshots
- papabots
- paraquats
- parashots
- pastepots
- predreadnoughts
- rifleshots
- sailor's-knots
- silverspots
- soubresauts
- talipots
- terawatts
- underthoughts
- waterpots
- watershots
- willie-waughts
- zantiots