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Words that Almost Rhyme with rags
1 syllable
2 syllables
- the lads
- prefabs
- sanads
- backstabs
- beach crabs
- big bads
- big crabs
- black crabs
- black scabs
- blue crabs
- box crabs
- broad shads
- cantabs
- carabs
- cash grabs
- clay drabs
- cohabs
- comb scabs
- crash pads
- den dads
- desk pads
- dorabs
- dwarf crabs
- eartabs
- false scabs
- fat crabs
- fat scabs
- flat crabs
- floor slabs
- foot scabs
- frog crabs
- frog pads
- gabgabs
- ghost crabs
- glass crabs
- grass crabs
- gray drabs
- gray scabs
- green crabs
- hand-adz
- handgrabs
- hard crabs
- hard pads
- head scabs
- heel pads
- heptads
- horned crabs
- horse crabs
- kelp crabs
- king crabs
- kinkhabs
- kitabs
- knobbed crabs
- lablabs
- land crabs
- launch pads
- lyre crabs
- marsh crabs
- mask crabs
- masked crabs
- metads
- mihrabs
- mobads
- mole crabs
- moss crabs
- mud crabs
- mud dabs
- nashgabs
- nicads
- palm crabs
- pea crabs
- peach scabs
- pear scabs
- pine crabs
- plum scabs
- pock scabs
- pull tabs
- purse crabs
- push-pads
- queen crabs
- rebabs
- red crabs
- reef crabs
- rock crabs
- round scads
- sand crabs
- sand dabs
- scratch pads
- sheep crabs
- sheep scabs
- shore crabs
- silk crabs
- skid pads
- slip grabs
- smear dabs
- snow crabs
- soft crabs
- sponge crabs
- sporades
- spray crabs
- stone crabs
- tea crabs
- thumb pads
- thwaite shads
- toad crabs
- tongue-pads
- touch pads
- tree crabs
- trim tabs
- twaite shads
- urads
- vocabs
- wharf crabs
- wheat scabs
- white crabs
- white shads
- wing pads
- wood crabs
3 syllables
- almohads
- legal pads
- lily pads
- umayyads
- allice shads
- altar slabs
- antique drabs
- antlered crabs
- apple scabs
- arrow crabs
- bafflegabs
- bechtel's crabs
- bending slabs
- big-eyed scads
- bigeye scads
- black land crabs
- black-clawed crabs
- blotting pads
- blue land crabs
- blunt-nosed crabs
- bracket crabs
- calling crabs
- cercolabes
- chaetura drabs
- cherry crabs
- cherry scabs
- citrus scabs
- color slabs
- coral crabs
- corky scabs
- deaf-ear crabs
- dental pads
- dribs and drabs
- dungeness crabs
- fighting crabs
- flat-topped crabs
- friendly crabs
- garland crabs
- gesnerads
- giant crabs
- gizzard shads
- golden shads
- great land crabs
- gulf of gabes
- gulf-weed crabs
- hairy crabs
- hansom cabs
- hard-shell crabs
- helmet crabs
- hermit crabs
- hoisting pads
- horseshoe crabs
- lab-labs
- lady crabs
- launching pads
- lazy crabs
- lemon dabs
- lemon scabs
- lib-labs
- lobster crabs
- lucky dads
- lumpy crabs
- macca crabs
- mangrove crabs
- miter brads
- money grabs
- moro crabs
- mountain crabs
- mouthless crabs
- mussel crabs
- olive drabs
- olive scabs
- one-time pads
- onion scabs
- orange scabs
- oyster crabs
- pecan scabs
- pedicabs
- polyads
- postmark ads
- prairie crabs
- purple crabs
- quaker drabs
- racing crabs
- ramshorn crabs
- recoil pads
- river crabs
- river shads
- robber crabs
- russet scabs
- rustic drabs
- rusty dabs
- seaweed crabs
- servotabs
- shamefaced crabs
- sharp-nosed crabs
- shooting tabs
- silver scabs
- soft-shell crabs
- soft-shelled crabs
- soldier crabs
- sour scabs
- speckled crabs
- spider crabs
- striped shore crabs
- swimming crabs
- tarsal pads
- tasselled crabs
- tishah-b'abs
- trimming tabs
- turtle crabs
- up for grabs
- variads
- velvet crabs
- visparads
- warming pads
- white land crabs
- willow scabs
4 syllables
- beckoning crabs
- blue swimming crabs
- bogijiabs
- butterfly crabs
- calico crabs
- chevalier crabs
- coconut crabs
- cucumber scabs
- fiddler crabs
- flowering crabs
- freshwater crabs
- geneva tabs
- graceful kelp crabs
- hairy shore crabs
- hickory shads
- in dribs and drabs
- mackerel scads
- mackerel shads
- myoporads
- pentagon crabs
- porcelain crabs
- porcupine crabs
- potato scabs
- powdery scabs
- purple shore crabs
- red spider crabs
- sentinel crabs
- sidi bel abbes
- siennese drabs
- strawberry crabs
- tibial pads
- triangle crabs
- violet scabs
- yellow shore crabs