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Words that Almost Rhyme with idioblasts
1 syllable
2 syllables
- giraffes
- carafes
- for laughs
- air baths
- air shafts
- back drafts
- back shafts
- bar graphs
- bark grafts
- base paths
- bench grafts
- black drafts
- blind shafts
- box calfs
- bridge grafts
- butt shafts
- chiffchaffs
- cleft grafts
- cool baths
- crown grafts
- dung baths
- eave laths
- eaves laths
- egg rafts
- eye drafts
- flare paths
- flight paths
- fly halfs
- footbaths
- forced drafts
- foreshafts
- free paths
- glide paths
- half baths
- hip baths
- horselaughs
- house staffs
- ice rafts
- jack staffs
- jamb shafts
- kelp rafts
- kerf grafts
- life rafts
- long drafts
- main shafts
- mud baths
- nook shafts
- notch grafts
- nurse grafts
- oil baths
- outlaughs
- peg grafts
- pen staffs
- piaffes
- pif pafs
- pilaffs
- plunge baths
- redrafts
- regrafts
- rib laths
- rind grafts
- root grafts
- sand baths
- scrum halfs
- sea staffs
- sheer drafts
- shield grafts
- side drafts
- side grafts
- sight drafts
- sitz baths
- skin grafts
- spade grafts
- splice grafts
- spline shafts
- sponge baths
- square staffs
- steam baths
- stop baths
- strap grafts
- tail shafts
- thrust shafts
- tide staffs
- time drafts
- tongue grafts
- way shafts
- wedge grafts
- whip grafts
- white staffs
- wing halfs
3 syllables
- epigraphs
- homografts
- acorn calfs
- altigraphs
- angle shafts
- angled drafts
- approach grafts
- arts and crafts
- balance staffs
- banker's drafts
- belly laughs
- bishop's staffs
- bobby calfes
- bottle grafts
- bridle paths
- center staffs
- cinder paths
- circle graphs
- clearing baths
- clothespin grafts
- contrast baths
- crossing paths
- demand drafts
- dunning drafts
- ensign staffs
- entrance paths
- exhaust drafts
- fire rafts
- futtock staffs
- golden calfs
- half-and-halfs
- induced drafts
- inlay grafts
- inside halfs
- isografts
- landing crafts
- mean free paths
- micrografts
- mid-wall shafts
- monkey gaffs
- monobaths
- needle baths
- output shafts
- paddle shafts
- penny gaffs
- play for laughs
- polar graphs
- polish draughts
- primrose paths
- quenching baths
- ragged staffs
- reverse grafts
- rocker shafts
- rocking shafts
- runic staffs
- saddle grafts
- seeding laths
- shelter halfs
- shower baths
- side whip grafts
- side-wedge grafts
- silver baths
- slot bark grafts
- special staffs
- split-scion grafts
- standard shafts
- standoff halfs
- station staffs
- swingle staffs
- telepaths
- treble staffs
- turkish baths
- vaulting shafts
- veneer grafts
- walking staffs
- water baths
- weighbar shafts
- whirlpool baths
- wiper shafts
- wire laths
4 syllables
- osteopaths
- homeopaths
- arrival drafts
- critical paths
- desire paths
- diminished shafts
- double-tongue grafts
- flexible shafts
- general staffs
- heterografts
- optical paths
- personal staffs
- propeller shafts
- sardonic laughs
- time and a halfs
- tobacco laths
- transmission shafts
- tumbling shafts
- whip and tongue grafts