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Words that Rhyme with lumb-
1 syllable
2 syllables
- as from
- become
- break from
- came from
- checksum
- come from
- comes from
- date from
- far from
- grew from
- grow from
- grown from
- hail from
- hailed from
- hear from
- heard from
- how come
- humdrum
- in sum
- income
- keep from
- kept from
- know from
- lump sum
- outcome
- shrank from
- shrink from
- shrunk from
- sprang from
- spring from
- springs from
- sprung from
- stem from
- stemmed from
- stems from
- struck dumb
- succumb
- therefrom
- to come
- tom thumb
- wherefrom
- bass drum
- bay rum
- benumb
- big drum
- breadcrumb
- by gum
- carum
- cleithrum
- dim sum
- green thumb
- grows from
- hails from
- hears from
- keep mum
- marum
- pileum
- pond scum
- shied from
- shrinks from
- weaned from
- act dumb
- adsum
- aksum
- alk gum
- bay plum
- beach plum
- bee gum
- bethumb
- black drum
- black gum
- black plum
- black thumb
- blue gum
- blue plum
- brake drum
- bread crumb
- bud gum
- bunch plum
- cape gum
- colyum
- creek gum
- crown gum
- date plum
- dog plum
- earth plum
- far-come
- forthcome
- fox plum
- frame drum
- full gum
- goose plum
- grass gum
- gray drum
- gray gum
- ground plum
- guar gum
- hand drum
- ho hum
- hog gum
- hog plum
- horse plum
- ill-come
- keeps from
- kick drum
- kiln scum
- meal plum
- off plumb
- offcome
- oncome
- outswum
- pine gum
- red drum
- red gum
- red plum
- replumb
- rose gum
- rose plum
- rum-dumm
- sand plum
- sap gum
- sea drum
- shies from
- shy from
- side drum
- silk gum
- snare drum
- snow gum
- split thumb
- spruce gum
- star drum
- star plum
- starch gum
- stay mum
- steel drum
- stepmom
- swamp gum
- sweet gum
- sweet plum
- talh gum
- tar drum
- tearthumb
- tethyum
- thencefrom
- thorn plum
- trap drum
- upcome
- war drum
- wean from
- weans from
- white gum
- wild plum
- wood gum
- york gum
- yum-yum
3 syllables
- across from
- apart from
- aside from
- bubble gum
- chewing gum
- coming from
- descend from
- detract from
- growing from
- hearing from
- keeping from
- kingdom come
- net income
- nodosum
- overcome
- proceed from
- proceeds from
- pyrethrum
- saccharum
- shrinking from
- springing from
- stemming from
- descends from
- detracts from
- gross income
- hailing from
- herefrom
- hindered from
- labarum
- physarum
- abrocome
- accroides gum
- al fayyum
- amrad gum
- apple gum
- as they come
- bally gum
- banded drum
- barathrum
- barking drum
- beat the drum
- beats the drum
- big-tree plum
- bladder plum
- bleacher bum
- boathouse rum
- bolly gum
- bolton thumb
- branded drum
- british gum
- bungarum
- butea gum
- cabbage gum
- carob gum
- chagual gum
- cherry gum
- cherry plum
- chinese drum
- cider gum
- coco plum
- cocoa plum
- come back from
- come down from
- congo gum
- cotton gum
- cunny-thumb
- cut off from
- damson plum
- darling plum
- deadman's thumb
- deaf and dumb
- demirhumb
- demon rum
- desert gum
- devil drum
- direct sum
- doctor gum
- double drum
- double rum
- earned income
- el faiyum
- ester gum
- eurysome
- flooded gum
- frances gumm
- fresh out from
- german rum
- ghatti gum
- gopher plum
- grass-tree gum
- guinea plum
- hinder from
- hinders from
- japan plum
- java plum
- kaffir plum
- kino gum
- kyzyl kum
- lady's thumb
- maiden plum
- manna gum
- mastic gum
- mesquite gum
- miller's-thumb
- millithrum
- misbecome
- monkey rum
- mountain gum
- mountain plum
- nanny plum
- natal plum
- native plum
- no-see-um
- nonda plum
- olive gum
- olive plum
- on the bum
- out of plumb
- penal sum
- pigeon plum
- pili gum
- pocket plum
- prairie plum
- princely sum
- puppy drum
- ribbon gum
- river gum
- rule of thumb
- rules of thumb
- saffron plum
- salmon gum
- sanding drum
- sarothrum
- scribbly gum
- seaside plum
- seeded plum
- shining gum
- shrunken from
- shut off from
- shuts off from
- shying from
- slaty gum
- snappy gum
- sour gum
- sour plum
- spanish plum
- spirit gum
- spotted gum
- star-leaved gum
- stinking gum
- sudan gum
- sugar gum
- swamp black gum
- talca gum
- talco gum
- talha gum
- tanning drum
- tuno gum
- turkey gum
- unbecome
- varnish gum
- vector sum
- venous hum
- water drum
- water gum
- wattle gum
- weaning from
- western plum
- white swamp gum
- wild-goose plum
- winter plum
- woolly gum
- xanthan gum
- yacca gum
- yellow gum
- yellow plum
- zero-sum
4 syllables
- abomasum
- descended from
- descending from
- proceeded from
- proceeding from
- detracted from
- granulosum
- pigmentosum
- a far cry from
- acacia gum
- apricot plum
- as as they come
- as distinct from
- astrocaryum
- australian gum
- bassora gum
- batoko plum
- beaten the drum
- beating the drum
- break away from
- burdekin plum
- business income
- came away from
- canada plum
- candlebark gum
- capital sum
- caranna gum
- carissa plum
- cherry-tree gum
- chickasaw plum
- come away from
- comes away from
- davidson's plum
- deferred income
- derogate from
- derogates from
- detracting from
- draw lessons from
- egyptian gum
- far be it from
- far removed from
- five hundred rum
- florida plum
- flowering plum
- forest red gum
- freshwater drum
- george henry crumb
- get away from
- get her kicks from
- get her name from
- get his kicks from
- get his name from
- get one's kicks from
- get one's name from
- get their kicks from
- get their name from
- get your kicks from
- gets her kicks from
- gets his kicks from
- gets one's kicks from
- gets their kicks from
- gingerbread plum
- governor plum
- governor's plum
- guadalupe plum
- guiana plum
- hedysarum
- hindering from
- hop-o'-my-thumb
- hortulan plum
- hot buttered rum
- icaco plum
- india gum
- indian gum
- indian plum
- ivory plum
- jamaica plum
- jamaica rum
- jambolan plum
- japanese plum
- kadaya gum
- karaya gum
- kordofan gum
- kuteera gum
- kutira gum
- labor income
- locust bean gum
- malabathrum
- marmalade plum
- marula plum
- mogador gum
- mogadore gum
- morocco gum
- murray red gum
- musculorum
- pacific plum
- peppermint gum
- principal sum
- psychic income
- quite apart from
- retained income
- river red gum
- sapota gum
- sarcodictyum
- sebesten plum
- senegal gum
- shied away from
- shies away from
- shutting off from
- shy away from
- sierra plum
- sonora gum
- southern blue gum
- sterculia gum
- suakin gum
- sydney blue gum
- take a cue from
- take away from
- take her cue from
- take her name from
- take his cue from
- take his name from
- take one's cue from
- take one's name from
- take their cue from
- take their name from
- the life to come
- the time has come
- to kingdom come
- tupelo gum
- under her thumb
- under his thumb
- under its thumb
- under my thumb
- under one's thumb
- under the thumb
- under their thumb
- under your thumb
- unearned income
- walk away from
- walked away from
- walks away from
- whose time has come
- zapota gum
5 syllables
- personal income
- taxable income
- a world apart from
- a world away from
- algebraic sum
- american plum
- arabian gum
- arteriosum
- as distinguished from
- assyrian plum
- be descended from
- borrow a page from
- botany bay gum
- coming away from
- continental rum
- derogated from
- derogating from
- eucalyptus gum
- european plum
- frances ethel gumm
- getting her kicks from
- getting his kicks from
- getting one's kicks from
- getting their kicks from
- honeyscented gum
- imputed income
- investment income
- jus personarum
- lemon-scented gum
- mahogany gum
- myrobalan plum
- national income
- oklahoma plum
- original gum
- purple-leaved plum
- regular income
- shying away from
- taste of things to come
- under our thumb
- under someone's thumb
- walking away from
- with an assist from
6 syllables
- adjusted gross income
- arithmetical sum
- as boring as they come
- as clever as they come
- as something as they come
- assignment of income
- cogito, ergo sum
- disposable income
- jamaica bullace plum
- oleosaccharum
- ordinary income
- stand out like a sore thumb
- stick out like a sore thumb
- stratum granulosum
- tasmanian blue gum
- the best is yet to come
- the shape of things to come