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Words that Almost Rhyme with duds
1 syllable
2 syllables
- on drugs
- book clubs
- new drugs
- prodrugs
- spark plugs
- take drugs
- air plugs
- almugs
- bait bugs
- ball clubs
- bass bugs
- bat bugs
- bear hugs
- bear-hugs
- big bugs
- black grubs
- blue bugs
- boat bugs
- boat plugs
- brake clubs
- bran bugs
- bran tubs
- breech plugs
- brewpubs
- carved rugs
- cheese tubs
- chinch bugs
- coon bugs
- creek chubs
- crude drugs
- cut plugs
- debugs
- dor bugs
- drift plugs
- dugdugs
- earth clubs
- fireplugs
- flat bugs
- flea bugs
- floor plugs
- flubdubs
- fuseplugs
- george stubbs
- glee clubs
- glow plugs
- glug-glugs
- grass bugs
- grass rugs
- grass-grubs
- guntubs
- half-shrubs
- hand tubs
- health clubs
- hearthrugs
- hill grubs
- hook rugs
- hooked rugs
- hot tubs
- hot-tubs
- ice tubs
- june bugs
- key clubs
- key plugs
- lace bugs
- leaf bugs
- lip plugs
- mash tubs
- may bugs
- outslugs
- palm grubs
- pay stubs
- paystubs
- pea bugs
- pea shrubs
- pear slugs
- pill bugs
- pinch bugs
- plant bugs
- prayer rugs
- rag rugs
- red bugs
- redubs
- rice bugs
- rice grubs
- rose slugs
- salt plugs
- salve bugs
- sand bugs
- scale bugs
- sea clubs
- sea shrubs
- sea slugs
- set tubs
- shield bugs
- slate clubs
- slime plugs
- smart drugs
- snap bugs
- sow bugs
- spade lugs
- sparkplugs
- spike tubs
- spit bugs
- split lugs
- squash bugs
- stenogs
- stick bugs
- stilt bugs
- stink bugs
- stir bugs
- street drugs
- struldbrugs
- subshrubs
- sweet shrubs
- switch plugs
- tea scrubs
- tent clubs
- throw rugs
- tie plugs
- toad bugs
- tow bugs
- trash bugs
- true bugs
- truth drugs
- ugrugs
- unplugs
- unsubs
- vase rugs
- vine slugs
- wall plugs
- war clubs
- welch plugs
- wheat bugs
- wheel bugs
- white chubs
- white grubs
- wolf cubs
- woodgrubs
- yacht clubs
- yawshrubs
- yolk plugs
3 syllables
- country clubs
- lightning bugs
- undershrubs
- ambush bugs
- betsey bugs
- betsy bugs
- big-eyed bugs
- billy clubs
- bottle clubs
- braided rugs
- bubby-shrubs
- bunny hugs
- cattle grubs
- cellar clubs
- chenille rugs
- cherry slugs
- chicken bugs
- chimley lugs
- christmas clubs
- clover clubs
- copra bugs
- coral shrubs
- cotton shrubs
- croton bugs
- curlew bugs
- damsel bugs
- date rape drugs
- date-rape drugs
- devil's clubs
- dipping lugs
- dolly tubs
- dub-a-dubs
- fairy clubs
- false chinch bugs
- fetid shrubs
- flower bugs
- galley slugs
- garden slugs
- garlic shrubs
- gastropubs
- gateway drugs
- glug-glug-glugs
- golden clubs
- grugru grubs
- harvest bugs
- horehound bugs
- incense shrubs
- jockey clubs
- karroo shrubs
- kennel clubs
- kissing bugs
- lauter tubs
- leaf-foot bugs
- lygus bugs
- mellow bugs
- milkweed bugs
- minisubs
- mollygrubs
- mulga scrubs
- mulligrubs
- mullygrubs
- needle bugs
- oak lace bugs
- ocean bugs
- orphan drugs
- pasture grubs
- pinching bugs
- poultry bugs
- prairie grubs
- pumpkin bugs
- puzzle jugs
- rifled slugs
- river chubs
- robert grubbs
- robert h grubbs
- rub-a-dubs
- rudder lugs
- safety plugs
- scatter rugs
- sculptured rugs
- semishrubs
- service clubs
- shepherd's clubs
- shield-backed bugs
- sisal rugs
- snapping bugs
- soldier bugs
- sparking plugs
- spider bugs
- standing lugs
- steamer rugs
- sulfa drugs
- supper clubs
- swallow bugs
- tallow shrubs
- thunder mugs
- toby jugs
- two-way plugs
- underscrubs
- velvet rugs
- water bugs
- water plugs
- waterrugs
- william stubbs
- willow slugs
- wire grubs
- wonder drugs
- yellow grubs
4 syllables
- prescription drugs
- adobe bugs
- apostle jugs
- apple red bugs
- area rugs
- assassin bugs
- attachment plugs
- banana plugs
- banana shrubs
- bonytail chubs
- box-elder bugs
- buffalo bugs
- burrower bugs
- burrowing bugs
- buttonwood shrubs
- cervical plugs
- commercial clubs
- conniption bugs
- designer drugs
- ebony bugs
- elephant bugs
- four-lined leaf bugs
- four-lined plant bugs
- hairy chinch bugs
- harlequin bugs
- high-water shrubs
- hornyhead chubs
- indian clubs
- leaf-footed bugs
- miana bugs
- miracle drugs
- monitor bugs
- olive lace bugs
- overflow bugs
- pinacate bugs
- plutonic plugs
- porina grubs
- potato bugs
- potato grubs
- powdering tubs
- rapid plant bugs
- raspberry bugs
- red cotton bugs
- revolving plugs
- robert h. grubbs
- scorpion bugs
- sensitive shrubs
- shipowners' clubs
- strawberry shrubs
- strawberry slugs
- sweet-scented shrubs
- tarnished plant bugs
- thread-legged bugs
- tobacco bugs
- top water plugs
- tracheal tugs
- witchetty grubs